Polarimetric SAR cross-calibration method based on stable distributed targets

Geo-spatial Information Science

Published On 2024/2/11

Polarimetric calibration is essential for the pre-processing of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) data because it effectively mitigates polarimetric distortions in the measured PolSAR data. Traditional methods of polarimetric calibration employ man-made calibrators that offer high accuracy. However, the frequency of calibration is often limited due to the labor-intensive and time-consuming nature of deploying such calibrators. Some polarimetric calibration methods based on distributed targets in nature enable more frequent calibration. Nevertheless, these methods are constrained by the availability of specific distributed targets with known polarimetric properties for estimating parameters related to co-polarization channel imbalance (co-pol-imba) parameters. If distributed targets are not appropriately selected or suitable targets are absent within the image scene, the accuracy of calibration will be …


Geo-spatial Information Science




Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology



Research Interests

Synthetic Aperture Radar

Image Processing

High Performance Computing

Other Articles from authors

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Coherence matrix power model for scattering variation representation in multi-temporal PolSAR crop classification

The multi-temporal polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data contains the scattering change information during the growth of crops. However, the current classification methods usually directly use the addition of features extracted at single-temporal or use the temporal and spatial variations of certain features, not really exploring the complete scattering variation information. The specific data representation models for multi-temporal PolSAR data should combine time with polarimetry to characterize the scattering variations. However, the characterization and utilization of such kind of models are inadequate. In this article, we construct data representation model based on the power form of coherence matrix to comprehensively represent all kinds of scattering mechanism variation, which is full-rank positive semi-definite Hermitian matrix. We extract new time-variant scattering features and design vision transformer classifier …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.05854

LTGC: Long-tail Recognition via Leveraging LLMs-driven Generated Content

Long-tail recognition is challenging because it requires the model to learn good representations from tail categories and address imbalances across all categories. In this paper, we propose a novel generative and fine-tuning framework, LTGC, to handle long-tail recognition via leveraging generated content. Firstly, inspired by the rich implicit knowledge in large-scale models (e.g., large language models, LLMs), LTGC leverages the power of these models to parse and reason over the original tail data to produce diverse tail-class content. We then propose several novel designs for LTGC to ensure the quality of the generated data and to efficiently fine-tune the model using both the generated and original data. The visualization demonstrates the effectiveness of the generation module in LTGC, which produces accurate and diverse tail data. Additionally, the experimental results demonstrate that our LTGC outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on popular long-tailed benchmarks.

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

SPGC: Shape-Prior based Generated Content Data Augmentation for Remote Sensing Object Detection

While deep learning-based methods have made significant strides in remote sensing applications, the scarcity and inadequate quality of remote sensing images tend to curtail the improvement of follow-up research such as remote sensing object detection. However, the human visual system is able to quickly grasp the features of an unseen object given only a few examples, which is considered to be related to a strong shape bias. Inspired by how human toddlers learn shapes and the process of recognizing objects by shape, this article proposes a novel method known as shape-prior-based generated content (SPGC) data augmentation to overcome these challenges. Specifically, our method includes two main steps: shape data generation and stylization. Initially, the method begins with generating shape data regardless of training data availability. Next, we enhance the robustness of the generated shape data …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

SAR Ship Detection Based on Explainable Evidence Learning under Intra-class Imbalance

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) ship detection is an important technology supporting water traffic monitoring and marine safety maintenance. In recent years, many methods based on deep neural networks (DNNs) have been used to improve the performance of SAR ship detection. These methods mainly focus on two issues: one is the false alarm of ship detection in complex inshore environments, and the other is the effective extraction and utilization of SAR ship features. The topic discussed in this article is one of the culprits that has caused the aforementioned two problems but has long been overlooked. Specifically, it pertains to the issue of intraclass imbalance in SAR ship detection. There are imbalances in the size distribution, azimuth distribution, and background distribution under the real data collection environment. However, since SAR ship detection is a single-class detection task, the aforementioned …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Superpixelwise likelihood ratio test statistic for PolSAR data and its application to built-up area extraction

The natural terrain (e.g., farm and forest) in temperate zones changes dramatically between seasons due to distinct temperatures and precipitation variations from summer to winter. Moreover, built-up areas vary little in this short period. Therefore, extracting built-up areas via change detection on polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images is feasible. A common type of PolSAR change detection method is based on hypothesis testing theory. However, in these methods, pixels are selected as the processing units; as a result, these models are computationally complex and poorly maintain the boundaries of built-up areas. In this paper, we innovatively introduce superpixels into the hypothesis test theory and propose a superpixelwise PolSAR change detection method for built-up area extraction. First, we oversegment the PolSAR images into a set of superpixels and derive the probability density function …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

An Improved SAR Image Simulation Method for the Lunar Surface using Refined Terrain Modeling Derived from LROC Stereo Data

Extensive simulation sample data are crucial for the intelligent interpretation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data of the lunar surface using deep learning techniques. Existing simulation methods inadequately capture the diverse features of lunar terrains, including complex craters, impact basins, and domes. This research presents an improved SAR image simulation method for the lunar surface using refined terrain modeling derived from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) stereo data, encompassing a wide range of lunar terrains. Firstly, morphology models for typical lunar terrains, such as simple craters, complex craters, impact basins, and domes, are established by combining fundamental principles of lunar terrain formation with diverse terrain features identified in LROC data. Then, the Advanced Two-Scale Model (ATSM) is utilized for its broad applicability in precisely calculating the scattering …


Article Details
Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Mdcs: More diverse experts with consistency self-distillation for long-tailed recognition

Recently, multi-expert methods have led to significant improvements in long-tail recognition (LTR). We summarize two aspects that need further enhancement to contribute to LTR boosting:(1) More diverse experts;(2) Lower model variance. However, the previous methods didn't handle them well. To this end, we propose More Diverse experts with Consistency Self-distillation (MDCS) to bridge the gap left by earlier methods. Our MDCS approach consists of two core components: Diversity Loss (DL) and Consistency Self-distillation (CS). In detail, DL promotes diversity among experts by controlling their focus on different categories. To reduce the model variance, we employ KL divergence to distill the richer knowledge of weakly augmented instances for the experts' self-distillation. In particular, we design Confident Instance Sampling (CIS) to select the correctly classified instances for CS to avoid biased/noisy knowledge. In the analysis and ablation study, we demonstrate that our method compared with previous work can effectively increase the diversity of experts, significantly reduce the variance of the model, and improve recognition accuracy. Moreover, the roles of our DL and CS are mutually reinforcing and coupled: the diversity of experts benefits from the CS, and the CS cannot achieve remarkable results without the DL. Experiments show our MDCS outperforms the state-of-the-art by 1% 2% on five popular long-tailed benchmarks, including CIFAR10-LT, CIFAR100-LT, ImageNet-LT, Places-LT, and iNaturalist 2018. The code is available at https://github. com/fistyee/MDCS.

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Inshore dense ship detection in SAR images based on edge semantic decoupling and transformer

Synthetic aperture radar ship detection has recently received significant attention from scholars. However, accurately distinguishing between ships is challenging due to the significant overlap between inshore ship labels. In addition, some labeled boxes contain interference information, such as land areas, which can cause false alarms and confusion in ship feature learning. To address these challenges, this article creates an edge semantic decoupling (ESD) module, adds semantic segmentation branches, and introduces the edge semantic information of ships into the training process. As a result, the model can accurately distinguish between ship targets even when significant overlap exists between inshore labeled boxes. In addition, considering that transformer has the benefit of capturing global and contextual information, this article introduces it into the detection layer to construct a transformer detection layer …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

Long-tailed SAR Target Recognition Based on Expert Network and Intra-class Resampling

In recent years, it has been a research hotspot to apply big data-driven deep learning methods to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) target recognition with limited data. However, the problem caused by the long-tailed characteristics of SAR data has long been ignored. Specifically, a majority of data samples are concentrated in a few categories, leading to a skewed distribution of data. This skewed distribution can cause learning bias toward the majority class, which can subsequently degrade the recognition performance of the minority class. This issue is further exacerbated in limited sample conditions for SAR target recognition. After conducting research on target recognition for long-tailed natural images, this study has found that the existing methods used in this field cannot be easily applied to SAR target recognition. The primary reason is that SAR image data exhibit simultaneous and complex interclass and …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

Crop classification of multi-temporal PolSAR based on 3D attention module with ViT

Multitemporal polarimertic SAR is considered to be very effective in crop classification and cultivated land detection, which has received much attention from researchers. Currently, for most multitemporal polarimetric SAR data classification methods, the simultaneous temporal–polarimetric–spatial feature extraction capability has not been exploited sufficiently. Also, the diversity of different time and different polarimetric features has not been taken into account sufficiently. In this letter, we propose a classification model that combines a dual-stream network as a temporal–polarimetric–spatial feature extraction module with vision transformer (ViT) called temporal–polarimetric–spatial transformer (TPST) to address the above problems. Second, a 3-D convolutional attention module that enables the network to weight the temporal dimension, polarimetric feature dimension and spatial dimension is developed, according …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

SAR Sticker: An Adversarial Image Patch that can Deceive SAR ATR Deep Model

The use of deep learning technology in Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition (SAR ATR) has attracted significant attention. However, it has been noted that deep learning is vulnerable to adversarial attacks, and of course SAR ATR is no exception. Notably, several studies in the past two years have generated SAR adversarial examples, which can successfully deceive a specific well-trained SAR ATR deep network. Considering that research on optical adversarial attacks has progressed toward adversarial examples in the physical world, this paper aims to examine the feasibility of SAR adversarial examples in the physical world. Inspired by Google Sticker, we propose a SAR ATR adversarial-patch-based deception method, namely SAR sticker. The images crafted by our SAR sticker exhibit marked resemblance to their corresponding original images, yet they possess great potential in launching …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Remote Sensing

Semantic-Layout-Guided Image Synthesis for High-Quality Synthetic-Aperature Radar Detection Sample Generation

With the widespread application and functional complexity of deep neural networks (DNNs), the demand for training samples is increasing. This elevated requirement also extends to DNN-based SAR object detection. Most public SAR object detection datasets are oriented to marine targets such as ships, while data sets oriented to land targets are relatively rare, though they are an effective way to improve the land object detection capability of deep models through SAR sample generation. In this paper, a synthesis generation collaborative SAR sample augmentation framework is proposed to achieve flexible and diverse high-quality sample augmentation. First, a semantic-layout-guided image synthesis strategy is proposed to generate diverse detection samples. The issues of object location rationality and object layout diversity are also addressed. Meanwhile, a pix2pixGAN network guided by layout maps is utilized to achieve diverse background augmentation. Second, a progressive training strategy of diffusion models is proposed to achieve semantically controllable SAR sample generation to further improve the diversity of scene clutter. Finally, a sample cleaning method considering distribution migration and network filtering is employed to further improve the quality of detection samples. The experimental results show that this semantic synthesis generation method can outperform existing sample augmentation methods, leading to a comprehensive improvement in the accuracy metrics of classical detection networks.

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

MixPro: Data Augmentation with MaskMix and Progressive Attention Labeling for Vision Transformer

The recently proposed data augmentation TransMix employs attention labels to help visual transformers (ViT) achieve better robustness and performance. However, TransMix is deficient in two aspects: 1) The image cropping method of TransMix may not be suitable for vision transformer. 2) At the early stage of training, the model produces unreliable attention maps. TransMix uses unreliable attention maps to compute mixed attention labels that can affect the model. To address the aforementioned issues, we propose MaskMix and Progressive Attention Labeling (PAL) in image and label space, respectively. In detail, from the perspective of image space, we design MaskMix, which mixes two images based on a patch-like grid mask. In particular, the size of each mask patch is adjustable and is a multiple of the image patch size, which ensures each image patch comes from only one image and contains more global contents. From the perspective of label space, we design PAL, which utilizes a progressive factor to dynamically re-weight the attention weights of the mixed attention label. Finally, we combine MaskMix and Progressive Attention Labeling as our new data augmentation method, named MixPro. The experimental results show that our method can improve various ViT-based models at scales on ImageNet classification (73.8\% top-1 accuracy based on DeiT-T for 300 epochs). After being pre-trained with MixPro on ImageNet, the ViT-based models also demonstrate better transferability to semantic segmentation, object detection, and instance segmentation. Furthermore, compared to TransMix, MixPro also shows stronger robustness on …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Cloud Detection Network Based on Scenario Synthesis and Transformer in Remote Sensing Images

Cloud detection plays an essential part in optical remote sensing data processing. Cloud detection technology has made significant progress, with the rapid development of deep learning technology in image processing. Then, Since Transformer has excelled in the image semantic segmentation task, researchers have begun experimenting with introducing Transformer into cloud detection tasks to tackle the difficulties in acquiring information on the ground due to the cloud cover. Compared to other detection problems, cloud detection is difficult to obtain large amounts of annotated data for training models because of poor interpretability and fewer applications. In order to solve these problems, in this paper, we propose a cloud detection method based on scene synthesis and Transformer. To address the difficulty of thin cloud scenarios with small amounts of data, we segmented the cloud target by multi-channel …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

OHD: An Online Category-aware Framework for Learning with Noisy Labels under Long-Tailed Distribution

Recently, many effective methods have emerged to address the robustness problem of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) trained with noisy labels. However, existing work on learning with noisy labels (LNL) mainly focuses on balanced datasets, while real-world scenarios usually also exhibit a long-tailed distribution (LTD). In this paper, we propose an online category-aware approach to mitigate the impact of noisy labels and LTD on the robustness of DNNs. First, the category frequency of clean samples used to rebalance the feature space cannot be obtained directly in the presence of noisy samples. We design a novel category-aware Online Joint Distribution to dynamically estimate the category frequency of clean samples. Second, previous LNL methods were category-agnostic. These methods would easily be confused with noisy samples and tail categories’ samples under LTD. Based on this observation, we …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

A sidelobe-aware small ship detection network for synthetic aperture radar imagery

Ship detection from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing images is essential for monitoring water traffic and marine safety. Numerous methods for ship detection have been developed; however, the detection of small ships presents unique challenges. SAR image characteristics, such as the sidelobe effect and blurred outline induced by the special imaging mechanism, as well as the small ship size, are the primary factors that lower the detection accuracy. This article provides a sidelobe-aware small ship detection network for SAR imagery. First, considering the sidelobe effect and blurred outline, dual-pooling, i.e., average pooling and max pooling, was utilized to build a feature extraction module that lowered the effects of strong scattering points outside of the ship body and enhanced the ship body information. Second, as the bipartition process of the average pooling and maximum pooling caused some …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Pixel-Level Annotation of Specific Targets for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Images

Common remote sensing images usually contain targets such as airports, stations, stadiums, mountains, lakes and so on. The localization of these targets is of great research importance. However, a large-scale annotation of these images is difficult to be obtained, because these labels can only be annotated manually, and the annotation is undoubtedly very time-consuming and laborious. In the paper, we propose a framework to generate localization annotations via semi-supervised training. Firstly, optical remote sensing images, with or without target objects, are automatically collected, and a binary classification model is trained on these images. Then the feature map, as a preliminary candidate region for targets, can be obtained from the model. Finally, a saliency detection method based on transformer is employed to further refine the candidate regions and get more precise localization annotations. The …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Optimized Selection of Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites for Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Spaceborne Sar Sensors

Radiometric cross-calibration achieves the calibration of uncalibrated satellites by employing calibrated satellites to illuminate the same ground targets. The stability of these ground targets is essential for the effectiveness of radiometric cross-calibration. However, there has been limited research conducted on identifying stable ground targets specifically for SAR radiometric cross-calibration. To address this issue, an optimized selection method for pseudo-invariant calibration sites (PICS) was introduced in this paper. This method began with the acquisition of distributed target masks, followed by the extraction of stable distributed targets based on these masks. Sentinel-1 time series images were utilized to select candidate distributed targets, with a specific focus on those with a temporal root mean square error of less than 0.5 dB and a sigma zero value exceeding -16 dB for the purpose of extracting PICS. These …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Unsupervised classification of polarimetric SAR images via SVGp0MM with extended variational inference

This paper addresses the unsupervised classification problem for multilook polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images via proposing a new spatially variant G p 0 mixture model based on the extended variational inference (SV G p 0 MM-EVI). Specifically, an SV G p 0 MM is constructed by associating data points with their own mixing coefficient vectors rather than sharing the same vector, which provides the additional flexibility to incorporate the spatial context and further effectively deal with the more heterogeneous areas than G p 0 MM. Then, an extended variational inference (EVI) algorithm is derived to facilitate the assignment of the conjugate prior distributions and accurately estimate the underlying parameters, in which two “help” functions are specially designed to solve the intractable variational lower bound. Meanwhile, dual spatial constraints based on the Bartlett distance and the mean template …

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A remote sensing assessment index for urban ecological livability and its application

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Bing Liu(刘兵)

Bing Liu(刘兵)

Technische Universität München

Geo-Spatial Information Science

Misleading effect and spatial learning in head-mounted mixed reality-based navigation

Mixed reality technology has been increasingly used for navigation. While most MR-based navigation systems are currently based on hand-held devices, for example, smartphones, head-mounted MR devices have become more and more popular in navigation. Much research has been conducted to investigate the navigation experience in MR. However, it is still unclear how ordinary users react to the first-person view and FOV (field of view)-limited navigation experience, especially in terms of spatial learning. In our study, we investigate how visualization in MR navigation affects spatial learning. More specifically, we test two related hypotheses: incorrect virtual information can lead users into incorrect spatial learning, and the visualization style of direction can influence users’ spatial learning and experience. We designed a user interface in Microsoft HoloLens 2 and conducted a user study with 40 participants. The …

Arif Oguz Altunel

Arif Oguz Altunel

Kastamonu Üniversitesi

Geo-spatial Information Science

Assessment of the global Copernicus, NASADEM, ASTER and AW3D digital elevation models in Central and Southern Africa

Validation studies of global Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in the existing literature are limited by the diversity and spread of landscapes, terrain types considered and sparseness of groundtruth. Moreover, there are knowledge gaps on the accuracy variations in rugged and complex landscapes, and previous studies have often not relied on robust internal and external validation measures. Thus, there is still only partial understanding and limited perspective of the reliability and adequacy of global DEMs for several applications. In this study, we utilize a dense spread of LiDAR groundtruth to assess the vertical accuracies of four medium-resolution, readily available, free-access and global coverage 1 arc-second (30 m) DEMs: NASADEM, ASTER GDEM, Copernicus GLO-30, and ALOS World 3D (AW3D). The assessment is carried out at landscapes spread across Cape Town, Southern Africa (urban/industrial …

Songhua Wu

Songhua Wu

Ocean University of China

Geo-spatial Information Science

Inter-comparison study of wind measurement between the three-lidar-based virtual tower and four lidars using VAD techniques

The accurate three-dimensional wind field obtained from a Doppler lidar not only helps to comprehend the refined structure of complex airflow but also provides important and valuable solutions for many fields. However, the underlying homogeneity assumption of the typical wind retrieval methods, such as Doppler Beam Swinging (DBS) and Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD) based on a single-lidar, will introduce the measurement uncertainty in complex terrain. In this paper, a new design of a wind measurement campaign involving seven lidars was carried out, which contained the three-lidar-based Virtual Tower (VT) using a time-space synchronization technique and four single-lidars with different elevation angles. This study investigates the performance of VT and VAD measurements under various conditions and evaluates the sensitivity of wind measurement uncertainty of VAD to the horizontal spatial- and probe …

Ayhan Atesoglu

Ayhan Atesoglu

Bartin Üniversitesi

Geo-Spatial Information Science

Automated extraction and validation of Stone Pine (Pinus pinea L.) trees from UAV-based digital surface models

Stone Pine (Pinus pinea L.) is currently the pine species with the highest commercial value with edible seeds. In this respect, this study introduces a new methodology for extracting Stone Pine trees from Digital Surface Models (DSMs) generated through an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) mission. We developed a novel enhanced probability map of local maxima that facilitates the computation of the orientation symmetry by means of new probabilistic local minima information. Four test sites are used to evaluate our automated framework within one of the most important Stone Pine forest areas in Antalya, Turkey. A Hand-held Mobile Laser Scanner (HMLS) was utilized to collect the reference point cloud dataset. Our findings confirm that the proposed methodology, which uses a single DSM as an input, secures overall pixel-based and object-based F1-scores of 88.3% and 97.7%, respectively. The overall median …

Matthieu Ferry, Associate Professor of Earthquake Geology

Matthieu Ferry, Associate Professor of Earthquake Geology

Université de Montpellier

Geo-spatial Information Science

Multi-source deep-learning approach for automatic geomorphological mapping: the case of glacial moraines

Landform mapping is the initial step of many geomorphological analyses (e.g. assessment of natural hazards and natural resources) and requires vast resources to be applied to wide areas at high-resolution. Among geomorphological objects, we focus on glacial moraine mapping, since it is a task relevant to many fields (e.g. paleoclimate and glacial geomorphology). Here we proposed to exploit the potential of Deep Learning-based approaches to map moraine landforms by exploiting multi-source remote sensing imagery. To this end, we propose the first Deep Learning model to map glacial moraines, namely MorNet. As multi-source remote sensing information, we combine together three different sources: Topographic (Pleiades-derived DSM), Multispectral (Sentinel-2), and SAR (Sentinel-1) data. To cope with such heterogeneous information, the proposed model has a dedicated branch for each input source …

Alexander Zipf

Alexander Zipf

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Geo-spatial Information Science

An investigation of the temporality of OpenStreetMap data contribution activities

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a dataset in constant change and this dynamic needs to be better understood. Based on 12-year time series of seven OSM data contribution activities extracted from 20 large cities worldwide, we investigate the temporal dynamic of OSM data production, more specifically, the auto- and cross-correlation, temporal trend, and annual seasonality of these activities. Furthermore, we evaluate and compare nine different temporal regression methods for forecasting such activities in horizons of 1–4 weeks. Several insights could be obtained from our analyses, including that the contribution activities tend to grown linearly in a moderate intra-annual cycle. Also, the performance of the temporal forecasting methods shows that they yield in general more accurate estimations of future contribution activities than a baseline metric, i.e. the arithmetic average of recent previous observations. In particular, the …

Fan Zhang

Fan Zhang

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Geo-spatial Information Science

Polarimetric SAR cross-calibration method based on stable distributed targets

Polarimetric calibration is essential for the pre-processing of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) data because it effectively mitigates polarimetric distortions in the measured PolSAR data. Traditional methods of polarimetric calibration employ man-made calibrators that offer high accuracy. However, the frequency of calibration is often limited due to the labor-intensive and time-consuming nature of deploying such calibrators. Some polarimetric calibration methods based on distributed targets in nature enable more frequent calibration. Nevertheless, these methods are constrained by the availability of specific distributed targets with known polarimetric properties for estimating parameters related to co-polarization channel imbalance (co-pol-imba) parameters. If distributed targets are not appropriately selected or suitable targets are absent within the image scene, the accuracy of calibration will be …

Linfang Ding

Linfang Ding

Libera Università di Bolzano

Geo-Spatial Information Science

Misleading effect and spatial learning in head-mounted mixed reality-based navigation

Mixed reality technology has been increasingly used for navigation. While most MR-based navigation systems are currently based on hand-held devices, for example, smartphones, head-mounted MR devices have become more and more popular in navigation. Much research has been conducted to investigate the navigation experience in MR. However, it is still unclear how ordinary users react to the first-person view and FOV (field of view)-limited navigation experience, especially in terms of spatial learning. In our study, we investigate how visualization in MR navigation affects spatial learning. More specifically, we test two related hypotheses: incorrect virtual information can lead users into incorrect spatial learning, and the visualization style of direction can influence users’ spatial learning and experience. We designed a user interface in Microsoft HoloLens 2 and conducted a user study with 40 participants. The …

Huanfeng Shen

Huanfeng Shen

Wuhan University

Geo-Spatial Information Science

A remote sensing assessment index for urban ecological livability and its application

Remote sensing provides us with an approach for the rapid identification and monitoring of spatiotemporal changes in the urban ecological environment at different scales. This study aimed to construct a remote sensing assessment index for urban ecological livability with continuous fine spatiotemporal resolution data from Landsat and MODIS to overcome the dilemma of single image-based, single-factor analysis, due to the limitations of atmospheric conditions or the revisit period of satellite platforms. The proposed Ecological Livability Index (ELI) covers five primary ecological indicators – greenness, temperature, dryness, water-wetness, and atmospheric turbidity – which are geometrically aggregated by non-equal weights based on an entropy method. Considering multisource time-series data of each indicator, the ELI can quickly and comprehensively reflect the characteristics of the Ecological Livability Quality …

Jon Mills

Jon Mills

Newcastle University

Geo-spatial Information Science

Assessment of the global Copernicus, NASADEM, ASTER and AW3D digital elevation models in Central and Southern Africa

Validation studies of global Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in the existing literature are limited by the diversity and spread of landscapes, terrain types considered and sparseness of groundtruth. Moreover, there are knowledge gaps on the accuracy variations in rugged and complex landscapes, and previous studies have often not relied on robust internal and external validation measures. Thus, there is still only partial understanding and limited perspective of the reliability and adequacy of global DEMs for several applications. In this study, we utilize a dense spread of LiDAR groundtruth to assess the vertical accuracies of four medium-resolution, readily available, free-access and global coverage 1 arc-second (30 m) DEMs: NASADEM, ASTER GDEM, Copernicus GLO-30, and ALOS World 3D (AW3D). The assessment is carried out at landscapes spread across Cape Town, Southern Africa (urban/industrial …

binbin lu

binbin lu

Wuhan University

Geo-spatial Information Science

GWmodelS: a standalone software to train geographically weighted models

With the recent increase in studies on spatial heterogeneity, geographically weighted (GW) models have become an essential set of local techniques, attracting a wide range of users from different domains. In this study, we demonstrate a newly developed standalone GW software, GWmodelS using a community-level house price data set for Wuhan, China. In detail, a number of fundamental GW models are illustrated, including GW descriptive statistics, basic and multiscale GW regression, and GW principle component analysis. Additionally, functionality in spatial data management and batch mapping are presented as essential supplementary activities for GW modeling. The software provides significant advantages in terms of a user-friendly graphical user interface, operational efficiency, and accessibility, which facilitate its usage for users from a wide range of domains.

Zhenlong Li

Zhenlong Li

University of South Carolina

Geo-spatial Information Science

An MPI-based parallel genetic algorithm for multiple geographical feature label placement based on the hybrid of fixed-sliding models

Multiple Geographical Feature Label Placement (MGFLP) has been a fundamental problem in geographic information visualization for decades. Moreover, the nature of label positioning has proven to be an Nondeterministic polynomial-time hard (NP-hard) problem. Although advances in computer technology and robust approaches have addressed the problem of label positioning, the lengthy running time of MGFLP has not been a major focus of recent studies. Based on a hybrid of the fixed-position and sliding models, a Message Passing Interface (MPI) parallel genetic algorithm is proposed in the present study for MGFLP to label mixed types of geographical features. To evaluate the quality of label placement, a quality function is defined based on four quality metrics: label-feature conflict; label-label conflict; label association with the corresponding feature; label position priority for all three types of features. The …

Simone Fatichi

Simone Fatichi

National University of Singapore

Geo-spatial Information Science

Land surface modeling informed by earth observation data: toward understanding blue–green–white water fluxes in High Mountain Asia

Mountains are important suppliers of freshwater to downstream areas, affecting large populations in particular in High Mountain Asia (HMA). Yet, the propagation of water from HMA headwaters to downstream areas is not fully understood, as interactions in the mountain water cycle between the cryo-, hydro- and biosphere remain elusive. We review the definition of blue and green water fluxes as liquid water that contributes to runoff at the outlet of the selected domain (blue) and water lost to the atmosphere through vapor fluxes, that is evaporation from water, ground, and interception plus transpiration (green) and propose to add the term white water to account for the (often neglected) evaporation and sublimation from snow and ice. We provide an assessment of models that can simulate the cryo-hydro-biosphere continuum and the interactions between spheres in high mountain catchments, going beyond …

Bo Wang

Bo Wang

Dalian University of Technology

Geo-spatial Information Science

DEM-based topographic change detection considering the spatial distribution of errors

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) errors tend to be spatially correlated, inevitably affecting DEM-based topographic change detection. Traditional topographic change detection methods often ignore the spatial distribution of the DEM error. This paper aims to develop a workflow that considers the spatial autocorrelation of the error in topographic change detection. Firstly, the DEM of Difference (DoD) is obtained from two-period DEMs, and the Monte Carlo method is employed to evaluate the Spatially Distributed Errors (SDE) in DEMs. Secondly, DoD errors are calculated by propagation based on spatially distributed DEM errors. At the same time, its spatial distribution is quantified using the semi-variance function. Finally, topographic changes (erosion, deposition, and net changes) are calculated based on the spatial distribution analysis and significance detection. The results in two small catchments indicate that DEM …

Yang YUE

Yang YUE

Shenzhen University

Geo-spatial Information Science

How to determine city hierarchies and spatial structure of a megaregion?

Megaregion has emerged as a global urban form, typically based on the polycentric strategy to enhance regional development. How to measure megaregional spatial structure and discriminate different roles of cities has become increasingly important to enrich the knowledge of the formation of a megaregion. Meanwhile, various indices have been used to identify vital nodes in the field of complex network. Which indices, however, are suitable for megaregion analysis remain unsolved. To address this requirement, this study first reviewed the typical indices for identifying vital nodes in the complex network theory, and pointed out that in a weighted city network scenario, weighted degree centrality, hub & authority score, and S-core decomposition (which represent network centrality, connectivity, and structures, respectively) are suitable for analyzing megaregional spatial structures. Then, we explored the city …

Massimo Menenti

Massimo Menenti

Technische Universiteit Delft

Geo-spatial Information Science

Land surface modeling informed by earth observation data: toward understanding blue–green–white water fluxes in High Mountain Asia

Mountains are important suppliers of freshwater to downstream areas, affecting large populations in particular in High Mountain Asia (HMA). Yet, the propagation of water from HMA headwaters to downstream areas is not fully understood, as interactions in the mountain water cycle between the cryo-, hydro- and biosphere remain elusive. We review the definition of blue and green water fluxes as liquid water that contributes to runoff at the outlet of the selected domain (blue) and water lost to the atmosphere through vapor fluxes, that is evaporation from water, ground, and interception plus transpiration (green) and propose to add the term white water to account for the (often neglected) evaporation and sublimation from snow and ice. We provide an assessment of models that can simulate the cryo-hydro-biosphere continuum and the interactions between spheres in high mountain catchments, going beyond …

Travis Gagie

Travis Gagie

Dalhousie University

Geo-spatial Information Science

Stronger compact representations of object trajectories

GraCT and ContaCT were the first compressed data structures to represent object trajectories, demonstrating that it was possible to use orders of magnitude less space than classical indexes while staying competitive in query times. In this paper we considerably enhance their space, query capabilities, and time performance with three contributions. (1) We design and evaluate algorithms for more sophisticated nearest neighbor queries, finding the trajectories closest to a given trajectory or to a given point during a time interval. (2) We modify the data structure used to sample the spatial positions of the objects along time. This improves the performance on the classic spatio-temporal and the nearest neighbor queries, by orders of magnitude in some cases. (3) We introduce RelaCT, a tradeoff between the faster and larger ContaCT and the smaller and slower GraCT, offering a new relevant space-time tradeoff for large …