List of all universities in taiwan

Browse Universities Of taiwan

World Rank: 8334
WuFeng University

WuFeng University

World Rank: 8353
Taipei University of Maritime Technology

Taipei University of Maritime Technology

World Rank: 8538
TransWorld University

TransWorld University

World Rank: 8582
HungKuo Delin University of Technology

HungKuo Delin University of Technology

World Rank: 8645
Taiwan Shoufu University

Taiwan Shoufu University

World Rank: 8694
University of Kang Ning

University of Kang Ning

World Rank: 8853
Dahan Institute of Technology

Dahan Institute of Technology

World Rank: 8921
Ta Hwa University of Science and Technology

Ta Hwa University of Science and Technology

World Rank: 9030
Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health

Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health

World Rank: 9074
Hsing Wu University

Hsing Wu University

World Rank: 9239
National Taiwan College of Performing Arts

National Taiwan College of Performing Arts

World Rank: 9279
Fortune Institute of Technology

Fortune Institute of Technology

World Rank: 9295
Lan Yang Institute of Technology

Lan Yang Institute of Technology

World Rank: 9407
Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism University

Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism University

World Rank: 10429
Nan Jeon University of Science and Technology

Nan Jeon University of Science and Technology