Xianglei Huang

Xianglei Huang

University of Michigan

H-index: 26

North America-United States

About Xianglei Huang

Xianglei Huang, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Michigan, specializes in the field of Remote sensing, atmospheric radiation, climate modeling, climate diagnostics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Greenhouse gas forcing and climate feedback signatures identified in hyperspectral infrared satellite observations

Sensitivity of Arctic surface temperature to including a comprehensive ocean interior reflectance to the ocean surface albedo within the fully coupled CESM2

Enhanced cloud top longwave radiative cooling due to the effect of horizontal radiative transfer in the stratocumulus to trade cumulus transition regime

The Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment (PREFIRE) principal component-based cloud mask: A simulation experiment

Infrared scattering of cloud in an isothermal atmosphere

A refined understanding of the ice cloud longwave scattering effects in climate model

A Fast Neural Network-Based Approach for Joint MID-IR and FAR-IR Surface Spectral Emissivity Retrieval

Global evaluation of the fidelity of clouds in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System

Xianglei Huang Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Xianglei Huang Skills & Research Interests

Remote sensing

atmospheric radiation

climate modeling

climate diagnostics

Top articles of Xianglei Huang

Greenhouse gas forcing and climate feedback signatures identified in hyperspectral infrared satellite observations

Geophysical Research Letters


Shiv Priyam Raghuraman
Shiv Priyam Raghuraman

H-Index: 1

Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

Sensitivity of Arctic surface temperature to including a comprehensive ocean interior reflectance to the ocean surface albedo within the fully coupled CESM2

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


Ping Yang
Ping Yang

H-Index: 2

Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

Enhanced cloud top longwave radiative cooling due to the effect of horizontal radiative transfer in the stratocumulus to trade cumulus transition regime

Geophysical Research Letters


The Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment (PREFIRE) principal component-based cloud mask: A simulation experiment

Bulletin of the American meteorological society


Infrared scattering of cloud in an isothermal atmosphere

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences


Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

A refined understanding of the ice cloud longwave scattering effects in climate model

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


A Fast Neural Network-Based Approach for Joint MID-IR and FAR-IR Surface Spectral Emissivity Retrieval


Xiuhong Chen
Xiuhong Chen

H-Index: 42

Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

Global evaluation of the fidelity of clouds in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System

Earth and Space Science


A neural network–based cloud mask for PREFIRE and evaluation with simulated observations

Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology


Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

Xiuhong Chen
Xiuhong Chen

H-Index: 42

Joint Use of Far‐Infrared and Mid‐Infrared Observation for Sounding Retrievals: Learning From the Past for Upcoming Far‐Infrared Missions

Earth and Space Science


Performance of cloud 3D solvers in ice cloud shortwave radiation closure over the equatorial western Pacific Ocean

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


Ping Yang
Ping Yang

H-Index: 2

Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

A Synopsis of AIRS Global‐Mean Clear‐Sky Radiance Trends From 2003 to 2020

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

Xiuhong Chen
Xiuhong Chen

H-Index: 42

Synergistic Use of Far‐and Mid‐Infrared Spectral Radiances for Satellite‐Based Detection of Polar Ice Clouds Over Ocean

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Retrieval of Surface Spectral Emissivity in Polar Regions Based on the Optimal Estimation Method

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


SNICAR-ADv3: a community tool for modeling spectral snow albedo

Geoscientific Model Development


Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

Deepak Singh
Deepak Singh

H-Index: 9

Direct impact of solar farm deployment on surface longwave radiation

Environmental Research Communications


Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

The Spectral Nature of Earth’s Reflected Radiation: Measurement and Science Applications

Frontiers in Remote Sensing


Xianglei Huang
Xianglei Huang

H-Index: 17

Sebastian Schmidt
Sebastian Schmidt

H-Index: 1

Direct Influence of Solar Spectral Irradiance on the High-Latitude Surface Climate

Journal of Climate


Seasonal Dependent Impact of Ice Cloud Longwave Scattering on the Polar Climate

Geophysical Research Letters


See List of Professors in Xianglei Huang University(University of Michigan)

