Vikram Gavini

Vikram Gavini

University of Michigan

H-index: 26

North America-United States

About Vikram Gavini

Vikram Gavini, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Michigan, specializes in the field of Electronic Structure Calculations, Defect Mechanics, Computational Materials Physics, Numerical Analysis.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Atomistic simulations and machine learning of solute grain boundary segregation in Mg alloys at finite temperatures

How does HF-DFT achieve chemical accuracy for water clusters?

Tucker Tensor Approach for Accelerating Fock Exchange Computations in a Real-Space Finite-Element Discretization of Generalized Kohn–Sham Density Functional Theory

Quasicrystal bulk and surface energies from density functional theory

MiMiC: A High-Performance Framework for Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Examining the Impact of Local Condition Violations on Energy Computations in DFT

Tucker tensor approach for accelerating exchange computations in a real-space finite-element discretization of generalized Kohn-Sham density functional theory

Unconventional error cancellation explains the success of Hartree–Fock density functional theory for barrier heights

Vikram Gavini Information



Mechanical Engineering



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Vikram Gavini Skills & Research Interests

Electronic Structure Calculations

Defect Mechanics

Computational Materials Physics

Numerical Analysis

Top articles of Vikram Gavini

Atomistic simulations and machine learning of solute grain boundary segregation in Mg alloys at finite temperatures

Acta Materialia


Sambit Das
Sambit Das

H-Index: 6

Vikram Gavini
Vikram Gavini

H-Index: 17

How does HF-DFT achieve chemical accuracy for water clusters?


Tucker Tensor Approach for Accelerating Fock Exchange Computations in a Real-Space Finite-Element Discretization of Generalized Kohn–Sham Density Functional Theory

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Sambit Das
Sambit Das

H-Index: 6

Vikram Gavini
Vikram Gavini

H-Index: 17

Quasicrystal bulk and surface energies from density functional theory

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.05200


Examining the Impact of Local Condition Violations on Energy Computations in DFT

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14073


Bikash Kanungo
Bikash Kanungo

H-Index: 3

Vikram Gavini
Vikram Gavini

H-Index: 17

Tucker tensor approach for accelerating exchange computations in a real-space finite-element discretization of generalized Kohn-Sham density functional theory

arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.04189


Sambit Das
Sambit Das

H-Index: 6

Vikram Gavini
Vikram Gavini

H-Index: 17

Unconventional error cancellation explains the success of Hartree–Fock density functional theory for barrier heights

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Large-scale materials modeling at quantum accuracy: Ab initio simulations of quasicrystals and interacting extended defects in metallic alloys


Exact and model exchange-correlation potentials for open-shell systems

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Bikash Kanungo
Bikash Kanungo

H-Index: 3

Vikram Gavini
Vikram Gavini

H-Index: 17

Effect of hydrogen on plasticity of α-Fe: A multi-scale assessment

International Journal of Plasticity


Accelerating self-consistent field iterations in Kohn-Sham density functional theory using a low-rank approximation of the dielectric matrix

Physical Review B


Sambit Das
Sambit Das

H-Index: 6

Vikram Gavini
Vikram Gavini

H-Index: 17

Bridging scales with Machine Learning: From first principles statistical mechanics to continuum phase field computations to study order disorder transitions in LixCoO2

arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.08991


Efficient all-electron time-dependent density functional theory calculations using an enriched finite element basis

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Bikash Kanungo
Bikash Kanungo

H-Index: 3

Vikram Gavini
Vikram Gavini

H-Index: 17

Exchange Correlation Potentials from Full Configuration Interaction in a Slater Orbital Basis

Journal of Chemical Physics


Bikash Kanungo
Bikash Kanungo

H-Index: 3

Vikram Gavini
Vikram Gavini

H-Index: 17

TTDFT: A GPU accelerated Tucker tensor DFT code for large-scale Kohn-Sham DFT calculations

Computer Physics Communications


Vikram Gavini
Vikram Gavini

H-Index: 17

Accurate approximations of density functional theory for large systems with applications to defects in crystalline solids


DFT-FE 1.0: A massively parallel hybrid CPU-GPU density functional theory code using finite-element discretization

Computer Physics Communications


Modulating the microscopic lattice distortions through the Al-rich layers for boosting the ferroelectricity in Al: HfO2 nanofilms

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics


See List of Professors in Vikram Gavini University(University of Michigan)

