Sina Shakibania

About Sina Shakibania

Sina Shakibania, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Tehran, specializes in the field of Hydrometallurgy, Solvent extraction.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Synergistic, extractive, and selective separation of light, medium, and heavy rare earth elements using Cyanex 572 and Alamine 336 from a chloride medium

Recovery of vanadium from spent refinery catalysts: optimizing the process and analyzing the environmental impact

Valorization of fly ash by nickel ferrite and vanadium oxide recovery through pyro-hydrometallurgical processes: Technical and environmental assessment

Microwave irradiation for the recovery enhancement of fly ash components: Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects

Separation and recovery of titanium and scandium from the red mud

Incorporation of chloride ion in a copper solvent extraction process: A thermodynamic view

Physical and chemical separation of Ti, rare earth elements, Fe, and Al from red mud by carbothermal reduction, magnetic separation, and leaching

Separation of vanadium and iron from the steelmaking slag convertor using Aliquat 336 and D2EHPA: Effect of the aqueous species and the extractant type

Sina Shakibania Information



M.Sc student in Extractive Metallurgy



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Sina Shakibania Skills & Research Interests


Solvent extraction

Top articles of Sina Shakibania

Synergistic, extractive, and selective separation of light, medium, and heavy rare earth elements using Cyanex 572 and Alamine 336 from a chloride medium

Minerals Engineering


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

Recovery of vanadium from spent refinery catalysts: optimizing the process and analyzing the environmental impact

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy


Valorization of fly ash by nickel ferrite and vanadium oxide recovery through pyro-hydrometallurgical processes: Technical and environmental assessment

Journal of Environmental Management


Microwave irradiation for the recovery enhancement of fly ash components: Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects

Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

Separation and recovery of titanium and scandium from the red mud

Separation and Purification Technology


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Incorporation of chloride ion in a copper solvent extraction process: A thermodynamic view

Minerals Engineering


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Physical and chemical separation of Ti, rare earth elements, Fe, and Al from red mud by carbothermal reduction, magnetic separation, and leaching

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Separation of vanadium and iron from the steelmaking slag convertor using Aliquat 336 and D2EHPA: Effect of the aqueous species and the extractant type

Minerals Engineering


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Alireza Mahmoudi
Alireza Mahmoudi

H-Index: 2

Statistical analysis of factors affecting the anode scrap rate at the Khatoon Abad Copper Refinery Plant

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Synergistic effects of Ionquest 801 and Cyanex 572 on the solvent extraction of rare earth elements (Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, and Er) from a chloride medium

Separation and Purification Technology


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

Selective separation and recovery of tellurium from copper anode slime using acidic leaching and precipitation with cuprous ion

Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy


The effect of carbothermal reduction on the physical and chemical separation of the red mud components

Minerals Engineering


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Separation and solvent extraction of rare earth elements (Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, and Er) using TBP and Cyanex 572 from a chloride medium

Minerals Engineering


Tellurium, from copper anode slime to high purity product: A review paper


The effect of the chloride ion on chemical degradation of LIX 984N extractant

Minerals Engineering


Effect of the chloride content of seawater on the copper solvent extraction using Acorga M5774 and LIX 984N extractants

Separation and Purification Technology


The effect of chloride ions on copper solvent extraction from sulfate-chloride medium using LIX 984N

Minerals Engineering


See List of Professors in Sina Shakibania University(University of Tehran)

