Zhongxiang Feng

About Zhongxiang Feng

Zhongxiang Feng, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hefei University of Technology, specializes in the field of Traffic safety, driver behavior, driver anger, pedestrian safety.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

What can we learn from the AV crashes?–An association rule analysis for identifying the contributing risky factors

Factors impacting bus selection: Differences between the middle and later stages of COVID-19

Examining expressions of cycling anger in China: Further evidence of the validity and reliability of the Cycling Anger Expression Inventory (CAX)

Optimization of colored pavement considering driving behavior and psychological characteristics under dynamic low-visibility conditions related to fog—a driving simulator study

Freeway crash risk prediction considering unobserved heterogeneity: A random effect negative binomial regression approach

How much situation awareness does the driver have when driving autonomously? A study based on driver attention allocation

A bibliometric review of driver information processing and application studies

The use of car safety seats for children in China: A questionnaire survey based on the theory of planned behavior

Zhongxiang Feng Information






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Zhongxiang Feng Skills & Research Interests

Traffic safety

driver behavior

driver anger

pedestrian safety

Top articles of Zhongxiang Feng

What can we learn from the AV crashes?–An association rule analysis for identifying the contributing risky factors

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Pei Liu
Pei Liu

H-Index: 9

Pan Liu
Pan Liu

H-Index: 33

Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

Factors impacting bus selection: Differences between the middle and later stages of COVID-19

Multimodal Transportation


Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

Chen Shao
Chen Shao

H-Index: 6

Examining expressions of cycling anger in China: Further evidence of the validity and reliability of the Cycling Anger Expression Inventory (CAX)

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour


Optimization of colored pavement considering driving behavior and psychological characteristics under dynamic low-visibility conditions related to fog—a driving simulator study

Traffic injury prevention


Freeway crash risk prediction considering unobserved heterogeneity: A random effect negative binomial regression approach

Journal of Transportation Safety & Security


How much situation awareness does the driver have when driving autonomously? A study based on driver attention allocation

Transportation research part C: emerging technologies


A bibliometric review of driver information processing and application studies


The use of car safety seats for children in China: A questionnaire survey based on the theory of planned behavior

Traffic injury prevention


Yu Wang
Yu Wang

H-Index: 14

Zhenhua Yu
Zhenhua Yu

H-Index: 20

Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

Waiting for signalized crossing or walking to footbridge/underpass? Examining the effect of weather using stated choice experiment with panel mixed random regret minimization …

Transport policy


Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

Constructing the behavioral sequence of the takeover process—TOR, behavior characteristics and phases division: A real vehicle experiment

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Zhenhua Yu
Zhenhua Yu

H-Index: 20

Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

Shan Xu
Shan Xu

H-Index: 3

Nomophobia, attitude and mobile phone use while riding an E-bike: testing a dual-process model of self-control

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Yang Ma
Yang Ma

H-Index: 5

Wei Hao
Wei Hao

H-Index: 2

Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

Evaluation of driver demand for in-vehicle information: an integrated method combining clustering and multivariate ordered probit model

Journal of safety research


A method to improve the street-crossing risk perception of hearing-impaired teenagers based on constructivist teaching theory


Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

A two-stage safety evaluation model for the red light running behaviour of pedestrians using the game theory

Safety science


Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

Zhen Yang
Zhen Yang

H-Index: 4

A method to improve the hazard perception of young novice drivers based on Bandura’s observational learning theory: Supplement to expert commentary training

Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour


Diagnostic analysis of environmental factors affecting the severity of traffic crashes: From the perspective of pedestrian–vehicle and vehicle–vehicle collisions

Traffic injury prevention


Lane-change behavior in low illumination: Research based on a questionnaire investigation

Journal of Transportation Safety & Security


Investigation of intervention methods based on different leading roles in family regarding child road safety education: An experimental study

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

Will I start an automated driving system? Report on the emotions, cognition, and intention of drivers who experienced real-world conditional automated driving

Cognition, Technology & Work


The relationships between traffic enforcement, personal norms and aggressive driving behaviors among normal e-bike riders and food delivery e-bike riders

Transport policy


Junfang Tian
Junfang Tian

H-Index: 17

Zhongxiang Feng
Zhongxiang Feng

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in Zhongxiang Feng University(Hefei University of Technology)