Carmen Kealy

About Carmen Kealy

Carmen Kealy, With an exceptional h-index of 2 and a recent h-index of 2 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National University of Ireland, Galway, specializes in the field of Parenting Migrants CYP Inequality.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Male Students’ Hesitancy to Study Biology in Ireland: Factors Effecting Intent in the Transition to Upper Secondary School

The COVID‐19 pandemic and adolescents' and young adults' experiences at school: A systematic narrative review

Culture and parenting: Polish migrant parents’ perspectives on how culture shapes their parenting in a culturally diverse Irish neighbourhood

“Yes, Biology is for me!”: Raising the Science Capital of Boys

‘Co-production of accessible digital mental health supports in partnership with young people from marginalised backgrounds’-a scoping review

“It's a private matter”–aligning the views of Polish migrant parents and Irish service providers in the delivery of parenting support

Addressing the needs of marginalised young people through school-based catch-up interventions during COVID-19: A case study from Ireland

Coping with the ‘new (ab) normal’in school: An EMA study of youth coping with the return to in-person education during the COVID-19 pandemic

Carmen Kealy Information



Postdoctoral Researcher UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre Ireland



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Carmen Kealy Skills & Research Interests

Parenting Migrants CYP Inequality

Top articles of Carmen Kealy

Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Male Students’ Hesitancy to Study Biology in Ireland: Factors Effecting Intent in the Transition to Upper Secondary School

Education Sciences


The COVID‐19 pandemic and adolescents' and young adults' experiences at school: A systematic narrative review


Carmen Kealy
Carmen Kealy

H-Index: 0

Culture and parenting: Polish migrant parents’ perspectives on how culture shapes their parenting in a culturally diverse Irish neighbourhood

Journal of Family Studies


Carmen Kealy
Carmen Kealy

H-Index: 0

Carmel Devaney
Carmel Devaney

H-Index: 10

“Yes, Biology is for me!”: Raising the Science Capital of Boys

Conference Proceedings. New Perspectives in Science Education 2023


‘Co-production of accessible digital mental health supports in partnership with young people from marginalised backgrounds’-a scoping review


Carmen Kealy
Carmen Kealy

H-Index: 0

Courtney Potts
Courtney Potts

H-Index: 2

“It's a private matter”–aligning the views of Polish migrant parents and Irish service providers in the delivery of parenting support


Carmen Kealy
Carmen Kealy

H-Index: 0

Addressing the needs of marginalised young people through school-based catch-up interventions during COVID-19: A case study from Ireland

Equity in Education & Society


Elaine Keane
Elaine Keane

H-Index: 12

Carmen Kealy
Carmen Kealy

H-Index: 0

Coping with the ‘new (ab) normal’in school: An EMA study of youth coping with the return to in-person education during the COVID-19 pandemic

Irish Educational Studies


Carmen Kealy
Carmen Kealy

H-Index: 0

The conceptualisation and delivery of family support in Europe: A review of academic literature


A review of international experiences in relation to the implementation of a statutory duty for interagency collaboration to ensure the protection and welfare of children


Carmel Devaney
Carmel Devaney

H-Index: 10

Carmen Kealy
Carmen Kealy

H-Index: 0

Managing Behavioural Issues in Child Care and Schools–A Quick Reference Guide: edited by Mary Margaret Gleason and Allison Boothe Trigg, Itasca, IL, American Academy of …


Carmen Kealy
Carmen Kealy

H-Index: 0

See List of Professors in Carmen Kealy University(National University of Ireland, Galway)