Online courses have become one of the main ways of education, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic, when most countries suggested their people stay home, and we quarantined ourselves! Online courses were the best possibility for people who wanted to learn a skill, to do it from home, and so many people who could teach something, thought how to become a LinkedIn Learning instructor and share their knowledge.

To become a LinkedIn Learning instructor, you need to apply through the LinkedIn Learning Instructor Program. To do so, you must first create a LinkedIn profile and then fill out an application that includes your area of expertise and experience. LinkedIn will then review your application and contact you if you meet their qualifications. If accepted, you will be given access to LinkedIn's course creation platform, where you can create and publish your own courses on the platform.

The way was by uploading different lessons to the LinkedIn Learning website.

How to Become a LinkedIn Learning Instructor?

LinkedIn Learning is an online education service; the courses are categorized into three different parts: business, technology, and creative.

This service is also known as and offers free courses for different users. For example, there are free lessons for people who failed their skill quiz but to access every course; you need to subscribe to a premium account.

Being a LinkedIn Learning instructor means that you are a contractor who is to create and publish different courses. You’ll probably have a long-term connection with a content manager, strategist, and producer and probably will have to go back every now and then to update the courses since they might change every month Because most of these lessons are in the tech and software field.

Oh, and remember that you cannot use the same content on any other platforms like YouTube if you are working as an instructor under the LinkedIn Learning name.

Why do people want to become a LinkedIn instructors? Because you’ll get paid to share your knowledge.

Once you sign a contract, LinkedIn will pay you half of the royal advance, and the other half is paid when uploading the courses, then once the advance payment is paid, you will start to receive some royal payments every month.

The payment will continue until LinkedIn keeps those lessons in its database, so there is no way to be sure how long they will pay you for your uploaded course.

The perfect part is that there is no pressure and tight schedule for uploading content they know that the instructors are regular people with real jobs, responsibilities, and families, so you create a content timeline that agrees with you.

How to become a LinkedIn learning instructor?

Three are some ways to become a LinkedIn Learning instructor. Have you already uploaded some lessons about one of the mentioned categories, for example, google analytics, on your YouTube channel?

Well, you might get connected by a content manager and be offered to work as a LinkedIn Learning instructor.

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Another instructor can also refer you, or you can fill out the application form. If you are part of some specific programs like LinkedIn influencer, managed power create, top voice, etc., or you can instruct in some specific language like Mandarin, check the related boxes in the form; they will definitely increase your chance to get accepted by LinkedIn.

To tell the truth, it’s not that hard to be recruited as a LinkedIn Learning instructor. I mean, it’s like they are always looking for new instructors. Becoming a LinkedIn instructor is much easier than on websites like Coursera.

So if you want to pass your knowledge and don’t mind getting paid to do so, LinkedIn learning can be the best way. You just need to know how to become a LinkedIn learning instructor.

Just remember that they will probably ask you to create a sample video to evaluate your teaching skills and content production ability to see if you are a fit or not.

So if you think your video editing can improve, try to improve it before applying for the instruction job.

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Related Questions & Answers

How to become a linkedin learning instructor online

Becoming a LinkedIn Learning instructor online is a straightforward process that requires a few essential steps. Firstly, you need to have expertise in a specific field or topic that you want to teach. LinkedIn Learning primarily focuses on professional and business-related subjects, so having relevant knowledge and experience is crucial.

Next, you can visit the LinkedIn Learning website and Verify your account navigate to the “Become an Instructor” section and Here, you can find information about the requirements and application process. You’ll need to provide your professional background, including your work experience and educational qualifications. It’s important to highlight your expertise in the subject matter you wish to teach.

After submitting your application, the LinkedIn Learning team will review it and assess your qualifications. If approved, you will be contacted by LinkedIn Learning to discuss the next steps, including creating your course content. You’ll have access to LinkedIn Learning’s resources and tools to develop your course materials, such as video lectures, exercises, and quizzes. Once your course is created, it will go through a quality review process before being made available to LinkedIn Learning subscribers. As an instructor, you will have the opportunity to engage with learners and help them gain valuable skills in your area of expertise.

LinkedIn for business training

LinkedIn offers valuable training resources for businesses looking to enhance their professional skills and leverage the platform effectively. To access LinkedIn’s business training, you can explore the LinkedIn Learning platform. It provides a vast library of online courses covering various business-related topics such as marketing, leadership, sales, and more.

To begin, you can create a LinkedIn Learning account and browse through the available courses. LinkedIn Learning offers both beginner and advanced-level content, allowing businesses to cater to the skill levels of their employees. The courses are presented in video format, making it convenient for individuals to learn at their own pace. These courses often include practical exercises and assessments to reinforce the learning experience.

By investing in LinkedIn’s business training, companies can empower their workforce with valuable skills and knowledge to excel in their professional roles. The training resources enable businesses to stay updated with industry trends, develop expertise in specific areas, and make the most of LinkedIn’s features and tools for networking, marketing, and business growth. Ultimately, LinkedIn’s business training equips organizations with the necessary tools to maximize their presence on the platform and drive success in the digital business landscape.

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How do you get on LinkedIn Learning?

To get on LinkedIn Learning, the first step is joining LinkedIn and creating a compelling profile that showcases your expertise and professional background. Applying to become a LinkedIn Learning instructor involves filling out an apply form where you detail your qualifications and the courses you propose to teach.

LinkedIn Learning seeks instructors who can bring unique content and valuable learning experiences to their platform. If it’s your first time applying, ensure your application highlights your expertise in the field you wish to teach and your ability to create engaging and informative courses.

How much is a LinkedIn Learning Enterprise license?

The cost of a LinkedIn Learning Enterprise license varies based on the organization’s size, and the specific learning needs it aims to address. This license provides access to a vast library of courses, allowing employees to enhance their skills at their own pace. 

Organizations interested in obtaining an Enterprise license must apply through LinkedIn’s application form, where they can tailor the package to their requirements. Investing in a LinkedIn Learning Enterprise license is a valuable step toward fostering a culture of continuous learning and development within the company.

How do I create content for LinkedIn Learning?

Creating content for LinkedIn Learning begins with identifying a course topic that aligns with your expertise and is in demand among the platform’s users. Once you have a concept, the next step is to apply to become an instructor by submitting an application outlining your proposed course and qualifications. 

Successful applicants will receive guidance on LinkedIn Learning’s content creation standards, including structuring your course, designing engaging learning materials, and recording high-quality videos. Remember, the key to success is creating informative, engaging, and relevant content to your audience.

LinkedIn Learning Instructor Pay

LinkedIn Learning instructor pay is based on a revenue-sharing model, where instructors earn money each time their course is viewed by LinkedIn Learning subscribers. The pay structure is designed to reward instructors for creating high-demand content that contributes to the platform’s learning ecosystem. 

While specific earnings can vary widely depending on the popularity and engagement of their courses, becoming a LinkedIn Learning instructor can be a lucrative opportunity for those skilled in teaching and creating compelling course content.

How to Become a LinkedIn Learning Instructor in California?

Becoming a LinkedIn Learning instructor in California follows the same process as elsewhere, with potential instructors required to apply by submitting a detailed application form showcasing their expertise and proposed course content. Applicants in California should highlight their unique insights and experiences that align with the needs of LinkedIn Learning’s diverse audience. 

The application should detail the instructor’s approach to teaching and creating engaging, valuable content for learners. Once accepted, instructors will receive support and guidance on creating courses that meet LinkedIn Learning’s quality standards.

Do LinkedIn Learning Instructors Get Paid?

Yes, LinkedIn Learning instructors do get paid. They earn through a revenue-sharing model, where compensation is tied to the number of times subscribers view their courses. This model incentivizes instructors to create high-quality, engaging courses that meet the needs of LinkedIn Learning’s audience. 

The more popular and in-demand a course becomes, the more an instructor can earn, making teaching on LinkedIn Learning a potentially rewarding endeavor for experts in various fields.

How to Upload Course on LinkedIn Learning?

To upload a course on LinkedIn Learning, instructors must go through the application process and get approved to teach. Once accepted, instructors can access LinkedIn Learning’s content management system to upload course materials, including videos, quizzes, and other learning resources. 

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The process includes structuring your course into modules, applying for titles, and ensuring your content aligns with LinkedIn Learning’s guidelines for quality and engagement. Instructors are supported throughout this process to ensure their course is ready for learners to access.

Does LinkedIn Learning Experience Worth It?

Whether the LinkedIn Learning experience is worth it depends on individual learning goals and career aspirations. For many, LinkedIn Learning offers valuable opportunities to gain new skills and knowledge in various fields, from business and technology to creative arts. 

The platform’s courses are taught by experienced instructors and are designed to be engaging and informative. Joining LinkedIn Learning can be especially beneficial for those looking to advance in their careers, switch industries, or enhance their professional abilities for the first time.


Being an online instructor can be a perfect chance to enrich your portfolio, and this portfolio can become a key to your successful job hunting.

How to become a LinkedIn Learning instructor? There are several ways in which we talked about them.

Although there is no income guarantee, you can count on some good monthly paychecks from LinkedIn if your content is good enough.


Can I create my own LinkedIn learning course?

Yes, you can create your own LinkedIn Learning course, but it’s not a simple process and typically requires collaboration with LinkedIn Learning’s content team. LinkedIn Learning partners with subject matter experts and industry professionals to develop high-quality courses. If you have expertise in a particular field or topic and are interested in creating a course, you can reach out to LinkedIn Learning through their website to express your interest. They will assess your qualifications and the potential alignment of your course idea with their platform. If approved, you may work closely with their team to develop and produce the course, including creating video content, instructional materials, and assessments. It’s a great way to share your knowledge with a broader audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

How do I become a course instructor?

To become a course instructor on LinkedIn Learning, you can follow these steps:

  1. Expertise and Qualifications: First, ensure you have expertise and qualifications in a specific field or topic. LinkedIn Learning typically partners with subject matter experts and industry professionals.
  2. Course Proposal: Develop a detailed course proposal outlining the topic, course objectives, target audience, and what learners will gain from the course.
  3. Submit Proposal: Visit the LinkedIn Learning website and find information on how to submit your course proposal. There may be a submission form or contact information for their content team.
  4. Review and Approval: LinkedIn Learning will review your proposal and assess your qualifications. They’ll consider factors like the relevance of your expertise and the potential audience for your course.
  5. Collaboration: If your proposal is approved, you’ll collaborate with LinkedIn Learning’s content team to create the course content, including video lessons, instructional materials, and assessments.
  6. Course Production: Once all materials are ready, the course will be produced and published on the LinkedIn Learning platform.

Becoming a LinkedIn Learning instructor requires subject expertise, effective teaching skills, and collaboration with LinkedIn Learning’s content team to create high-quality courses. It’s a rewarding way to share your knowledge with a global audience.

Can I stream LinkedIn learning?

LinkedIn Learning primarily offered on-demand courses, and it did not support live streaming of courses. Learners typically accessed LinkedIn Learning content at their own pace, watching pre-recorded video lessons and completing exercises and quizzes as needed. However, technology and platform capabilities can change over time, so it’s a good idea to visit the official LinkedIn Learning website or check their latest updates to see if they have introduced any live streaming features since then.

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