Tomasz Oleksy

About Tomasz Oleksy

Tomasz Oleksy, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Uniwersytet Warszawski, specializes in the field of social neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, decision making, environmental psychology, social psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Attachment to real-world places and willingness to migrate to metaverse virtual worlds

Attached to place, threatened by newcomers? The threat to a place's cultural continuity as a mediator between place attachment and attitudes towards war refugees

Collective action mitigates the negative effects of COVID-19 threat and anti-abortion restrictions on mental health

Młodzi Polacy wobec bieżących kryzysów

Predictors of pretraumatic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

Pandemic trajectories of depressive and anxiety symptoms and their predictors: Five-wave study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

Essentialist and anti-essentialist meanings of place: A new scale and implications for place attachment and openness to outgroups

What shapes our attitudes towards algorithms in urban governance? The role of perceived friendliness and controllability of the city, and human-algorithm cooperation

Tomasz Oleksy Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Tomasz Oleksy Skills & Research Interests

social neuroscience

cognitive neuroscience

decision making

environmental psychology

social psychology

Top articles of Tomasz Oleksy

Attachment to real-world places and willingness to migrate to metaverse virtual worlds

Journal of Environmental Psychology


Tomasz Oleksy
Tomasz Oleksy

H-Index: 7

Anna Wnuk
Anna Wnuk

H-Index: 5

Attached to place, threatened by newcomers? The threat to a place's cultural continuity as a mediator between place attachment and attitudes towards war refugees

Journal of Environmental Psychology


Anna Wnuk
Anna Wnuk

H-Index: 5

Tomasz Oleksy
Tomasz Oleksy

H-Index: 7

Collective action mitigates the negative effects of COVID-19 threat and anti-abortion restrictions on mental health

Social Science & Medicine


Młodzi Polacy wobec bieżących kryzysów


Predictors of pretraumatic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

Plos one


Pandemic trajectories of depressive and anxiety symptoms and their predictors: Five-wave study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

Psychological Medicine


Essentialist and anti-essentialist meanings of place: A new scale and implications for place attachment and openness to outgroups

Journal of Environmental Psychology


What shapes our attitudes towards algorithms in urban governance? The role of perceived friendliness and controllability of the city, and human-algorithm cooperation

Computers in Human Behavior


Migration to the metaverse and its predictors: Attachment to virtual places and metaverse-related threat

Computers in Human Behavior


Tomasz Oleksy
Tomasz Oleksy

H-Index: 7

Anna Wnuk
Anna Wnuk

H-Index: 5

Who wants to migrate to the metaverse? Big Five traits as predictors of virtual and real-world migration intentions.


Tomasz Oleksy
Tomasz Oleksy

H-Index: 7

Anna Wnuk
Anna Wnuk

H-Index: 5

Wpływ COVID-19 na zachowania konsumentów. Rola poczucia braku kontroli i postrzegania ryzyka w tendencji do robienia zakupów na zapas

European Management Studies (wcześniej: problemy zarządzania-management issues)


The Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behavior. The Role of Lack of Control and Risk Perception on Stockpiling

problemy zarządzania-management issues


Barriers and facilitators of willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19: Role of prosociality, authoritarianism and conspiracy mentality. A four-wave longitudinal study

Personality and Individual Differences


Emotion regulation, effort and fatigue: Complex issues worth investigating

Frontiers in Psychology


Karol Lewczuk
Karol Lewczuk

H-Index: 8

Tomasz Oleksy
Tomasz Oleksy

H-Index: 7

Introduction to the Minitrack on The Impact of ICT on Citizens' Well-being and the Right to the City/Community


Prosociality and endorsement of liberty: Communal and individual predictors of attitudes towards surveillance technologies

Computers in Human Behavior


A cognitively-gated place? The role of need for closure in a biased perception of the place’s past

Current Psychology


Dynamic relationships between different types of conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and protective behaviour: A four-wave panel study in Poland

Social Science & Medicine


Too attached to let others in? The role of different types of place attachment in predicting intergroup attitudes in a conflict setting

Journal of Environmental Psychology


Anna Wnuk
Anna Wnuk

H-Index: 5

Tomasz Oleksy
Tomasz Oleksy

H-Index: 7

The way we perceive a place implies who can live there: Essentialisation of place and attitudes towards diversity

Journal of Environmental Psychology


See List of Professors in Tomasz Oleksy University(Uniwersytet Warszawski)

