Anna-Lena Zietlow

About Anna-Lena Zietlow

Anna-Lena Zietlow, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Mannheim,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effect of antepartum depressive and anxiety symptoms on mother-infant interaction: The mediating role of antepartum maternal emotional stress

Parent–child interactive behavior in a German sample of parents with and without a mental illness: model replication and adaption of the Coding Interactive Behavior system

Empathy and psychopathology in children and adolescents: the role of parental mental illness and emotion regulation

Parenting stress in parents with and without a mental illness and its relationship to psychopathology in children: a multimodal examination

Buchbesprechung: Zemp, M. & Hesse, F.(2023): Mika und Asa gehen in die Kita-Wie Eltern die Bindung zu ihrem Kind stärken und den Kita-Eintritt erleichtern können

Lehrbuch Klinische Kinder-und Jugendpsychologie und Psychotherapie

From Interactive Regulation in Infancy to Relationship-Focused Interventions

Disentangling the trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms and partnership problems in the transition to parenthood and their impact on child adjustment difficulties

Anna-Lena Zietlow Information



Asisstant professor



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Anna-Lena Zietlow

The effect of antepartum depressive and anxiety symptoms on mother-infant interaction: The mediating role of antepartum maternal emotional stress

Infant Behavior and Development


Corinna Reck
Corinna Reck

H-Index: 28

Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Parent–child interactive behavior in a German sample of parents with and without a mental illness: model replication and adaption of the Coding Interactive Behavior system

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Empathy and psychopathology in children and adolescents: the role of parental mental illness and emotion regulation

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Parenting stress in parents with and without a mental illness and its relationship to psychopathology in children: a multimodal examination

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Buchbesprechung: Zemp, M. & Hesse, F.(2023): Mika und Asa gehen in die Kita-Wie Eltern die Bindung zu ihrem Kind stärken und den Kita-Eintritt erleichtern können

Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht


Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

From Interactive Regulation in Infancy to Relationship-Focused Interventions


Corinna Reck
Corinna Reck

H-Index: 28

Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Disentangling the trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms and partnership problems in the transition to parenthood and their impact on child adjustment difficulties

Development and Psychopathology


Datasets for: How are German mothers feeling during the COVID-19 pandemic? Assessing the prevalence of and analyzing the relationship between depressive symptoms and perceived …


Corinna Reck
Corinna Reck

H-Index: 28

Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Die Eltern-Kind-Beziehung im Kontext elterlicher psychischer Erkrankung–Möglichkeiten zur Intervention


Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Maternal postpartum anxiety and the development of infant attachment: The effect of body sensations on infant attachment

Journal of Affective Disorders


Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Corinna Reck
Corinna Reck

H-Index: 28

The parent-child relationship in the context of parental mental illness-Possibilities for intervention


Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Kindliche Verhaltensauffälligkeiten im ersten Lebensjahr und mütterliche Belastung in der Zeit der COVID-19-Pandemie

Kindheit und Entwicklung


Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Corinna Reck
Corinna Reck

H-Index: 28

Infant behavioral problems in the first year of life and maternal stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the" CoviFam" online survey

Kindheit und Entwicklung: Zeitschrift fur Klinische Kinderpsychologie


Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Corinna Reck
Corinna Reck

H-Index: 28

Protocol: Study protocol of the COMPARE-Interaction study: the impact of maternal comorbid depression and anxiety disorders in the peripartum period on child development

BMJ Open


From Early Micro-Temporal Interaction Patterns to Child Cortisol Levels: Towards the Role of Interactive Reparation and Infant Attachment in a Longitudinal Study

Frontiers in Psychology


Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Corinna Reck
Corinna Reck

H-Index: 28

Study protocol of the COMPARE-Interaction study: the impact of maternal comorbid depression and anxiety disorders in the peripartum period on child development

BMJ open


Theory of mind in pre-school aged children: influence of maternal depression and infants’ self-comforting behavior

Frontiers in psychology


Anna-Lena Zietlow
Anna-Lena Zietlow

H-Index: 10

Corinna Reck
Corinna Reck

H-Index: 28

Early life maltreatment affects intrinsic neural function in mothers

Journal of psychiatric research


See List of Professors in Anna-Lena Zietlow University(Universität Mannheim)