A graduation LinkedIn post is the post you design, write, and publish on LinkedIn to inform your connections that you are recently graduated from college or university.

This is the best way to announce to the people in your network that you have graduated.

Maybe an entrepreneur or a human resource expert in your connection list see this post and become interested in sending you a job offer! Anyway, you have improved to a higher level!

Through graduation and LinkedIn posts, you not only inform others but also record this memorable moment in your LinkedIn account for always. This post would bring good memories back unless a bad experience happened to you on that special day! 🙁

A graduation LinkedIn post is a way to share your academic achievements and celebrate your graduation with your professional network. To create a graduation post, you can include a photo of yourself in your graduation gown or holding your diploma, share your academic accomplishments, express your gratitude to your mentors, and highlight your future career goals.

How to make a graduation post on LinkedIn?

Post a relevant image or film

It’s recommended to upload a relevant image or film along with an explanation in the caption. This picture or film can be taken from the moment you got your new degree from the head in the graduation ceremony or even show you an official graduation dress in any other background.

If you choose a picture in which you smile or even laugh, that’s the best!

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Also, it’s better to post a picture or film in which you are alone. And if you prefer a group photo with your classmates accompanying you, upload the one in which you are the focus of attention!

Because the readers who are not familiar with you should be able to distinguish you from others!

The group picture below is not a good choice! How does a reader understand which person is YOU?

Graduation LinkedIn Post

While in the picture below, though it is a group one, it clearly reveals which person is YOU as you are directly looking at the camera! 🙂

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Don’t forget to add a caption to your image/film!

Images or films are very appealing, but they are not enough singly!

To make your graduation LinkedIn post more interesting, it’s better to talk with the audience through some words. Remember to keep the caption short; a long and complicated caption wouldn’t be nice!

Your answer to the following questions can be recorded as the caption of your graduation LinkedIn post:

  • What is the most valuable lesson you learned in this education procedure?
  • What are your future goals after graduation?
  • How did you overcome the difficulties you faced in this journey?
  • What’s your future direction?
  • Who supported you in your years of education?

Remember to update your new education degree in your LinkedIn profile! All 3 methods are explained!

The first strategy to add your new education to your LinkedIn profile

Enter your LinkedIn “Home” and then click “Me” icon shown on the top right of the page.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Select “View Profile” to enter it.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

In your profile, click the pencil you can see exactly below the cover picture on the right side.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Scroll down to see the section of “Education” and click “Add New Education”.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

On the opened page, you need to add some data related to your new education. Entering the name of the university in the part of “School” is obligatory, while filling in other parts, including degree, the field of study, start date, end date, grade, activities, and societies, and descriptions are optional. However we recommend you to complete this form from A to Z!

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Finally, you can add any document, image, video file, etc., or link to other websites by clicking “Add Media” which is the last field of the previous form. Remember to “Save” the completed form before closing otherwise, they won’t be added.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Your newly added education will be shown in your “Profile” if you scroll down the page. Any new data will be demonstrated beneath the previous one.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

The second strategy to add new education to your LinkedIn profile

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You can go to your LinkedIn “Homepage”, click on “Me” icon and select “View Profile”.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

In this step, instead of clicking on the pencil, you see below the cover picture (which was explained in the previous strategy), click “Add Profile Section” demonstrated beside the “Open to” icon.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Then click “Add Education” in the presented window.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

After that, you need to fill out the form you see below. Adding the school is obligatory, while other fields are optional.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

At the end of this form, you can “Add Media” which can be any image, film, website, etc. you like related to this education degree and procedure. Finally click “Save”.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Your newly added education will be seen in the “Education” part if you go to your LinkedIn “Profile” and scroll the page down.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

The third strategy is to add new education to the LinkedIn profile

Like previous methods, go to your LinkedIn “Profile”. Then scroll down the page to see the “Education” section.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Afterward, click the pencil you see on the right.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

Then click “+” to add a new education.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

In the shown form, you have to add “School” but other fields like degree, grade, etc. are optional (exactly like the two previous strategies).

Graduation LinkedIn Post

At the end of this form, you can add any image, file, website, film, or anything else you like. Save it, finally.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

How to remove the education entries from your LinkedIn profile?

The easiest way is to go to your LinkedIn “Profile”. Then scroll down the page to see the “Education” part.

Afterwards, click the pencil you see on the right side.

Graduation LinkedIn Post
Graduation LinkedIn Post

On the opened page, click “Delete Education” beneath the form. And then “Save” it.

Graduation LinkedIn Post

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Related Questions & Answers

Graduation LinkedIn Post examples

Here are two graduation post examples for LinkedIn:

Example 1: “Today, I am proud to announce that I have officially graduated with a [Degree] in [Field of Study]. It has been an incredible journey filled with challenges, growth, and unforgettable experiences. I am grateful to my professors, friends, and family for their support and guidance throughout this chapter of my life. I am excited to apply the knowledge and skills I have gained to make a positive impact in the [industry or field]. Here’s to the next chapter and all the opportunities that lie ahead! #Graduation2023 #ProudAlumni”

Example 2: “Graduation day is finally here! I am honored and humbled to receive my [Degree] in [Field of Study]. It is a testament to hard work, dedication, and the belief that education is a lifelong journey. I want to express my sincere gratitude to my professors, mentors, and classmates for their inspiration and encouragement. This milestone is not just about me, but also about the collective efforts of everyone who has supported me along the way. As I embark on this new chapter, I am excited to contribute to the [industry or field] and make a positive impact. Cheers to the Class of 2023 and all our future successes! #GraduationDay #NewBeginnings”

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Should I post my graduation on LinkedIn?

Absolutely! Sharing your graduation on LinkedIn is a great way to celebrate your accomplishment and showcase your educational achievement to your professional network. It allows you to connect with colleagues, mentors, and potential employers who can offer congratulations and support. By posting your graduation, you are not only expressing pride in your academic journey but also positioning yourself as a motivated and accomplished individual in your field. It can also open doors to new opportunities and networking connections. So, go ahead and share your graduation on LinkedIn to celebrate your success and create professional connections that can help shape your future career.

LinkedIn post example for graduation and new job

Excited to announce that I have officially graduated and landed a new job! 🎓🎉 I’m grateful for the incredible education and experiences that have brought me to this point, and I’m thrilled to embark on this next chapter in my career. I want to express my gratitude to my professors, mentors, and classmates who have supported me throughout this journey. I couldn’t have done it without you! I’m eager to apply the knowledge and skills I’ve gained to make a meaningful impact in my new role. Looking forward to connecting with professionals in this field and continuing to learn and grow. Here’s to new beginnings! #Graduation #NewJob #CareerJourney”

Graduation announcement post example

“I’m thrilled to share that I have successfully completed my studies and earned my degree! 🎓 It has been an incredible journey filled with hard work, growth, and unforgettable experiences. I want to express my gratitude to my professors, friends, and family who have supported me along the way. I’m excited to begin this new chapter in my life and pursue my career aspirations. I look forward to connecting with professionals in my field and making a positive impact in the industry. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my educational journey. Cheers to new beginnings and exciting opportunities ahead! #GraduationAnnouncement #NewChapter #CareerGoals”

How to update LinkedIn after graduation?

After graduation, it’s important to update your LinkedIn profile to reflect your new academic achievement. Start by updating your education section with the details of your degree, including the name of the institution, degree earned, field of study, and graduation date. You can also include any honors or distinctions you received during your studies. Additionally, consider updating your headline or summary to showcase your newly acquired skills and highlight your career goals post-graduation. Don’t forget to add relevant coursework, projects, or internships to your experience section to showcase your practical experience and demonstrate your readiness for the professional world. Finally, engage with the LinkedIn community by sharing a post about your graduation, expressing your gratitude, and sharing your excitement about the next chapter of your journey.

LinkedIn post for completing Master’s

When completing your Master’s degree, it’s a great accomplishment to share with your LinkedIn network. Craft a post to announce your achievement, including details such as the name of your degree, the university or institution you attended, and the field of study. Highlight any specializations or concentrations within your Master’s program, as well as any noteworthy projects or research you undertook. Express gratitude to professors, mentors, and classmates who supported you throughout your Master’s journey. Share your excitement for the new opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, whether it’s furthering your education, pursuing a career in your field, or making a meaningful impact in your industry. Use hashtags relevant to your area of expertise or industry to increase visibility and engagement. This post allows you to showcase your educational accomplishments, network with like-minded professionals, and potentially attract new career opportunities or collaborations.

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How to announce grad school acceptance on LinkedIn?

Announcing your acceptance into a graduate school program on LinkedIn is a great way to share your exciting news with your professional network. Craft a post that highlights the name of the graduate school, the program or degree you have been accepted into, and any relevant details about the field of study or specialization. Express your gratitude to the people who have supported you in this journey, such as mentors, professors, family, or friends. Share your enthusiasm for the opportunity to further your education and develop new skills and knowledge. Use relevant hashtags to increase visibility and engagement. This post allows you to celebrate your achievement, connect with others in your field or alumni of the same program, and potentially attract new connections or opportunities related to your academic pursuits.

The last word

If you like to have an updated LinkedIn profile, the one that attracts more people and clients to be connected with you and even grabs the employers’ attention for better job opportunities, it’s recommended that you add your new education in your LinkedIn profile and also upload a relevant post to inform the people about this new Diploma/BA/MA/PhD degree.

The graduation LinkedIn post is better to be a combination of image/video with a relevant caption to make the most impact on the audience.

The influence of LinkedIn in the business world cannot be ignored. Just opening a page on LinkedIn is not enough at all. It’s better to build an updated and complete profile if you like to present yourself as a professional and experienced person!


How do I write a graduation post on Linkedin?

Writing a graduation post on LinkedIn is a way to share your academic achievement with your professional network. Start by selecting a good photo from your graduation, if possible. Then, in your post, briefly mention the degree you’ve obtained, the institution you graduated from, any honors or significant experiences, and your feelings or future aspirations. For example: “Thrilled to share that I’ve officially graduated with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science from XYZ University! Grateful for all the learning and experiences. Excited for the next chapter in my professional journey. #Graduation2023”. Remember to keep it concise, professional, and genuine.

What should I say at my graduation?

During your graduation, it’s important to convey gratitude and reflect on your journey. You might say: “I am deeply thankful for the support and guidance I’ve received from my professors, friends, and family throughout this academic journey. Earning this degree wasn’t just about mastering subjects, but also about personal growth and understanding the value of perseverance. As I look ahead, I’m excited to use the knowledge and skills I’ve gained to make a positive impact in my chosen field. Here’s to new beginnings and the many opportunities that lie ahead!” Keep your message heartfelt and sincere, and remember to acknowledge those who helped you along the way.

Can I Use My Graduation Picture on LinkedIn?

Yes, you can use your graduation picture on LinkedIn. Many LinkedIn users choose to include a professional headshot, and a graduation photo can be suitable if it meets certain criteria. Ensure that the photo is clear, well-lit, and professionally taken. Dress in appropriate attire, such as business casual or professional wear, and maintain a professional demeanor in the photo. Avoid using overly casual or distracting backgrounds. Remember that your LinkedIn profile is a representation of your professional identity, so choose a photo that presents you in the best light for potential employers and connections.

What is an example of graduation announcement wording?

Here’s a straightforward example of graduation announcement wording:

“I’m thrilled to announce that I have successfully completed my Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from XYZ University. It’s been a journey filled with challenges, growth, and unforgettable memories. I’m deeply grateful for the support from my family, friends, and professors who’ve been instrumental in this achievement. Looking forward to the next chapter! #ClassOf2023”

This format highlights the accomplishment, acknowledges support, and expresses excitement for the future, all while keeping it concise and genuine.

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