Yi Zheng

Yi Zheng

Arizona State University

H-index: 17

North America-United States

About Yi Zheng

Yi Zheng, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Arizona State University, specializes in the field of Educational Measurement, Computerized Adaptive Testing, Multistage Testing, Test Assembly.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

MxML (Exploring the relationship between measurement and machine learning): Current state of the field

Item selection methods in multidimensional computerized adaptive testing for forced-choice items using Thurstonian IRT model

Evaluating the current state of evolution acceptance instruments: a research coordination network meeting report

Bayesian decision theory for tree-based adaptive screening tests with an application to youth delinquency

Gender differences in student comfort voluntarily asking and answering questions in large-enrollment college science courses

An exploration across institution types of undergraduate life sciences student decisions to stay in or leave an academic-year research experience

Más no siempre es mejor: un estudio de los factores a nivel de país asociados con las actitudes ambientales de los adolescentes utilizando un análisis multinivel de PISA 2006

A new measure of students’ perceived conflict between evolution and religion (PCoRE) is a stronger predictor of evolution acceptance than understanding or religiosity

Yi Zheng Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Yi Zheng Skills & Research Interests

Educational Measurement

Computerized Adaptive Testing

Multistage Testing

Test Assembly

Top articles of Yi Zheng




Publication Date

MxML (Exploring the relationship between measurement and machine learning): Current state of the field

Yi Zheng

Steven Nydick

Sijia Huang

Susu Zhang


Item selection methods in multidimensional computerized adaptive testing for forced-choice items using Thurstonian IRT model

Behavior research methods

Qin Wang

Yi Zheng

Kai Liu

Yan Cai

Siwei Peng



Evaluating the current state of evolution acceptance instruments: a research coordination network meeting report

M Elizabeth Barnes

Rahmi Q Aini

James P Collins

Ryan DP Dunk

Emily A Holt



Bayesian decision theory for tree-based adaptive screening tests with an application to youth delinquency

The Annals of Applied Statistics

Chelsea Krantsevich

P Richard Hahn

Yi Zheng

Charles Katz


Gender differences in student comfort voluntarily asking and answering questions in large-enrollment college science courses

Journal of microbiology & biology education

Erika M Nadile

Keonti D Williams

Nicholas J Wiesenthal

Katherine N Stahlhut

Krystian A Sinda



An exploration across institution types of undergraduate life sciences student decisions to stay in or leave an academic-year research experience

CBE—Life Sciences Education

Logan E Gin

Carolyn E Clark

Deanna B Elliott

Travis B Roderick

Rachel A Scott



Más no siempre es mejor: un estudio de los factores a nivel de país asociados con las actitudes ambientales de los adolescentes utilizando un análisis multinivel de PISA 2006

Education Policy Analysis Archives

Byoung Gyu Gong

Yi Zheng


A new measure of students’ perceived conflict between evolution and religion (PCoRE) is a stronger predictor of evolution acceptance than understanding or religiosity

CBE—Life Sciences Education

M Elizabeth Barnes

K Supriya

Yi Zheng

Julie A Roberts

Sara E Brownell


It’s in the syllabus… or is it? How biology syllabi can serve as communication tools for creating inclusive classrooms at a large-enrollment research institution

Advances in Physiology Education

Logan E Gin

Rachel A Scott

Leilani D Pfeiffer

Yi Zheng

Katelyn M Cooper



Call on me! Undergraduates’ perceptions of voluntarily asking and answering questions in front of large-enrollment science classes

Plos one

Erika M Nadile

Emilie Alfonso

Briana Michelle Barreiros

William D Bevan-Thomas

Sara E Brownell



More Is Not Always Better: A Study of Country-Level Factors Associated with Adolescents' Environmental Attitudes Using a Multilevel Analysis of PISA 2006.

Education Policy Analysis Archives

Byoung-gyu Gong

Yi Zheng


Aspects of large-enrollment online college science courses that exacerbate and alleviate student anxiety

CBE—Life Sciences Education

Tasneem F Mohammed

Erika M Nadile

Carly A Busch

Danielle Brister

Sara E Brownell



Online calibration of a joint model of item responses and response times in computerized adaptive testing

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics

Hyeon-Ah Kang

Yi Zheng

Hua-Hua Chang


Beliefs about psychological services among Guatemalan college students

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development

Chantal Figueroa

Yi Zheng

Joshua Adams


Online biology degree program broadens access for women, first-generation to college, and low-income students, but grade disparities remain

PloS one

Chris Mead

K Supriya

Yi Zheng

Ariel D Anbar

James P Collins



Using machine learning methods to develop a short tree-based adaptive classification test: Case study with a high-dimensional item pool and imbalanced data

Applied psychological measurement

Yi Zheng

Hyunjung Cheon

Charles M Katz


“Accepting Evolution Means You Can’t Believe in God”: Atheistic Perceptions of Evolution among College Biology Students

CBE—Life Sciences Education

M Elizabeth Barnes

Hayley M Dunlop

Gale M Sinatra

Taija M Hendrix

Yi Zheng



See List of Professors in Yi Zheng University(Arizona State University)

