Marie Trydeman Knudsen

About Marie Trydeman Knudsen

Marie Trydeman Knudsen, With an exceptional h-index of 34 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Aarhus Universitet, specializes in the field of Climate and environmental impact of agriculture and food systems - using mainly life cycle assessment (LCA).

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Finansieringsbehov til afdækning af centrale vidensbehov for en mere klimavenlig landbrugsproduktion

Guidelines for calculating the carbon footprint of food products available on the Danish market

Environmental impacts and potential mitigation options for organic open-field vegetable production in Denmark assessed through life cycle assessment

Environmental impact of Danish organic tomatoes grown in greenhouses: Quantifying the reduction potential from changes in energy supply towards 2030

Appendix 2: Limitation report

Appendix 1: Comparison report

Greenhouse gas emissions from bio-based growing media: A life-cycle assessment

Choice of metrics matters—Future scenarios on milk and beef production in Norway using an LCA approach

Marie Trydeman Knudsen Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Marie Trydeman Knudsen Skills & Research Interests

Climate and environmental impact of agriculture and food systems - using mainly life cycle assessment (LCA)

Top articles of Marie Trydeman Knudsen

Finansieringsbehov til afdækning af centrale vidensbehov for en mere klimavenlig landbrugsproduktion


Guidelines for calculating the carbon footprint of food products available on the Danish market


Huayang Zhen
Huayang Zhen

H-Index: 3

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Environmental impacts and potential mitigation options for organic open-field vegetable production in Denmark assessed through life cycle assessment

Sustainable Production and Consumption


Yue Xie
Yue Xie

H-Index: 5

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Environmental impact of Danish organic tomatoes grown in greenhouses: Quantifying the reduction potential from changes in energy supply towards 2030

European Journal of Agronomy


Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Appendix 2: Limitation report


Huayang Zhen
Huayang Zhen

H-Index: 3

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Appendix 1: Comparison report


Huayang Zhen
Huayang Zhen

H-Index: 3

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Greenhouse gas emissions from bio-based growing media: A life-cycle assessment

Science of The Total Environment


Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Choice of metrics matters—Future scenarios on milk and beef production in Norway using an LCA approach

Livestock Science


Hanne Møller
Hanne Møller

H-Index: 20

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Comprehensive definitions and indirect estimations: narrowing reasearch-reality gap in quantifying vegetable crop residues N


Yue Xie
Yue Xie

H-Index: 5

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Eco-compensation quantification of sustainable food waste management alternatives based on economic and environmental life cycle cost-benefit assessment

Journal of Cleaner Production


Carbon Footprint of Organic Fertilizers Derived from Cattle Slurry and Grass-Clover: A Life Cycle Assessment

Available at SSRN 4615681


Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Environmental life cycle assessment of organic food: a review


Environmental impacts of organic and conventional diets-effect of changing towards more plant-based food



Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Organic conversion tea farms can have comparable economic benefits and less environmental impacts than conventional ones—A case study in China

Science of The Total Environment


Comparison of GHG emissions from annual crops in rotation on drained temperate agricultural peatland with production of reed canary grass in paludiculture using an LCA approach



Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Poul Erik Lærke
Poul Erik Lærke

H-Index: 21

Refining life cycle nutrient modeling in organic pig production. An analysis focusing on feeding strategies in organic Danish pig farming

Livestock Science


Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Defining common criteria for harmonizing life cycle assessments of livestock systems

Cleaner Production Letters


Environmental impacts management of grain and sweet maize through life cycle assessment in São Paulo, Brazil

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

How does Life Cycle Assessment capture the environmental impacts of agroforestry? A systematic review


Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Grass-clover and biogas fertilizers as a climate efficient nutrient supply


Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

See List of Professors in Marie Trydeman Knudsen University(Aarhus Universitet)