Are you new to the world of demand generation? Looking for effective tactics to boost your B2B sales and marketing efforts? Demand generation examples are all you need.

In the B2B marketing world, you know how critical it is to generate leads and increase sales.

In this guide, we’ll explore eight demand generation examples that can have a significant impact on your B2B demand generation plan.

Whether you’re new to marketing automation or looking to refine your existing strategies, these tactics will help you create a successful sales funnel and increase your business growth.

So, let’s get into it.

Demand Generation Examples

Are you ready to supercharge your B2B SaaS sales business with an effective demand-generation marketing strategy? Here are eight demand generation examples that actually work:

1. Value-led Organic Social

Value-led Organic Social

Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are not just for posting pictures and sharing updates. They can also be powerful tools for B2B demand creation.

To stand out, focus on creating value for your audience.

Share informative articles, industry insights, tips, and helpful resources that resonate with your target audience.

By making awesome content on social media, you can get more customers and make people know your brand.

On top of that, engage with your followers, respond to comments, and build meaningful connections.

Over time, this organic approach can lead to a steady influx of B2B leads.

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2. Targeted Paid Content Distribution

Targeted Paid Content Distribution

Paid advertising can be a game changer in B2B demand generation.

It helps you reach more people who don’t follow you or visit your website using this.

Invest in targeted advertising campaigns that reach your ideal customers. This helps expose your content to the right people at the right time.

That’s a great strategy! By using platforms like Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads, you can create super targeted campaigns based on demographics, job titles, and interests. This perfectly aligns with your B2B SaaS offerings.

Additionally, this tactic can help increase the chances of connecting with the right audience, as well as attract qualified traffic to your website.

Meanwhile, create compelling ad content that addresses pain points and offers solutions.

When done well, paid content distribution can bring you a constant flow of people interested in what you offer.

3. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Position your team members as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in your industry.

Collaborating with SMEs can add immense value to your demand generation campaigns.

SMEs bring credibility and expertise to the table, which can significantly enhance your brand’s reputation.

Partner with industry influencers or thought leaders to co-create content, participate in webinars or podcasts, and host virtual events.

By using their knowledge and network, you can reach more people and gain trust from potential customers.

Accordingly, when they’re ready for a B2B SaaS solution, your brand will be top-of-mind.

4. B2B Partnerships

B2B Partnerships

Forming partnerships with complementary B2B companies can be a win-win situation for both parties.

Identify businesses that target the same audience but offer non-competing products or services.

By collaborating on joint marketing campaigns, webinars, or content creation, you can tap into each other’s customer base and expand your reach.

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This strategic alliance can generate mutual benefits and help you acquire new and targeted leads and customers.

5. Personal Brands

Personal Brands

Investing in personal branding can have a significant impact on your demand generation strategy.

Encourage your team members, especially executives and key individuals, to establish their personal brands.

By sharing their expertise and unique perspectives, they can attract attention and build trust within the industry.

Besides, when your employees are recognized as experts, it boosts your company’s credibility.

This, in turn, can create more opportunities for your brand and generate interest in your B2B SaaS products or services.

Remember to share their insights on your company’s platforms and leverage their networks to reach a broader audience.

6. Organic Content Distribution

Organic Content Distribution

In addition to paid content distribution, don’t neglect the power of organic content.

However, creating valuable content is essential, but it’s equally important to distribute it effectively.

Develop a content distribution plan that includes channels such as blogs, social media posts, email newsletters, podcasts, videos, and industry publications.

Optimize your content for SEO to attract organic traffic and B2B leads.

Also, leverage social media strategy and relevant online groups to share your content and interact with the leads you want to reach.

7. Community Marketing

Community Marketing

Community marketing is an effective demand generation strategy to create a strong bond with your audience.

Create a space where your customers and prospects can interact, share ideas, and seek advice.

This can be in the form of an online forum, a private LinkedIn group, or a Slack community.

By nurturing this community and providing value, you can cultivate brand loyalty, generate word-of-mouth referrals, and drive demand for your B2B SaaS products or services.

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8. Brand Narrative

Brand Narrative

Crafting a compelling brand narrative is crucial for emotionally connecting with your targeted contacts.

Your brand story should resonate with their pain points, aspirations, and values.

By creating a narrative that speaks to their needs and desires, you can get their attention and stand out from the competition.

When your brand narrative aligns with the aspirations of your B2B customers, you’ll attract B2B leads who share your vision.

Therefore, use storytelling techniques in your messaging, content, and visuals to evoke emotions and build a strong brand identity.

Looking for More Demand Gen Tactics?

Looking for More Demand Gen Tactics?

These eight demand generation examples are just the beginning.

To create a robust B2B demand generation plan, you need to continually refine your strategies and explore new avenues.

Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

Data-Driven Decision Making:

Use data analytics to track the performance of your demand generation campaigns.

Identify what’s working and what isn’t, and adjust your tactics accordingly.

Lead Nurturing:

Don’t just focus on generating leads; nurture them through the sales funnel.

Provide valuable content at each stage to move prospects closer to making a purchase decision.

Inbound Marketing:

Invest in inbound marketing techniques to attract potential leads naturally.

This includes content marketing, SEO, and creating informative resources that address your audience’s pain points.

Digital Marketing Integration:

Integrate your demand generation campaigns with your overall digital marketing strategy.

This ensures consistency in messaging and a seamless customer journey.

B2B Lead Scoring:

Implement lead scoring to prioritize and qualify leads.

This allows sales reps to focus their B2B marketing outreach on leads that are most likely to convert.


Demand generation is a vital component of any B2B marketing strategy. In this article, we explained eight demand generation examples. They provide a solid foundation to start your B2B marketing automation efforts.

By implementing these eight tactics and continually optimizing your approach, you can create a strong demand generation program that drives sales and business growth.

Stay agile, keep experimenting, and watch your B2B demand generation efforts flourish.

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