Odele Coddington

Odele Coddington

University of Colorado Boulder

H-index: 20

North America-United States

About Odele Coddington

Odele Coddington, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Colorado Boulder, specializes in the field of solar irradiance, remote sensing, general inverse theory, cloud and surface retrievals.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

GHOTI: Using the GOES-R EXIS/SPS detectors to create a low-latency, high-cadence, TSI proxy and spectral models

Validating Solar atmosphere models using high spectral resolution, center-to-limb observations of solar Balmer lines

Advancements in solar spectral irradiance measurements by the TSIS-1 spectral irradiance monitor and its role for long-term data continuity

BABAR-ERI: Black Array of Broadband Absolute Radiometers–Earth Radiation Imager

Version 2 of the TSIS‐1 hybrid solar reference spectrum and extension to the full spectrum

Development of Variable Temperature Blackbodies for the In-lab Broadband End-to-end Calibration of Libera and BABAR-ERI at LASP

Response of Surface Climate to the Variation of Solar Spectral Irradiance: a Sensitivity Study

LISIRD: Making Solar Data More Accessible

Odele Coddington Information



Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Odele Coddington Skills & Research Interests

solar irradiance

remote sensing

general inverse theory

cloud and surface retrievals

Top articles of Odele Coddington

GHOTI: Using the GOES-R EXIS/SPS detectors to create a low-latency, high-cadence, TSI proxy and spectral models


Martin Snow
Martin Snow

H-Index: 18

Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

Validating Solar atmosphere models using high spectral resolution, center-to-limb observations of solar Balmer lines

American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts


Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

Advancements in solar spectral irradiance measurements by the TSIS-1 spectral irradiance monitor and its role for long-term data continuity

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate


BABAR-ERI: Black Array of Broadband Absolute Radiometers–Earth Radiation Imager


Version 2 of the TSIS‐1 hybrid solar reference spectrum and extension to the full spectrum

Earth and Space Science


Development of Variable Temperature Blackbodies for the In-lab Broadband End-to-end Calibration of Libera and BABAR-ERI at LASP


Katherine Catani
Katherine Catani

H-Index: 6

Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

Response of Surface Climate to the Variation of Solar Spectral Irradiance: a Sensitivity Study

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


LISIRD: Making Solar Data More Accessible

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

A New Model of Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Variability with 0.1-0.5 nm Spectral Resolution

Authorea Preprints


Long-term Solar Irradiance Variability and Implications for Sun-Climate and Space-Climate Studies

Third Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS)


Thomas Woods
Thomas Woods

H-Index: 37

Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

Extremely broadband calibrated bolometers and microbolometer arrays for Earth radiation budget measurements


Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

The impact on model state of implementing the TSIS-1 Hybrid Solar Reference Spectrum in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model

44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July


Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

Impact of reference solar spectra differences on radiometric cross-calibration of satellite imagers


Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

Impact of using a new high-resolution solar reference spectrum on OMI ozone profile retrievals

Remote Sensing


Go GHOTI: Using the GOES-R EXIS Visible Light Diode as a TSI proxy

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Martin Snow
Martin Snow

H-Index: 18

Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

Impact of using the hybrid high-resolution solar reference spectrum on ozone profile retrievals from OMI measurements

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


LISIRD v4: The New LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Odele Coddington
Odele Coddington

H-Index: 12

The TSIS‐1 hybrid solar reference spectrum

Geophysical research letters


Historical TSI Reconstructions: Calibrating the Polar Fields in the Advective Flux Transport Model Using Joy's Law Tilt

American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts


Direct influence of solar spectral irradiance on the high-latitude surface climate

Journal of Climate


See List of Professors in Odele Coddington University(University of Colorado Boulder)