yunfei du

About yunfei du

yunfei du, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Sun Yat-Sen University, specializes in the field of Parallel computing.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Artificial neural network-based multi-input multi-output model for short-term storm surge prediction on the southeast coast of China

Study on mechanism of removal of sudden Tetracycline by compound modified biological sand filtration process

Multiscale Spatio‐Temporal Variations of Suspended Sediment Fronts in the Semi‐Enclosed Bohai Sea, China

Toward a Pedagogical Framework for Integrating Experiential Learning Into Preparation for Data Librarianship Roles

Spatial and temporal variability of suspended sediment fronts over the Yangtze Bank in the Yellow and East China Seas

Library Computing Services in Rural Texas during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The temporal variations in principal and shallow-water tidal constituents and their application in tidal level calculation: An example in Zhoushan Archipelagoes with complex …

Motility-induced phase separation is reentrant

yunfei du Information



Professor of computer science



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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yunfei du Skills & Research Interests

Parallel computing

Top articles of yunfei du

Artificial neural network-based multi-input multi-output model for short-term storm surge prediction on the southeast coast of China

Ocean Engineering


Yue Qin
Yue Qin

H-Index: 0

Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

Study on mechanism of removal of sudden Tetracycline by compound modified biological sand filtration process

Journal of Environmental Management


Tao Zhang
Tao Zhang

H-Index: 43

Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

Multiscale Spatio‐Temporal Variations of Suspended Sediment Fronts in the Semi‐Enclosed Bohai Sea, China

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


Toward a Pedagogical Framework for Integrating Experiential Learning Into Preparation for Data Librarianship Roles

Proceedings of the ALISE Annual Conference


Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

Spatial and temporal variability of suspended sediment fronts over the Yangtze Bank in the Yellow and East China Seas

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science


Library Computing Services in Rural Texas during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Public Library Quarterly


Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

The temporal variations in principal and shallow-water tidal constituents and their application in tidal level calculation: An example in Zhoushan Archipelagoes with complex …

Ocean & Coastal Management


Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

Ya Ping Wang
Ya Ping Wang

H-Index: 18

Motility-induced phase separation is reentrant

Communications Physics


Jie Su
Jie Su

H-Index: 8

Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

Effects of spatial bottom friction parameterization scheme on the tidal dynamics in the macrotidal East China Seas

Frontiers in Marine Science


A Preliminary Analysis of Outreach Librarian's Knowledge and Skills

Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology


Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

Spatio‐Temporal Variability of Suspended Sediment Fronts (SSFs) on the Inner Shelf of the East China Sea: The Contribution of Multiple Factors

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


Enhancing Distributed In-Situ CNN Inference in the Internet of Things

IEEE Internet of Things Journal


Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

Dan Huang
Dan Huang

H-Index: 7

Dynamic Cause of the Sudden Death Event of Small Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) in the East China Sea in Winter 2017

Frontiers in Marine Science


Numerical study on tidal duration asymmetry and shallow-water tides within multiple islands: An example of the Zhoushan Archipelago

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science


Robust graph convolutional networks with directional graph adversarial training

Applied Intelligence


Investigation and Analysis of the Current Status of School Libraries in China

IASL Annual Conference Proceedings


Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

Ming Zhu
Ming Zhu

H-Index: 14

Estimation of initial conditions for surface suspended sediment simulations with the adjoint method: A case study in Hangzhou Bay

Continental Shelf Research


Emergent spiral vortex of confined biased active particles

Physical Review E


Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

Learning deep discriminative representations with pseudo supervision for image clustering

Information Sciences


Multi-layer networks for ensemble precipitation forecasts postprocessing

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence


Yunfei Du
Yunfei Du

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in yunfei du University(Sun Yat-Sen University)