Courtney Potts

Courtney Potts

Ulster University

H-index: 8

Europe-United Kingdom

About Courtney Potts

Courtney Potts, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ulster University, specializes in the field of Digital health, Data analytics, Mental health interventions.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Community level digital mental health interventions: A policy and practice brief

Digital transformation of mental health services

A multilingual digital mental health and well-being Chatbot (ChatPal): pre-post multicenter intervention study

A Mental Health and Well-Being Chatbot: User Event Log Analysis

Process mining to discover patterns in patient outcomes in a Psychological Therapies Service

Review mining to discover user experience issues in mental health and wellbeing chatbots

Usability testing and trust analysis of a mental health and wellbeing chatbot

Toolkit for the co-creation of health-based chatbots

Courtney Potts Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Courtney Potts Skills & Research Interests

Digital health

Data analytics

Mental health interventions

Top articles of Courtney Potts

Community level digital mental health interventions: A policy and practice brief


Digital transformation of mental health services


Courtney Potts
Courtney Potts

H-Index: 2

John Torous
John Torous

H-Index: 44

A multilingual digital mental health and well-being Chatbot (ChatPal): pre-post multicenter intervention study

Journal of Medical Internet Research


A Mental Health and Well-Being Chatbot: User Event Log Analysis

JMIR mHealth and uHealth


Process mining to discover patterns in patient outcomes in a Psychological Therapies Service

Health Care Management Science


Courtney Potts
Courtney Potts

H-Index: 2

Anne Moorhead
Anne Moorhead

H-Index: 12

Review mining to discover user experience issues in mental health and wellbeing chatbots


Courtney Potts
Courtney Potts

H-Index: 2

Raymond Bond
Raymond Bond

H-Index: 20

Usability testing and trust analysis of a mental health and wellbeing chatbot


Toolkit for the co-creation of health-based chatbots


Reliability of Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination III in differentiating between dementia, mild cognitive impairment and older adults who have not reported cognitive problems

European Journal of Ageing


Courtney Potts
Courtney Potts

H-Index: 2

Development process of artificial intelligence based chatbot to support and promote mental wellbeing in sparsely populated areas of five European countries

European Psychiatry


Courtney Potts
Courtney Potts

H-Index: 2

Alex Vakaloudis
Alex Vakaloudis

H-Index: 4

Ethical issues in democratizing digital phenotypes and machine learning in the next generation of digital health technologies

Philosophy & Technology


Insights and lessons learned from trialling a mental health chatbot in the wild


An analysis of the impact of suicide prevention messages and memorials on motorway bridges

Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior


Can Chatbots help support a person’s mental health? Perceptions and views from mental healthcare professionals and experts

ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare


Co-creating Requirements and Assessing End-User Acceptability of a Voice-Based Chatbot to Support Mental Health: A Thematic Analysis of a Living Lab Workshop

Conversational Dialogue Systems for the Next Decade


Chatbots to Support Mental Wellbeing of People Living in Rural Areas: Can User Groups Contribute to Co-design?

Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science


Why do people call crisis helplines? Identifying taxonomies of presenting reasons and discovering associations between these reasons

Health informatics journal


Courtney Potts
Courtney Potts

H-Index: 2

Cherie Armour
Cherie Armour

H-Index: 39

Behavior of callers to a crisis helpline before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: quantitative data analysis

JMIR Mental Health


Evaluating the use of ecological momentary assessment within a digital health intervention for reminiscence: how do people living with dementia and their carers engage?

JMIR mHealth and uHealth


Courtney Potts
Courtney Potts

H-Index: 2

Raymond Bond
Raymond Bond

H-Index: 20

Ecological Momentary Assessment Within a Digital Health Intervention for Reminiscence in Persons With Dementia and Caregivers: User Engagement Study

JMIR mHealth and uHealth


Courtney Potts
Courtney Potts

H-Index: 2

Raymond Bond
Raymond Bond

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Courtney Potts University(Ulster University)