Ståle Pallesen

About Ståle Pallesen

Ståle Pallesen, With an exceptional h-index of 100 and a recent h-index of 72 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Bergen, specializes in the field of Sleep, addictions.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Associations between HEXACO personality traits, substance use disorders and behavioral addictions: A protocol for a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis

Changes in work schedule affect headache frequency among Norwegian nurses: a 3-year-follow-up study

Correction: Marital status and gambling disorder: a longitudinal study based on national registry data

Similarities and Differences Between Study Addiction and Study Engagement and Work Addiction and Work Engagement: A Network Analysis

The association of psychological distress and economic and health worries with tobacco smoking behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: a two-year longitudinal cohort study

Cross-Cultural Preferences for Women’s Waist to Hip Ratio and Men’s Shoulder to Hip Ratio: Data From Iran, Norway, Poland, and Russia

The long-term effect of work schedule, shift work disorder, insomnia and restless legs syndrome on headache among nurses: A prospective longitudinal cohort study

Moral decision-making at night and the impact of night work with blue-enriched white light or warm white light: a counterbalanced crossover study

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Top articles of Ståle Pallesen

Associations between HEXACO personality traits, substance use disorders and behavioral addictions: A protocol for a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Changes in work schedule affect headache frequency among Norwegian nurses: a 3-year-follow-up study

Occupational and Environmental Medicine


Correction: Marital status and gambling disorder: a longitudinal study based on national registry data

BMC psychiatry


Similarities and Differences Between Study Addiction and Study Engagement and Work Addiction and Work Engagement: A Network Analysis

International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

The association of psychological distress and economic and health worries with tobacco smoking behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: a two-year longitudinal cohort study

BMC Public Health


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Cross-Cultural Preferences for Women’s Waist to Hip Ratio and Men’s Shoulder to Hip Ratio: Data From Iran, Norway, Poland, and Russia

Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology


The long-term effect of work schedule, shift work disorder, insomnia and restless legs syndrome on headache among nurses: A prospective longitudinal cohort study



Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Moral decision-making at night and the impact of night work with blue-enriched white light or warm white light: a counterbalanced crossover study

Annals of Medicine


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Emophilia: psychometric properties of the emotional promiscuity scale and its association with personality traits, unfaithfulness, and romantic relationships in a Scandinavian …

Frontiers in Psychology


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Concentration of gambling spending by product type: analysis of gambling accounts records in Norway

Addiction Research & Theory


Viktorija Kesaite
Viktorija Kesaite

H-Index: 2

Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Examining the relationship between non-suicidal self-harm and suicidality within the past 12-months and gaming problems in Norwegian full-time students

BMC psychiatry


Tony Leino
Tony Leino

H-Index: 5

Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

The prevalence of gambling problems in prison populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Group-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy versus waiting list in the treatment of insomnia in primary care: study protocol for a pragmatic, multicentre randomized …

BMC Primary Care


Maria Hrozanova
Maria Hrozanova

H-Index: 5

Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Who has nightmares? An investigation into the relationship between personality and nightmares.



Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Development and initial validation of questionnaire on predictors for the use of hearing protection devices among noise exposed manufacturing workers in Tanzania: A …

Frontiers in Public Health


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

The prevalence of orthorexia in exercising populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

The relationship between substance use disorder and gambling disorder: A nationwide longitudinal health registry study

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health


The association between different sleep health dimensions and sex, age, education, circadian preference, and chronic insomnia: a representative population-based study

Sleep Advances


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Nasjonal anbefaling for utredning og behandling av døgnrytmelidelser


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

Irregular sleep–wake rhythm disorder


Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

See List of Professors in Ståle Pallesen University(Universitetet i Bergen)