Kathleen Otto

About Kathleen Otto

Kathleen Otto, With an exceptional h-index of 34 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Philipps-Universität Marburg,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Empathy and psychopathology in children and adolescents: the role of parental mental illness and emotion regulation

The extra mile from extra-role creativity to innovation

Parenting stress in parents with and without a mental illness and its relationship to psychopathology in children: a multimodal examination

Belief in a just world and organisational loyalty: Trust as an underlying mechanism

The Only way is up? How Different Facets of Employee and Supervisor Perfectionism Help or Hinder Career Development

Journal of Creativity

Justice perceptions and well‐being: Belief in a just world is a personal resource and a coping resource

Uncertainty against Industry 4.0 and job insecurity: the moderated role of perceived employability, age, and educational level

Kathleen Otto Information



Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Top articles of Kathleen Otto

Empathy and psychopathology in children and adolescents: the role of parental mental illness and emotion regulation

Frontiers in Psychiatry


The extra mile from extra-role creativity to innovation

Journal of Creativity


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Parenting stress in parents with and without a mental illness and its relationship to psychopathology in children: a multimodal examination

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Belief in a just world and organisational loyalty: Trust as an underlying mechanism

International Journal of Psychology


Yuan Cheng
Yuan Cheng

H-Index: 5

Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

The Only way is up? How Different Facets of Employee and Supervisor Perfectionism Help or Hinder Career Development

Psychological Reports


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Emily Kleszewski
Emily Kleszewski

H-Index: 2

Journal of Creativity

Journal of Creativity


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Justice perceptions and well‐being: Belief in a just world is a personal resource and a coping resource

British Journal of Psychology


Uncertainty against Industry 4.0 and job insecurity: the moderated role of perceived employability, age, and educational level

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

The protecting effect of resource-providing supervisors on the relationship between workload, depression and sick leave: A multi-level moderated mediation analysis

Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

A matter of needs: Basic need satisfaction as an underlying mechanism between perfectionism and employee well-being

Motivation and Emotion


Emily Kleszewski
Emily Kleszewski

H-Index: 2

Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Far from perfect sleep: A diary study on multidimensional perfectionism in the context of the stressor–detachment model.

International Journal of Stress Management


Emily Kleszewski
Emily Kleszewski

H-Index: 2

Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Commitment is the key: A moderated mediation model linking leaders’ resources, work engagement, and transformational leadership behavior

Psychological reports


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

How to measure mental illness stigma at work: development and validation of the workplace mental illness stigma scale

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Using protection motivation theory to predict adherence to COVID-19 behavioral guidelines

Behavioral Medicine


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Leaders’ well-being–antecedent or consequence of authentic leadership?

Leadership & Organization Development Journal


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology


The role of mindfulness, psychological capital, and social capital in the well-being of refugees in Uganda

Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology


Martin Mabunda Baluku
Martin Mabunda Baluku

H-Index: 8

Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

I can't get no sleep: The role of leaders' health and leadership behavior on employees' sleep quality

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Illegitimate tasks: obstacles to trans equality at work

Gender in Management: An International Journal


Kathleen Otto
Kathleen Otto

H-Index: 21

Leave Me Alone With Your Symptoms! Social Exclusion at the Workplace Mediates the Relationship of Employee's Mental Illness and Sick Leave

Frontiers in public health


See List of Professors in Kathleen Otto University(Philipps-Universität Marburg)

