Condro Wibowo

About Condro Wibowo

Condro Wibowo, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, specializes in the field of Food Science, Food Technology, Post-harvest Technology, Agricultural Sciences.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Advanced biopolymer‐based edible coating technologies for food preservation and packaging

Characterization of Layer-by-Layer Biodegradable Films Based on Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose-Nanochitosan

Impact of exogenous pre and postharvest salicylic acid applications on MD2 pineapple quality

Application of Starch-based Edible Coating on Tomato and Its Effect during Storage

Effect of Pre-Harvest Foliar Calcium and Silicon Fertilization on Pineapple Quality and Fruit Collapse Incidence

Fruit collapse incidence and quality of pineapple as affected by biopesticides based on Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum

Karakteristik Edible Film yang Dihasilkan dengan Bahan Dasar Pektin Kulit Buah Kopi Robusta dan Glukomanan

Physicochemical characteristic and internal browning of pineapple as affected by calcium and gibberellic acid dipping application

Condro Wibowo Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Condro Wibowo Skills & Research Interests

Food Science

Food Technology

Post-harvest Technology

Agricultural Sciences

Top articles of Condro Wibowo

Advanced biopolymer‐based edible coating technologies for food preservation and packaging


Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Hutomo Suryo Wasisto
Hutomo Suryo Wasisto

H-Index: 21

Characterization of Layer-by-Layer Biodegradable Films Based on Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose-Nanochitosan

Journal of Applied Food Technology


Rumpoko Wicaksono
Rumpoko Wicaksono

H-Index: 6

Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Impact of exogenous pre and postharvest salicylic acid applications on MD2 pineapple quality

Advances in Horticultural Science


Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Application of Starch-based Edible Coating on Tomato and Its Effect during Storage

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Effect of Pre-Harvest Foliar Calcium and Silicon Fertilization on Pineapple Quality and Fruit Collapse Incidence

AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science


Loekas Soesanto
Loekas Soesanto

H-Index: 12

Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Fruit collapse incidence and quality of pineapple as affected by biopesticides based on Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum

Acta agriculturae Slovenica


Loekas Soesanto
Loekas Soesanto

H-Index: 12

Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Karakteristik Edible Film yang Dihasilkan dengan Bahan Dasar Pektin Kulit Buah Kopi Robusta dan Glukomanan

Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian


Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Physicochemical characteristic and internal browning of pineapple as affected by calcium and gibberellic acid dipping application

Advances in Horticultural Science


Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Pengaruh waktu ekstraksi menggunakan ultrasonic assisted extraction terhadap antosianin jantung pisang (Musa spp)

Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian


Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Effect of Pre-And Postharvest Treatments with Salicylic Acid on Physicochemical Properties of Pineapple cv. MD2

Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences:


Loekas Soesanto
Loekas Soesanto

H-Index: 12

Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Effect of calcium and silicon fertilization after flowering on pineapple mineral status and flesh translucency

Plant Physiology Reports


Loekas Soesanto
Loekas Soesanto

H-Index: 12

Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Effect of processing on bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity, physicochemical, and sensory properties of orange sweet potato, red rice, and their application for flake …



Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Effect of organic fertilizer and application of charcoal on quality of potato tuber variety atlantic

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Application of dipping on CaCl2 as a postharvest treatment to maintain the quality of pineapple during storage

Asia Pacific Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy


Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Effect of pre-harvest fruit covers and calcium fertilization on pineapple thermotolerance and flesh translucency

Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture


Loekas Soesanto
Loekas Soesanto

H-Index: 12

Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Fruit collapse and heart rot disease in pineapple: Pathogen characterization, ultrastructure infections of plant and cell mechanism resistance.

Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity


Loekas Soesanto
Loekas Soesanto

H-Index: 12

Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Effect of edible coating application by spraying method on the quality of red chili during storage

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Aplikasi Serat Nanoselulosa Dari Kulit Ubi Kayu Sebagai Bahan Pengisi Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Sifat Fisik Bioplastik Tapioka Dengan Penambahan Sorbitol

Prosiding Seminar Nasional LPPM Unsoed


Rumpoko Wicaksono
Rumpoko Wicaksono

H-Index: 6

Condro Wibowo
Condro Wibowo

H-Index: 5

Physicochemical and sensory properties of cookies produced from the flour of banana variety of “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu”

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Characteristic of banana flour produced from the variety of “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu”

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


See List of Professors in Condro Wibowo University(Universitas Jenderal Soedirman)

