Zhiguang Feng

About Zhiguang Feng

Zhiguang Feng, With an exceptional h-index of 34 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Harbin Engineering University, specializes in the field of Singular Systems, Time-delay Systems.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Placement Path Optimization of Placement Machine Based on Rule Learning Iterative Method

Backstepping-based adaptive fuzzy tracking control for pure-feedback nonlinear multi-agent systems

Improved results of asynchronous mixed H∞ and passive control for discrete-time linear switched system with mode-dependent average dwell time

Unwinding-free guarantees for autonomous underwater vehicles with dynamic switched quantization and proactive event-triggered control scheme

Resilient Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems on Time-Varying Directed Graphs Under Byzantine Attacks and Actuation Attacks

Estimation of reachable set for switched singular systems with time-varying delay and state jump

Hidden Markov model‐based approach on real‐time output reachable set synthesis for discrete‐time nonlinear Markovian jump systems

Fixed-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Anti-Synchronization Control of Hyperchaotic Rössler System Based on Backstepping Method

Zhiguang Feng Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Zhiguang Feng Skills & Research Interests

Singular Systems

Time-delay Systems

Top articles of Zhiguang Feng

Placement Path Optimization of Placement Machine Based on Rule Learning Iterative Method


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Backstepping-based adaptive fuzzy tracking control for pure-feedback nonlinear multi-agent systems

International Journal of Systems Science


Improved results of asynchronous mixed H∞ and passive control for discrete-time linear switched system with mode-dependent average dwell time

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Unwinding-free guarantees for autonomous underwater vehicles with dynamic switched quantization and proactive event-triggered control scheme

Ocean Engineering


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Resilient Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems on Time-Varying Directed Graphs Under Byzantine Attacks and Actuation Attacks


Estimation of reachable set for switched singular systems with time-varying delay and state jump

Applied Mathematics and Computation


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Xinyue Zhang
Xinyue Zhang

H-Index: 4

Hidden Markov model‐based approach on real‐time output reachable set synthesis for discrete‐time nonlinear Markovian jump systems

International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control


Fixed-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Anti-Synchronization Control of Hyperchaotic Rössler System Based on Backstepping Method

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Huanqing Wang
Huanqing Wang

H-Index: 2

Event-based asymptotic tracking control for constrained MIMO nonlinear systems via a single-parameter adaptation method

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Ligang Wu
Ligang Wu

H-Index: 67

A Hybrid Genetic Branch-and-Price Method for Scheduling Optimization for Printed Circuit Board Assembly


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Reachable Set Estimation for Nonlinear Switched Singular Systems with Impulsive Perturbation


Resilient output formation-tracking of heterogeneous multiagent systems against general Byzantine attacks: A twin-layer approach

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics


Zhan Shu
Zhan Shu

H-Index: 25

Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Real-time reachable set estimation for linear time-delay systems based on zonotopes

International Journal of Systems Science


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Reachable set estimation of multi-agent systems: An approximate consensus perspective

IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Rong Su
Rong Su

H-Index: 17

Improved results on reachable set synthesis of Markovian jump systems with time-varying delays: General asynchronous control approaches

Applied Mathematics and Computation


Bo Feng
Bo Feng

H-Index: 3

Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Peng Li
Peng Li

H-Index: 6

Resilient state containment of multi-agent systems against composite attacks via output feedback: A sampled-based event-triggered hierarchical approach

Information Sciences


Bin Luo
Bin Luo

H-Index: 2

Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Fuzzy-based asynchronous controller design on reachable set synthesis of nonlinear hidden Markovian jump systems

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Bo Feng
Bo Feng

H-Index: 3

Resilient time-varying formation-tracking of multi-UAV systems against composite attacks: A two-layered framework

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

New results on sliding mode control for polynomial fuzzy singular systems with time‐varying delay

International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Yang Yang
Yang Yang

H-Index: 9

On Estimation of Reachable Sets for Approximate Consensus of Homogeneous Multiagent Systems Subject to Bounded Exogenous Disturbances

IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering


Zhiguang Feng
Zhiguang Feng

H-Index: 24

Rong Su
Rong Su

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Zhiguang Feng University(Harbin Engineering University)