Xuezhi Tan

About Xuezhi Tan

Xuezhi Tan, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Sun Yat-Sen University, specializes in the field of Hydrometeorology, Climate analysis, Irrigation and Drainage.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Combined impacts of climate change and human activities on blue and green water resources in the high-intensity development watershed

A stochastic simulation-based chance-constrained programming model for optimizing watershed best management practices for nonpoint source pollution control under uncertainty

Relative contributions of large‐scale atmospheric circulation dynamics and anthropogenic warming to the unprecedented 2022 Yangtze River Basin heatwave

On the development and recovery of soil moisture deficit drought events

Identification of the key driving factors of flash flood based on different feature selection techniques coupled with random forest method

Contribution of changes in vegetation composition and climate variability on streamflow across the global watersheds

Effects of Urbanization on Changes in Precipitation Extremes in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China

Thermodynamically enhanced precipitation extremes due to counterbalancing influences of anthropogenic greenhouse gases and aerosols

Xuezhi Tan Information



School of Civil Engineering



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Xuezhi Tan Skills & Research Interests


Climate analysis

Irrigation and Drainage

Top articles of Xuezhi Tan

Combined impacts of climate change and human activities on blue and green water resources in the high-intensity development watershed

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Jianyu Fu
Jianyu Fu

H-Index: 6

A stochastic simulation-based chance-constrained programming model for optimizing watershed best management practices for nonpoint source pollution control under uncertainty

Journal of Hydrology


Relative contributions of large‐scale atmospheric circulation dynamics and anthropogenic warming to the unprecedented 2022 Yangtze River Basin heatwave

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

On the development and recovery of soil moisture deficit drought events

Journal of Hydrology


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Yaxin Liu
Yaxin Liu

H-Index: 0

Identification of the key driving factors of flash flood based on different feature selection techniques coupled with random forest method

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


Contribution of changes in vegetation composition and climate variability on streamflow across the global watersheds



Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Effects of Urbanization on Changes in Precipitation Extremes in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China



Thermodynamically enhanced precipitation extremes due to counterbalancing influences of anthropogenic greenhouse gases and aerosols

Nature Water


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Xiaohong Chen
Xiaohong Chen

H-Index: 50

The responses of ecosystem water use efficiency to CO2, nitrogen deposition, and climatic drivers across China

Journal of Hydrology


Long-Term Changes, Synoptic Behaviors, and Future Projections of Large-Scale Anomalous Precipitation Events in China Detected by a Deep Learning Autoencoder

Journal of Climate


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Jianyu Fu
Jianyu Fu

H-Index: 6

Increasing global precipitation whiplash due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions

Nature Communications


Intensity-duration-frequency curves in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area inferred from the Bayesian hierarchical model

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


Examinations on global changes in the total and spatial extent of tropical cyclone precipitation relating to rapid intensification

Science of The Total Environment


A reversal in global occurrences of flash drought around 2000 identified by rapid changes in the standardized evaporative stress ratio

Science of the Total Environment


Detection and attribution of the decreasing precipitation and extreme drought 2020 in southeastern China

Journal of Hydrology


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Maochuan Hu
Maochuan Hu

H-Index: 12

Fronts and cyclones associated with changes in the total and extreme precipitation over China

Journal of Climate


Extreme Hydro-Climate Events: Past, Present, and Future


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Nasser Najibi
Nasser Najibi

H-Index: 7

Long-term water imbalances of global watersheds resulting from biases in hydroclimatic datasets for water budget analyses


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Long‐term water imbalances of watersheds resulting from biases in hydroclimatic data sets for water budget analyses

Water Resources Research


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Xiaohong Chen
Xiaohong Chen

H-Index: 50

Climate Change Impact to Blue Nile River Basin and the Optimal Operation of its Multi-reservoir System for Hydropower and Irrigation

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Xuezhi Tan
Xuezhi Tan

H-Index: 17

Jianfeng Li
Jianfeng Li

H-Index: 6

See List of Professors in Xuezhi Tan University(Sun Yat-Sen University)