Małgorzata Gambin

About Małgorzata Gambin

Małgorzata Gambin, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Uniwersytet Warszawski, specializes in the field of Child clinical psychology, developmental psychopathology, child psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Factors associated with prolonged COVID-related PTSD-like symptoms among adults diagnosed with mild COVID-19 in Poland

Relations between Social Camouflaging, Life Satisfaction, and Depression among Polish Women with ADHD

Młodzi Polacy wobec bieżących kryzysów

Collective action mitigates the negative effects of COVID-19 threat and anti-abortion restrictions on mental health

Misophonia in Children and Adolescents: Age Differences, Risk Factors, Psychiatric and Psychological Correlates. A Pilot Study with Mothers’ Involvement

Predictors of pretraumatic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

Pandemic trajectories of depressive and anxiety symptoms and their predictors: Five-wave study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

Development and Validation of the'Perceived Cognitions of the Family of Origin Questionnaire'(PCFO-Q)–A New Measure of Perceived Family Support for Rape Culture

Małgorzata Gambin Information



Wydział Psychologii



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Małgorzata Gambin Skills & Research Interests

Child clinical psychology

developmental psychopathology

child psychology

Top articles of Małgorzata Gambin

Factors associated with prolonged COVID-related PTSD-like symptoms among adults diagnosed with mild COVID-19 in Poland

Frontiers in Psychology


Relations between Social Camouflaging, Life Satisfaction, and Depression among Polish Women with ADHD


Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

Młodzi Polacy wobec bieżących kryzysów


Collective action mitigates the negative effects of COVID-19 threat and anti-abortion restrictions on mental health

Social Science & Medicine


Anna Wnuk
Anna Wnuk

H-Index: 5

Tomasz Oleksy
Tomasz Oleksy

H-Index: 7

Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

Misophonia in Children and Adolescents: Age Differences, Risk Factors, Psychiatric and Psychological Correlates. A Pilot Study with Mothers’ Involvement

Child Psychiatry & Human Development


Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

Wojciech Łukasz Dragan
Wojciech Łukasz Dragan

H-Index: 9

Predictors of pretraumatic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

Plos one


Pandemic trajectories of depressive and anxiety symptoms and their predictors: Five-wave study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

Psychological Medicine


Development and Validation of the'Perceived Cognitions of the Family of Origin Questionnaire'(PCFO-Q)–A New Measure of Perceived Family Support for Rape Culture


Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

Depressive symptoms and psychological pain experienced by Polish adults in the context of both the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal of Affective Disorders Reports


Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

Cognitive and affective empathy as indirect paths between heterogeneous depression symptoms on default mode and salience network connectivity in adolescents

Child Psychiatry & Human Development


Factors associated with burnout in Polish healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Frontiers in Public Health


Investigation of the factor structure of the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ-8): One or two dimensions?

Journal of personality assessment


Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

Carla Sharp
Carla Sharp

H-Index: 51

Relations between multidimensional attitude toward death and psychological distress in firefighters

Death studies


Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

Pandemia COVID-19. Perspektywa psychologiczna


Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

Associations between symptoms of borderline personality disorder and suicidality in inpatient adolescents: The significance of identity disturbance

Psychiatry research


Barriers and facilitators of willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19: Role of prosociality, authoritarianism and conspiracy mentality. A four-wave longitudinal study

Personality and Individual Differences


Investigation of prospective effects of emotion-regulation difficulties and empathic dimensions on depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 outbreak in poland

European Psychiatry


Generalized anxiety and depressive symptoms in various age groups during the COVID-19 lockdown in Poland. Specific predictors and differences in symptoms severity

Comprehensive Psychiatry


Relations between attachment to mother and father, mentalizing abilities and emotion regulation in adolescents

European Journal of Developmental Psychology


Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

Carla Sharp
Carla Sharp

H-Index: 51

Dynamic relationships between different types of conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and protective behaviour: A four-wave panel study in Poland

Social Science & Medicine


Tomasz Oleksy
Tomasz Oleksy

H-Index: 7

Anna Wnuk
Anna Wnuk

H-Index: 5

Małgorzata Gambin
Małgorzata Gambin

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Małgorzata Gambin University(Uniwersytet Warszawski)