Wagner Luis Ripka

About Wagner Luis Ripka

Wagner Luis Ripka, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, specializes in the field of Saúde Pública, Composição Corporal, Engenharia Biomédica, Educação Física.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Estimation of fat mass in Southern Brazilian female adolescents: development and validation of mathematical models

Estimativa da massa gorda em adolescentes do sexo feminino do sul do Brasil: desenvolvimento e validação de modelos matemáticos

Respiratory function in children with cerebral palsy

Skinfold calipers: which instrument to use?

Pinch size can affect the skinfold thickness measurement and interfere in the estimation and classification of body adiposity

O tamanho da pinça pode afetar a medida de espessura das dobras cutâneas e interferir na estimativa e classificação da adiposidade corporal

Skinfold Thickness Pinch Size Can Interfere in the Estimation and Classification of Body Adiposity

Thermography as an aid for the complementary diagnosis of nodules in the thyroid gland

Wagner Luis Ripka Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Wagner Luis Ripka Skills & Research Interests

Saúde Pública

Composição Corporal

Engenharia Biomédica

Educação Física

Top articles of Wagner Luis Ripka




Publication Date

Estimation of fat mass in Southern Brazilian female adolescents: development and validation of mathematical models

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano

Joaquim Huaina Cintra-Andrade

Wagner Luis Ripka

Neiva Leite

Leandra Ulbricht


Estimativa da massa gorda em adolescentes do sexo feminino do sul do Brasil: desenvolvimento e validação de modelos matemáticos

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano

Joaquim Huaina Cintra-Andrade

Wagner Luis Ripka

Neiva Leite

Leandra Ulbricht


Respiratory function in children with cerebral palsy

Archivos de Medicina (Manizales)

Karielly Cássia de Almeida

Carmen Caroline Rasera

Wagner Luis Ripka

Tainá Ribas Mélo

Eduardo Borba Neves


Skinfold calipers: which instrument to use?

Journal of Nutritional Science

Joaquim H Cintra-Andrade

Wagner L Ripka

Steven B Heymsfield


Pinch size can affect the skinfold thickness measurement and interfere in the estimation and classification of body adiposity

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano

Joaquim Huaina Cintra-Andrade

Filipe Oliveira de Brito

Maria Izabel Freire-Correia

Roberto Fernandes da Costa

Wagner Luis Ripka


O tamanho da pinça pode afetar a medida de espessura das dobras cutâneas e interferir na estimativa e classificação da adiposidade corporal

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano

Joaquim Huaina Cintra-Andrade

Filipe Oliveira de Brito

Maria Izabel Freire-Correia

Roberto Fernandes da Costa

Wagner Luis Ripka


Skinfold Thickness Pinch Size Can Interfere in the Estimation and Classification of Body Adiposity

Joaquim Huaina Cintra-Andrade

Filipe Oliveira Brito

Maria Izabel Freire-Correia

Roberto Fernandes Costa

Wagner Luis Ripka


Thermography as an aid for the complementary diagnosis of nodules in the thyroid gland

BioMedical Engineering OnLine

Viviane Magas Bittencourt de Camargo

Leandra Ulbricht

Jose Carlos Pereira Coninck

Wagner Luis Ripka

Humberto Remigio Gamba


Termografia aplicada à Enfermagem: uma revisão bibliométrica

Brener Nilsinho Mendes

Marjory Pereira da Fonseca

Thamyres Cristina Meireles de Souza

Wagner Luis Ripka

Catia Terezinha Heimbecher


Um século das dobras cutâneas para estimativa da composição corporal: o que aprendemos?

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano

Wagner Luis Ripka

Joaquim Huaina Cintra-Andrade

Leandra Ulbricht


A century of skinfolds for body composition estimation: what we learned?

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano

Wagner Luis Ripka

Joaquim Huaina Cintra-Andrade

Leandra Ulbricht


Body Recomposition: would it be possible to induce fat loss and muscle hypertrophy at the same time?

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano

Fabricio Boscolo Del Vecchio


Stabilometric Analysis of Parkinson's Disease Patients

Francieli Vanessa Gimenez

Wagner L Ripka

Marcelo Maldaner

Adriana MW Stadnik


Thermal Evaluation to Identify Nodules Using Semivariogram Curves *

Camila Gabriela Grassmann

Jose Carlos Pereira Coninck

Wagner L Ripka

Leandra Ulbricht


Validity and accuracy of body fat prediction equations using anthropometrics measurements in adolescents

Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity

Wagner L Ripka

Camila E Orsso

Andrea M Haqq

Carla M Prado

Leandra Ulbricht



Thermography of hand rewarming parameters in Raynaud’s phenomenon

Research on Biomedical Engineering

Daniel Prado Campos

Wagner Luis Ripka

Catia Terezinha Heimbecher

Leandra Ulbricht


Comment on'Diet quality index as a predictor of treatment efficacy in overweight and obese adolescents: The EVASYON study'.

Clinical Nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Camila E Orsso

Wagner L Ripka

Carla M Prado


Lean mass reference curves in adolescents using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)

PloS one

Wagner Luis Ripka

Camila E Orsso

Andrea M Haqq

Thais Gretis Luz

Carla M Prado



Thermography for the detection of Secondary Raynaud's Phenomenon by means of the Distal-Dorsal Distance

Janaína Ricci Viana

Dioclecio Campos

Leandra Ulbricht

Gilson Yukio Sato

Wagner L Ripka


Reference Equations for Spirometry Healthy Adult Population in Brazil

Wagner Luis Ripka

Leandra Ulbricht


See List of Professors in Wagner Luis Ripka University(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná)