Yueshen Xu

About Yueshen Xu

Yueshen Xu, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Xidian University, specializes in the field of Service Computing, Software Engineering, Software Service Engineering, Edge Computing.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

FSOD4RSI: Few-Shot Object Detection for Remote Sensing Images Via Features Aggregation and Scale Attention

MonoLI: Precise Monocular 3D Object Detection for Next-Generation Consumer Electronics for Autonomous Electric Vehicles

Com-DDPG: task offloading based on multiagent reinforcement learning for information-communication-enhanced mobile edge computing in the internet of vehicles

Neural collaborative learning for user preference discovery from biased behavior sequences

Towards effective semantic annotation for mobile and edge services for Internet-of-Things ecosystems

Context-and category-aware double self-attention model for next POI recommendation

Web APIs recommendation with neural content embedding for mobile multimedia computing

Adversarial learning-based sentiment analysis for socially implemented IoMT systems

Yueshen Xu Information



Zhejiang University; ; UIC



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Yueshen Xu Skills & Research Interests

Service Computing

Software Engineering

Software Service Engineering

Edge Computing

Top articles of Yueshen Xu




Publication Date

FSOD4RSI: Few-Shot Object Detection for Remote Sensing Images Via Features Aggregation and Scale Attention

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Honghao Gao

Shuping Wu

Ye Wang

Jung Yoon Kim

Yueshen Xu


MonoLI: Precise Monocular 3D Object Detection for Next-Generation Consumer Electronics for Autonomous Electric Vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics

Honghao Gao

Xinxin Yu

Yueshen Xu

Jung Yoon Kim

Ye Wang


Com-DDPG: task offloading based on multiagent reinforcement learning for information-communication-enhanced mobile edge computing in the internet of vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Honghao Gao

Xuejie Wang

Wei Wei

Anwer Al-Dulaimi

Yueshen Xu


Neural collaborative learning for user preference discovery from biased behavior sequences

IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems

Honghao Gao

Yinchen Wu

Yueshen Xu

Rui Li

Zhiping Jiang


Towards effective semantic annotation for mobile and edge services for Internet-of-Things ecosystems

Future Generation Computer Systems

Yueshen Xu

Weihao Xiao

Xiaoxian Yang

Rui Li

Yuyu Yin



Context-and category-aware double self-attention model for next POI recommendation

Applied Intelligence

Dongjing Wang

Feng Wan

Dongjin Yu

Yi Shen

Zhengzhe Xiang



Web APIs recommendation with neural content embedding for mobile multimedia computing

Wireless Networks

Yueshen Xu

Yunpeng Ding

Zhiping Jiang

Yuyu Yin

Lei Hei



Adversarial learning-based sentiment analysis for socially implemented IoMT systems

IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems

Yueshen Xu

Honghao Gao

Rui Li

Yan Jiang

Shahid Mumtaz



Android malware detection via efficient application programming interface call sequences extraction and machine learning classifiers

IET Software

Tanjie Wang

Yueshen Xu

Xinkui Zhao

Zhiping Jiang

Rui Li


Cost-effective Service Deployment and Balanced Traffic Management on Edge

Zhengzhe Xiang

Hao Yan

Yueshen Xu

Honghao Gao

Shuiguang Deng


Intelligent semantic annotation for mobile services for IoT computing from heterogeneous data

Mobile Networks and Applications

Yueshen Xu

Xinyu Zhao

Zhiping Jiang

Zhibo Qiu

Lei Hei



TBDB: Token Bucket-Based Dynamic Batching for Resource Scheduling Supporting Neural Network Inference in Intelligent Consumer Electronics

IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics

Honghao Gao

Binyang Qiu

Ye Wang

Si Yu

Yueshen Xu



Personalized Repository Recommendation Service for Developers with Multi-modal Features Learning

Yueshen Xu

Yuhong Jiang

Xinkui Zhao

Ying Li

Rui Li


Heterogeneous data-driven failure diagnosis for microservice-based industrial clouds towards consumer digital ecosystems

IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics

Yueshen Xu

Zhibo Qiu

Honghao Gao

Xinkui Zhao

Lu Wang



Towards machine-learning-driven effective mashup recommendations from big data in mobile networks and the Internet-of-Things

Digital Communications and Networks

Yueshen Xu

Zhiying Wang

Honghao Gao

Zhiping Jiang

Yuyu Yin



DSIM: dynamic and static interest mining for sequential recommendation

Knowledge and Information Systems

Dongjin Yu

Jianjiang Chen

Dongjing Wang

Yueshen Xu

Zhengzhe Xiang



Machine learning-driven apps recommendation for energy optimization in green communication and networking for connected and autonomous vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking

Yueshen Xu

Junwei Lin

Honghao Gao

Rui Li

Zhiping Jiang



Demand-aware mobile bike-sharing service using collaborative computing and information fusion in 5G IoT environment

Digital Communications and Networks

Xiaoxian Yang

Yueshen Xu

Yishan Zhou

Shengli Song

Yinchen Wu


Tsmae: a novel anomaly detection approach for internet of things time series data using memory-augmented autoencoder

IEEE Transactions on network science and engineering

Honghao Gao

Binyang Qiu

Ramon J Duran Barroso

Walayat Hussain

Yueshen Xu



Hain: Multi-label classification with hierarchical attention-based interaction network for multi-turn dialogue texts

IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems

Bin Cao

Kai Wang

Kui Ma

Jing Fan

Rui Yan



See List of Professors in Yueshen Xu University(Xidian University)

