Email marketing has been a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies for years, and its importance continues to grow in 2024. Understanding and optimizing metrics like email marketing open rate 2024 are crucial for success in this ever-evolving landscape.

The email marketing open rate in 2024 refers to the percentage of recipients who open and view an email campaign. It is a key metric used to measure the effectiveness of email marketing efforts. A higher open rate typically indicates that more recipients found the email content engaging and relevant. 

This comprehensive guide will delve into what email marketing open rate means, its importance, how to calculate it, and industry benchmarks.

By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to enhance your digital marketing campaigns through one of the email benchmarks: Open rate.

What Is Email Marketing Open Rate?

What Is Email Marketing Open Rate?

Email marketing open rate is a key metric that measures the percentage of recipients who open and view your email out of the total number of emails delivered.

It’s a vital statistic that provides insights into the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

Open rates are typically expressed as a percentage and are a valuable indicator of how engaging and relevant your emails are to your audience.

Why Is Email Marketing Open Rate an Important Metric?

Why Is Email Marketing Open Rate an Important Metric?

Understanding the importance of email marketing open rate in 2024 is essential for crafting a successful digital marketing strategy.

Here are some compelling reasons why this metric matters:

1. Engagement Measurement:

Email open rates help you gauge how well your audience is engaging with your content.

A high open rate indicates that your recipients find your emails valuable and are interested in your offerings.

2. Content Relevance:

A high open rate suggests that your email content is resonating with your target audience.

It signifies that your subject lines and email copy are compelling enough to capture recipients’ attention.

3. Deliverability Insights:

The best email list service providers, like CUFinder, use open rates as a factor to determine email deliverability.

High open rates can positively impact your sender’s reputation. They can also increase the chances of your emails landing in the inbox rather than the spam folder.

4. Segment Optimization:

By analyzing open rates, you can segment your email list based on engagement levels.

This allows you to tailor your content to specific groups and improve overall campaign performance.

5. Conversion Opportunities:

While open rates don’t guarantee conversions, they are often a precursor to clicks and subsequent actions.

A higher open rate increases the likelihood of recipients taking desired actions, such as maximizing their click-through rates on your website or purchasing.

What Is a Good Email Marketing Open Rate 2024?

What Is a Good Email Marketing Open Rate 2024?

The definition of a “good” email marketing open rate can vary depending on factors such as

  • industry,
  • audience, and
  • email campaign objectives.

However, industry benchmarks and marketing statistics provide a useful reference point to assess the performance of your email campaigns.

In 2024, a typical open rate for email marketing falls within the range of 15% to 25%.

Campaign Monitor‘s marketing stats and marketing benchmarks report that the average open rate across all industries is around 17.92%.

However, it’s important to note that open rates can differ significantly by industry.

To determine what constitutes a good open rate for your specific campaign, consider the following factors:

1. Industry Benchmarks:

Examine industry-specific benchmarks to see how your open rate compares to your peers.

Different industries have varying levels of email engagement, so it’s essential to benchmark against your own sector.

2. Campaign Goals:

Align your open rate goals with the objectives of your email campaign.

For example, if you’re running a newsletter campaign, a lower open rate may be acceptable if subscribers are consistently engaging with the content.

3. Audience Segmentation:

Your open rate can vary depending on the segments of your email list.

Highly engaged segments may achieve higher open rates, while less active segments may have lower rates.

4. A/B Testing:

Continuously test different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, send times, and content, to optimize your open rates.

A/B testing can help you identify what resonates best with your audience.

How do you calculate the open rate on email marketing?

Calculating the open rate on email marketing is a straightforward process.

To determine your email open rate, use the following formula:

Open Rate (%) = (Total Opened Emails ÷ Total Delivered Emails) x 100

Here’s a step-by-step guide to calculating your email open rate:

How do you calculate the open rate on email marketing?

1. Collect Data:

Gather data on the total number of emails delivered for your campaign.

This information can typically be found in your email marketing platform’s reporting dashboard.

2. Count Opens:

Determine the total number of times your email was opened by recipients.

Email marketing platforms track opens through tracking pixels or unique tracking links.

3. Calculate the Open Rate:

Apply the formula mentioned above to calculate your open rate as a percentage.

For example, if you delivered 10,000 emails and recorded 2,000 opens, your open rate would be:

Open Rate (%) = (2,000 ÷ 10,000) x 100 = 20%

By calculating your open rate, you gain insights into how well your emails are capturing the attention of your audience.

This information is valuable for refining your email marketing strategy and improving campaign performance.

What Are the Average Email Marketing Open Rates by Industry?

Email open rates can vary significantly across different industries.

To set realistic benchmarks for your email campaigns in 2024, it’s essential to consider industry-specific averages.

Here are some average email marketing open rates by industry, based on industry benchmarks:

What Are the Average Email Marketing Open Rates by Industry?

1. E-commerce and Retail:

In the e-commerce and retail sectors, email open rates tend to range from 35% to 42% (E-commerce: 38.58% and retail: 41.24%).

These businesses often send promotional emails, and success is measured by click-through rates and conversions in addition to open rates.

2. B2B Agency Services:

Companies offering B2B services typically have open rates between 35% and 40% (39.16%).

These businesses focus on building relationships and providing valuable content to their audience.

3. Media and Publishing:

Media and publishing companies see open rates ranging from 30% to 35% (34.65%).

Engaging subject lines and captivating content are essential for this industry.

4. Nonprofits:

Nonprofit sector often achieves open rates between 45% and 50% (46.49%).

Supporters of nonprofit organizations are highly engaged and interested in updates and opportunities to contribute.

Nonprofit sector often achieves open rates between 45% and 50% (46.49%).

5. Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals:

Healthcare and pharmaceutical companies tend to have open rates of 40% to 45% (42.7%).

Educational content and healthcare-related information are key drivers of engagement in this sector.

6. Travel and Hospitality:

The travel and hospitality industry typically sees open rates between 35% and 40% (36.2%).

Targeted offers and personalized content are crucial for success in this competitive industry.

It’s important to note that these averages are general guidelines and may vary within each industry.

Your email marketing open rate should be compared to these benchmarks, but you should also consider

  • your specific audience,
  • campaign goals, and
  • historical data for a more accurate assessment.

What Are the Average Email Marketing Open Rates by Mobile Device vs. Desktop?

What Are the Average Email Marketing Open Rates by Mobile Device vs. Desktop?

With the increasing use of mobile devices for email consumption, it’s essential to understand how open rates differ between mobile and desktop users.

Email marketing statistics show that mobile open rates have been on the rise in recent years.

In 2024, it’s crucial to optimize your emails for mobile devices to reach a broader audience.

Here’s a breakdown of average email marketing open rates by device type:

Email marketing statistics show that mobile open rates have been on the rise in recent years.

1. Mobile Devices:

Mobile open rates have consistently been higher than desktop open rates in recent years.

On average, mobile open rates increased from 61% to 81% from 2018 to 2020.

Therefore, ensuring that your emails are mobile-responsive is essential for maximizing engagement.

2. Desktop Devices:

Desktop open rates tend to be slightly lower, with an average range of 39% to 19% from 2018 to 2020.

While desktop users are still a significant portion of your audience, the trend is shifting toward mobile email consumption.

Given these trends, it’s crucial to optimize your email marketing campaigns for mobile devices. This includes

  • using responsive design,
  • concise subject lines, and
  • easily digestible content to ensure that your emails are accessible and engaging on smaller screens.


In 2024, understanding email marketing open rates 2024 is essential to the success of email campaigns.

This vital metric allows you to measure engagement, assess content relevance, and optimize your email campaigns for success.

While a “good” open rate can vary by industry and campaign goals, industry benchmarks and data-driven insights provide valuable guidance.

To make the most of your email marketing efforts, calculate your open rate accurately, compare it to industry averages, and pay attention to your audience’s device preferences.

By staying informed and adapting your strategies to current trends, you can continue to use email marketing as a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal.

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