Thomas Mpampoulis

About Thomas Mpampoulis

Thomas Mpampoulis, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, specializes in the field of Strength & Conditioning Performance Exercise Physiology Skeletal muscle adaptations.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Lean Body Mass, Muscle Architecture and Powerlifting Performance at Preseason and at Competition

Type IIx muscle fibers are related to poor body composition, glycemic and lipidemic blood profiles in young females: the protective role of type I and IIa muscle fibers

Triceps brachii muscle architecture, upper-body rate of force development, and bench press maximum strength of strong and weak trained participants

Different eccentric-based power training volumes improve glycemic, lipidemic profile and body composition of females in a dose-dependent manner: Associations with muscle fibres …

Effect of inter-repetition rest vs. Traditional resistance training on the upper body strength rate of force development and triceps brachii muscle architecture

Weak association between vastus lateralis muscle fiber composition and fascicle length in young untrained females

Effect of inter-repetition rest vs. traditional strength training on lower body strength, rate of force development, and muscle architecture

Muscle fiber composition, jumping performance, and rate of force development adaptations induced by different power training volumes in females

Thomas Mpampoulis Information



PhD candidate School of Physical Education & Sport Science



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Thomas Mpampoulis Skills & Research Interests

Strength & Conditioning Performance Exercise Physiology Skeletal muscle adaptations

Top articles of Thomas Mpampoulis

Lean Body Mass, Muscle Architecture and Powerlifting Performance at Preseason and at Competition


Thomas Mpampoulis
Thomas Mpampoulis

H-Index: 3

Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

Type IIx muscle fibers are related to poor body composition, glycemic and lipidemic blood profiles in young females: the protective role of type I and IIa muscle fibers

European Journal of Applied Physiology


Triceps brachii muscle architecture, upper-body rate of force development, and bench press maximum strength of strong and weak trained participants

Human Movement


Thomas Mpampoulis
Thomas Mpampoulis

H-Index: 3

Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

Different eccentric-based power training volumes improve glycemic, lipidemic profile and body composition of females in a dose-dependent manner: Associations with muscle fibres …

European Journal of Sport Science


Effect of inter-repetition rest vs. Traditional resistance training on the upper body strength rate of force development and triceps brachii muscle architecture

Journal of Human Kinetics


Weak association between vastus lateralis muscle fiber composition and fascicle length in young untrained females



Effect of inter-repetition rest vs. traditional strength training on lower body strength, rate of force development, and muscle architecture

Applied Sciences


Muscle fiber composition, jumping performance, and rate of force development adaptations induced by different power training volumes in females

Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism


See List of Professors in Thomas Mpampoulis University(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)