Yanna Syamsuddin

About Yanna Syamsuddin

Yanna Syamsuddin, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Syiah Kuala, specializes in the field of Kinetika dan Katalisa.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Golden snail shell as a chitosan source for modification of membranes based off hydrophobic polymers: Performance of humus acid removal in a crossflow system

Effectivity study of pre-treatment drying methods on the extraction of coffee oil

The application of membrane filtration process for the reduction of laundry waste contaminants: Performance and antifouling properties of chitosan modified PVDF

Optimization of avocado oil solvent extraction assisted by CaCO3 as coadjuvant using Response Surface Methodology

Physical, morphological, mechanical and thermal properties of polyester composites reinforced with orientation of purun fiber (Eleocharis dulcis) composition

Characteristics of palm oil-based oleogel and its potency as a shortening replacer

Effect of cooking pre-treatment on the properties of dried avocado flesh its oil extract and

Effect of particle size on the phenolic and flavonoid contents of Amla (Indian gooseberry) extract

Yanna Syamsuddin Information






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Yanna Syamsuddin Skills & Research Interests

Kinetika dan Katalisa

Top articles of Yanna Syamsuddin

Golden snail shell as a chitosan source for modification of membranes based off hydrophobic polymers: Performance of humus acid removal in a crossflow system

AIP Conference Proceedings


Effectivity study of pre-treatment drying methods on the extraction of coffee oil

AIP Conference Proceedings


The application of membrane filtration process for the reduction of laundry waste contaminants: Performance and antifouling properties of chitosan modified PVDF

AIP Conference Proceedings


Optimization of avocado oil solvent extraction assisted by CaCO3 as coadjuvant using Response Surface Methodology

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Physical, morphological, mechanical and thermal properties of polyester composites reinforced with orientation of purun fiber (Eleocharis dulcis) composition

South African Journal of Chemical Engineering


Yanna Syamsuddin
Yanna Syamsuddin

H-Index: 5

Characteristics of palm oil-based oleogel and its potency as a shortening replacer

South African Journal of Chemical Engineering


Effect of cooking pre-treatment on the properties of dried avocado flesh its oil extract and

South African Journal of Chemical Engineering


Effect of particle size on the phenolic and flavonoid contents of Amla (Indian gooseberry) extract

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


The Influence of Filler Concentration on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Whey Protein Isolate/Silica Biocomposite Film

Proceedings of the 4th Borobudur International Symposium on Science and Technology 2022 (BIS-STE 2022)


Medyan Riza
Medyan Riza

H-Index: 8

Yanna Syamsuddin
Yanna Syamsuddin

H-Index: 5

Household bleach products as high-performance and cost-effective cleaning agents for membrane fouling

South African Journal of Chemical Engineering


Enhancing the Anti-Fouling Property of Polyethersulfone-based Membrane using Chitosan Additive from Golden Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) Shell Waste for Water Purification

ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering


Production of high-performance biodiesel with a high oxidation stability through a fractionation method using urea

South African Journal of Chemical Engineering


Membrane Modification with Polydopamine to Improve Performances—A Mini Review


Sosialisasi Alat Peniris Minyak sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas Usaha Bagi Kelompok Usaha Makanan di Aceh Besar

Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh


Fabrication of polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membrane for reducing organic compounds in water

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Effect of microwave drying pretreatment prior to soxhlet extraction of coffee oil

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Preparation and characterization of silica from rice husk ash as a reinforcing agent in whey protein isolate biocomposites film

South African Journal of Chemical Engineering


Medyan Riza
Medyan Riza

H-Index: 8

Yanna Syamsuddin
Yanna Syamsuddin

H-Index: 5

The effect of adding electrolyte solution to the cream demulsification technique on the purification of palm oil-based MDAG

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) dari Sampah Organik bagi Kaum Ibu Rumah Tangga di Desa Baet Mesjid Aceh Besar

Jurnal Pengabdian Aceh


Yanna Syamsuddin
Yanna Syamsuddin

H-Index: 5

Fachrul Razi
Fachrul Razi

H-Index: 6

Investigation of kinetics of amla (Emblica officinalis) fruit drying process

South African Journal of Chemical Engineering


See List of Professors in Yanna Syamsuddin University(Universitas Syiah Kuala)