Gerasimos Terzis

About Gerasimos Terzis

Gerasimos Terzis, With an exceptional h-index of 41 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, specializes in the field of Exercise Physiology, Exercise Training, Skeletal muscle adaptations.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Effect of Chronic Dietary Protein Manipulation on Amino Acids’ Profile and Position Sense in the Elderly Suffering from Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Type IIx muscle fibers are related to poor body composition, glycemic and lipidemic blood profiles in young females: the protective role of type I and IIa muscle fibers

Lean Body Mass, Muscle Architecture and Powerlifting Performance at Preseason and at Competition

Muscle Ultrasound Echo Intensity and Fiber Type Composition in Young Females

The Effects of Heavy Resisted Sled Pulling on Sprint Mechanics and Spatiotemporal Parameters

Reactive Strength Index, Rate of Torque Development, and Performance in Well-Trained Weightlifters: A Pilot Study

S137 Expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in vastus lateralis muscle fibres is different between COPD and healthy participants in response to exercise training

Impaired training-induced myogenesis in COPD is due to blunt expression of extracellular matrix proteins.

Gerasimos Terzis Information



Professor School of PE & Sport Science



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Gerasimos Terzis Skills & Research Interests

Exercise Physiology

Exercise Training

Skeletal muscle adaptations

Top articles of Gerasimos Terzis

The Effect of Chronic Dietary Protein Manipulation on Amino Acids’ Profile and Position Sense in the Elderly Suffering from Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology


Type IIx muscle fibers are related to poor body composition, glycemic and lipidemic blood profiles in young females: the protective role of type I and IIa muscle fibers

European Journal of Applied Physiology


Lean Body Mass, Muscle Architecture and Powerlifting Performance at Preseason and at Competition


Thomas Mpampoulis
Thomas Mpampoulis

H-Index: 3

Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

Muscle Ultrasound Echo Intensity and Fiber Type Composition in Young Females

Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology


Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

Constantinos Papadopoulos
Constantinos Papadopoulos

H-Index: 0

The Effects of Heavy Resisted Sled Pulling on Sprint Mechanics and Spatiotemporal Parameters

The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research


Reactive Strength Index, Rate of Torque Development, and Performance in Well-Trained Weightlifters: A Pilot Study

Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology


S137 Expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in vastus lateralis muscle fibres is different between COPD and healthy participants in response to exercise training


Impaired training-induced myogenesis in COPD is due to blunt expression of extracellular matrix proteins.


Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

Sarcopenic muscle extracellular matrix dictates muscle adaptations in a 3D-engineered muscle model of COPD


Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

Muscle architecture adaptations to static stretching training: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Sports Medicine Open


Andreas Konrad
Andreas Konrad

H-Index: 7

Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

The Acute Effects of Plyometric Exercises on Sprint Performance and Kinematics



Skeletal muscle fiber composition may modify the effect of nutrition on body composition in young females

Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases


Triceps brachii muscle architecture, upper-body rate of force development, and bench press maximum strength of strong and weak trained participants

Human Movement


Thomas Mpampoulis
Thomas Mpampoulis

H-Index: 3

Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

Different eccentric-based power training volumes improve glycemic, lipidemic profile and body composition of females in a dose-dependent manner: Associations with muscle fibres …

European Journal of Sport Science


Effectiveness of either short-duration ischemic pre-conditioning, single-set high-resistance exercise, or their combination in potentiating bench press exercise performance

Frontiers in Physiology


Vastus Lateralis and Vastus Intermedius as Predictors of Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Hypertrophy after Strength Training

Applied Sciences


Spyridon Methenitis
Spyridon Methenitis

H-Index: 14

Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

The role of extracellular matrix proteins on exercise training-induced muscle fibre adaptations in COPD


Differences in rate of force development, muscle morphology and maximum strength between weightlifters and track and field throwers

Applied Sciences


Preconditioning strategies before maximum clean performance in female weightlifters

The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research


Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

Body composition and 6 minute walking ability in late-onset pompe disease patients after 9 years of enzyme replacement therapy

International Journal of Neuroscience


Gerasimos Terzis
Gerasimos Terzis

H-Index: 29

Constantinos Papadopoulos
Constantinos Papadopoulos

H-Index: 0

See List of Professors in Gerasimos Terzis University(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)