Zengrui Rong

About Zengrui Rong

Zengrui Rong, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ocean University of China, specializes in the field of Plume dynamics, Tides and coastal mixing processes, Coastal circulation dynamics, Numerical Modeling, Bio-physical interactions.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Air-sea CO2 fluxes and cross-shelf exchange of inorganic carbon in the East China Sea from a coupled physical-biogeochemical model

Seasonal dynamics of dissolved organic matter bioavailability coupling with water mass circulation in the South Yellow Sea

Modeling the long-term transport and fate of oil spilled from the 2021 A Symphony tanker collision in the Yellow Sea, China: Reliability of the stochastic simulation

Toward a High-Resolution Wave Forecasting System for the Changjiang River Estuary

Variations of Remote-Sensed Forel-Ule Index in the Bohai and Yellow Seas during 1997–2019

Effects of Breaking and Non‐Breaking Surface Wave Mixing on the Changjiang River Plume Dynamics in Summer

Dynamic Cause of the Sudden Death Event of Small Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) in the East China Sea in Winter 2017

Modeling waves over the Changjiang River Estuary using a high-resolution unstructured SWAN model

Zengrui Rong Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Zengrui Rong Skills & Research Interests

Plume dynamics

Tides and coastal mixing processes

Coastal circulation dynamics

Numerical Modeling

Bio-physical interactions

Top articles of Zengrui Rong

Air-sea CO2 fluxes and cross-shelf exchange of inorganic carbon in the East China Sea from a coupled physical-biogeochemical model

Science of the Total Environment


Zengrui Rong
Zengrui Rong

H-Index: 7

Mallory Ringham
Mallory Ringham

H-Index: 2

Seasonal dynamics of dissolved organic matter bioavailability coupling with water mass circulation in the South Yellow Sea

Science of The Total Environment


Modeling the long-term transport and fate of oil spilled from the 2021 A Symphony tanker collision in the Yellow Sea, China: Reliability of the stochastic simulation

Ocean Modelling


Toward a High-Resolution Wave Forecasting System for the Changjiang River Estuary

Remote Sensing


Variations of Remote-Sensed Forel-Ule Index in the Bohai and Yellow Seas during 1997–2019

Remote Sensing


Zengrui Rong
Zengrui Rong

H-Index: 7

Effects of Breaking and Non‐Breaking Surface Wave Mixing on the Changjiang River Plume Dynamics in Summer

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


Zengrui Rong
Zengrui Rong

H-Index: 7

Dynamic Cause of the Sudden Death Event of Small Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) in the East China Sea in Winter 2017

Frontiers in Marine Science


Modeling waves over the Changjiang River Estuary using a high-resolution unstructured SWAN model

Ocean Modelling


The Interaction Between Warm‐Core Rings and Submarine Canyons and Its Influence on the Onshore Transport of Offshore Waters

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


Weifeng Zhang
Weifeng Zhang

H-Index: 14

Zengrui Rong
Zengrui Rong

H-Index: 7

Influence of Storm Tidal Current Field and Sea Bottom Slope on Coastal Ocean Waves during Typhoon Malakas

Remote Sensing


Meng Sun
Meng Sun

H-Index: 4

Zengrui Rong
Zengrui Rong

H-Index: 7

Assessment of extreme storm surges over the changjiang river estuary from a wave-current coupled model

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering


Zengrui Rong
Zengrui Rong

H-Index: 7

Impact of ocean waves on transport of underwater spilled oil in the Bohai Sea

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Haibo Chen
Haibo Chen

H-Index: 34

Zengrui Rong
Zengrui Rong

H-Index: 7

Processes controlling sea surface temperature variability of Ningaloo Niño

Journal of Climate


See List of Professors in Zengrui Rong University(Ocean University of China)