Yuki Kurashige

About Yuki Kurashige

Yuki Kurashige, With an exceptional h-index of 32 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Kyoto University, specializes in the field of Physical Chemistry - Quantum Chemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Numerical investigation of the quantum inverse algorithm on small molecules

Encoding a Many-body Potential Energy Surface into a Grid-Based Matrix Product Operator

Zero-field splitting tensor of the triplet excited states of aromatic molecules: A valence full-π complete active space self-consistent field study

Polarizing agents beyond pentacene for efficient triplet dynamic nuclear polarization in glass matrices

Assessment of neurotransmitter release in human iPSC-derived neuronal/glial cells: a missing in vitro assay for regulatory developmental neurotoxicity testing

Scytonemin redox status in a filamentous cyanobacterium visualized by an excitation-laser-line-scanning spontaneous Raman scattering spectral microscope

Statistical errors in reduced density matrices sampled from quantum circuit simulation and the impact on multireference perturbation theory

Matrix product state formulation of the mctdh theory in local mode representations for anharmonic potentials

Yuki Kurashige Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Yuki Kurashige Skills & Research Interests

Physical Chemistry - Quantum Chemistry

Top articles of Yuki Kurashige

Numerical investigation of the quantum inverse algorithm on small molecules

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.07512


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Encoding a Many-body Potential Energy Surface into a Grid-Based Matrix Product Operator

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Zero-field splitting tensor of the triplet excited states of aromatic molecules: A valence full-π complete active space self-consistent field study


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Polarizing agents beyond pentacene for efficient triplet dynamic nuclear polarization in glass matrices

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Assessment of neurotransmitter release in human iPSC-derived neuronal/glial cells: a missing in vitro assay for regulatory developmental neurotoxicity testing

Reproductive Toxicology


Scytonemin redox status in a filamentous cyanobacterium visualized by an excitation-laser-line-scanning spontaneous Raman scattering spectral microscope

Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Statistical errors in reduced density matrices sampled from quantum circuit simulation and the impact on multireference perturbation theory

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Matrix product state formulation of the mctdh theory in local mode representations for anharmonic potentials

Journal of chemical theory and computation


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Importance of dynamical electron correlation in diabatic couplings of electron-exchange processes

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Required nearest-neighbor Coulomb interactions for a charge-ordered phase transition in (TMTTF) 2MF6 with inversion symmetry breaking in crystal

Chemical Physics Letters


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Sunscreen redox status in a multicellular cyanobacterium visualized by Raman scattering spectral microscope



Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

Jastrow-type decomposition in quantum chemistry for low-depth quantum circuits

Journal of chemical theory and computation


Yuki Kurashige
Yuki Kurashige

H-Index: 23

See List of Professors in Yuki Kurashige University(Kyoto University)