The traditional way to seek LinkedIn assistance is through a LinkedIn help support ticket.

This ticket system allows users to formally submit their concerns to LinkedIn support for resolution and assistance.

Whether addressing issues related to LinkedIn profiles, groups, and pages or seeking help with login problems, users can use the support ticket system to convey their problems to LinkedIn for resolution through established customer service channels.

How to Get Support on LinkedIn with the LinkedIn Help Support Ticket 2024?

Follow the below procedure to raise ticket on LinkedIn.

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  2. Visit the LinkedIn Support homepage.
  3. Select “Create a Support Ticket.”
How to Get Support on LinkedIn with the LinkedIn Help Support Ticket 2024?

If no answer is found, choose “Other.”

If no answer is found, choose "Other."

ClickCreate a support ticket.”

Click "Create a support ticket."

Fill in the necessary details and submit.

Fill in the necessary details and submit.

Expect a prompt response from the LinkedIn customer support team.

As you see, opening a LinkedIn help support ticket is quick and straightforward on LinkedIn, helping you save time.

You can raise ticket for various needs, problems, and questions. For instance, for a LinkedIn account restricted or any other issue regarding your profile, connections, groups, InMail, premium subscription, etc. you can raise a ticket on LinkedIn.

How Long Does It Take LinkedIn to Respond?

Typically, the response time from LinkedIn support falls within 24 to 72 hours.

However, in cases where the request is complicated, the resolution duration may extend to a week or even longer.

It’s essential to note that furnishing comprehensive details when submitting a request is crucial for expediting the process.

Ensuring that all necessary information is provided can contribute to a more efficient handling of inquiries or concerns through the LinkedIn support system.

The next part explains the essential points you should consider while sending a ticket to the LinkedIn help center to get a faster response.

Things to Consider Before Sending a LinkedIn Help Support Ticket

Before submitting a LinkedIn help support ticket, consider the following:

Self-Help Resources

Before sending any ticket, checking LinkedIn’s Help Center for potential solutions to common issues is recommended.

Take advantage of LinkedIn’s comprehensive self-help resources available in the Help Center.

Often, common queries have pre-existing solutions or guidance that can expedite problem resolution without direct support.

Issue Clarity

Clearly define the problem or question you need assistance with.

A well-defined problem statement enhances the likelihood of receiving targeted and effective assistance.


Additionally, consider documenting the issue with relevant details, screenshots, or supporting documentation.

A comprehensive overview equips the support team with the context for a more informed response.

As you can see in the below image, the user can add attachments to make the issue clear.

A comprehensive overview equips the support team with the context for a more informed response.


Express the level of urgency for your request within the support ticket, as this information can significantly impact the speed of response.

Clearly articulating the urgency ensures that the support team is aware of the time-sensitive nature of your inquiry, prompting them to prioritize and address it promptly.


Ensure all required fields in the support ticket are accurately filled out.

Pay careful attention to the completeness of the information provided. Filling out all required fields accurately and thoroughly ensures that your request is processed efficiently and reduces the likelihood of additional back-and-forth communication for missing details.

By addressing these considerations, you can enhance the effectiveness of your LinkedIn help support ticket, potentially leading to a quicker and more precise resolution of your inquiry or issue.

LinkedIn Customer Service – Good or Bad?!

For the most accurate and up-to-date information on LinkedIn’s customer care and service, let’s consider checking the G2 website (Business Software and Services Reviews).

LinkedIn Customer Service – Good or Bad?!
  • As of January 2024, the quality of support for LinkedIn Sales Navigator is 8.1/10 (number of responses: 1202) on G2.
  • As of January 2024, the quality of support for LinkedIn Job Search is 8.8/10 (number of responses: 594) on G2.
  • As of January 2024, the quality of support for LinkedIn Learning is 8.7/10 (number of responses: 402) on G2.
  • As of January 2024, the quality of support for LinkedIn Recruitment Marketing is 8.1/10 (number of responses: 612) on G2.
  • As of January 2024, the quality of support for LinkedIn Recruitment Marketing is 8.1/10 (number of responses: 189) on G2.

As you see, the score of LinkedIn support on G2 is between 8.1 and 8.8 for its various tools and facilities.

Other Ways to Contact LinkedIn Support Directly

In addition to LinkedIn help support tickets, other ways are also available to connect with the LinkedIn help center.

Live Chat Support

LinkedIn chat is a supported way available for LinkedIn premium members.

Directly engage with the LinkedIn customer service team through live chat on the LinkedIn Help Center.

Simply navigate to the bottom of the LinkedIn Help Center homepage and select the Start Chat option.

LinkedIn chat is a supported way available for LinkedIn premium members.

The LinkedIn Help Assistant is ready to answer your questions.

The LinkedIn Help Assistant is ready to answer your questions.

LinkedIn Help Center

Another way of support provided by LinkedIn is available at the following link:

You can find help with various issues, including data and privacy, subscription billing, your LinkedIn profile, connections, and more.

LinkedIn Help Center

LinkedIn Official Twitter Account

The LinkedIn Help account on Twitter is another way, which is responsive seven days a week.

The LinkedIn Help account on Twitter is another way, which is responsive seven days a week.

If you need help with your LinkedIn account, DM the email address listed on your profile.

Access the LinkedIn Twitter account from HERE.

Can I Email LinkedIn Support?

LinkedIn does not provide a direct support email address or phone number.

You need to send a LinkedIn help support ticket or choose the other ways mentioned above to connect with the LinkedIn team for support.


This article is the best guide to helping anyone who wants to raise a LinkedIn help support ticket.

Remember to write your question and concern clearly and completely when you are sending a ticket to ensure that the support team has a comprehensive overview of your situation.

This not only accelerates the troubleshooting process but also minimizes the need for additional back-and-forth communication to gather missing information.

LinkedIn help support ticket, its official Twitter account, LinkedIn help center, and live chat are all ways to support LinkedIn users. Try the best way based on your preference.

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