Watshara Shoombuatong

About Watshara Shoombuatong

Watshara Shoombuatong, With an exceptional h-index of 32 and a recent h-index of 32 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Mahidol University, specializes in the field of Machine learning, Bioinformatics, QSAR, Immunoinformatics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Leveraging a meta-learning approach to advance the accuracy of Nav blocking peptides prediction

Accelerating the identification of the allergenic potential of plant proteins using a stacked ensemble-learning framework

Deep-WET: a deep learning-based approach for predicting DNA-binding proteins using word embedding techniques with weighted features

Review of Computational Methods and Database Sources for Predicting the Effects of Coding Frameshift Small Insertion and Deletion Variations

The role of ncRNA regulatory mechanisms in diseases—case on gestational diabetes

StackER: a novel SMILES-based stacked approach for the accelerated and efficient discovery of ERα and ERβ antagonists

Detection of Osteosarcoma using Deep Feature Extraction with Federated Learning and MLP from Histopathological Images

MMPatho: Leveraging Multilevel Consensus and Evolutionary Information for Enhanced Missense Mutation Pathogenic Prediction

Watshara Shoombuatong Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Watshara Shoombuatong Skills & Research Interests

Machine learning




Top articles of Watshara Shoombuatong

Leveraging a meta-learning approach to advance the accuracy of Nav blocking peptides prediction

Scientific Reports


Accelerating the identification of the allergenic potential of plant proteins using a stacked ensemble-learning framework

Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics


Pramote Chumnanpuen
Pramote Chumnanpuen

H-Index: 10

Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

Deep-WET: a deep learning-based approach for predicting DNA-binding proteins using word embedding techniques with weighted features

Scientific Reports


Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

Review of Computational Methods and Database Sources for Predicting the Effects of Coding Frameshift Small Insertion and Deletion Variations


Muhammad Arif
Muhammad Arif

H-Index: 2

Zihao Yan
Zihao Yan

H-Index: 4

Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

The role of ncRNA regulatory mechanisms in diseases—case on gestational diabetes


Yan Wang
Yan Wang

H-Index: 2

Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

Hui Ding
Hui Ding

H-Index: 2

StackER: a novel SMILES-based stacked approach for the accelerated and efficient discovery of ERα and ERβ antagonists

Scientific Reports


Nutta Homdee
Nutta Homdee

H-Index: 4

Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

Detection of Osteosarcoma using Deep Feature Extraction with Federated Learning and MLP from Histopathological Images


Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

MMPatho: Leveraging Multilevel Consensus and Evolutionary Information for Enhanced Missense Mutation Pathogenic Prediction

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling


TIPred: a novel stacked ensemble approach for the accelerated discovery of tyrosinase inhibitory peptides

BMC bioinformatics


Pramote Chumnanpuen
Pramote Chumnanpuen

H-Index: 10

Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

TROLLOPE: A novel sequence-based stacked approach for the accelerated discovery of linear T-cell epitopes of hepatitis C virus

Plos one


Pramote Chumnanpuen
Pramote Chumnanpuen

H-Index: 10

Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

StackTTCA: a stacking ensemble learning-based framework for accurate and high-throughput identification of tumor T cell antigens

BMC bioinformatics


Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

Pretoria: An effective computational approach for accurate and high-throughput identification of CD8+ t-cell epitopes of eukaryotic pathogens

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


Balachandran Manavalan
Balachandran Manavalan

H-Index: 28

Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

DeepAR: a novel deep learning-based hybrid framework for the interpretable prediction of androgen receptor antagonists

Journal of Cheminformatics


Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

PSRQSP: An effective approach for the interpretable prediction of quorum sensing peptide using propensity score representation learning

Computers in Biology and Medicine


GPApred: The first computational predictor for identifying proteins with LPXTG-like motif using sequence-based optimal features

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


Empirical comparison and analysis of machine learning-based approaches for druggable protein identification


Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

PSRTTCA: A new approach for improving the prediction and characterization of tumor T cell antigens using propensity score representation learning

Computers in Biology and Medicine


Feature fusion based VGGFusionNet model to detect COVID-19 patients utilizing computed tomography scan images

Scientific Reports


Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

iAMAP-SCM: a novel computational tool for large-scale identification of antimalarial peptides using estimated propensity scores of dipeptides

ACS omega


Pramote Chumnanpuen
Pramote Chumnanpuen

H-Index: 10

Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

Improved prediction and characterization of blood-brain barrier penetrating peptides using estimated propensity scores of dipeptides

Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design


Pramote Chumnanpuen
Pramote Chumnanpuen

H-Index: 10

Watshara Shoombuatong
Watshara Shoombuatong

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Watshara Shoombuatong University(Mahidol University)