Fereshteh Rashchi

About Fereshteh Rashchi

Fereshteh Rashchi, With an exceptional h-index of 40 and a recent h-index of 31 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Tehran, specializes in the field of Hydrometallurgy, Metals Recycling.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Fly ash treatment via conventional and microwave-assisted organic acid leaching: kinetics and life cycle assessment

Pulse electrodeposition synthesis of Ti/PbO2-IrO2 nano-composite electrode to restrict the OER in the zinc electrowinning

Upcycling spent graphite in LIBs into battery-grade graphene: Managing the produced waste and environmental impacts analysis

Recovery of vanadium from spent refinery catalysts: optimizing the process and analyzing the environmental impact

Phytoextraction of copper from copper waste rock by Tagetes sp.

Removal of cadmium through adsorption and visible light photocatalysis from polluted wastewater by mechano-chemically synthesized FeS nanopowder

Synergistic, extractive, and selective separation of light, medium, and heavy rare earth elements using Cyanex 572 and Alamine 336 from a chloride medium

Valorization of fly ash by nickel ferrite and vanadium oxide recovery through pyro-hydrometallurgical processes: Technical and environmental assessment

Fereshteh Rashchi Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Fereshteh Rashchi Skills & Research Interests


Metals Recycling

Top articles of Fereshteh Rashchi

Fly ash treatment via conventional and microwave-assisted organic acid leaching: kinetics and life cycle assessment

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Pulse electrodeposition synthesis of Ti/PbO2-IrO2 nano-composite electrode to restrict the OER in the zinc electrowinning

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering


Upcycling spent graphite in LIBs into battery-grade graphene: Managing the produced waste and environmental impacts analysis

Waste Management


Recovery of vanadium from spent refinery catalysts: optimizing the process and analyzing the environmental impact

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy


Phytoextraction of copper from copper waste rock by Tagetes sp.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Removal of cadmium through adsorption and visible light photocatalysis from polluted wastewater by mechano-chemically synthesized FeS nanopowder

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Synergistic, extractive, and selective separation of light, medium, and heavy rare earth elements using Cyanex 572 and Alamine 336 from a chloride medium

Minerals Engineering


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

Valorization of fly ash by nickel ferrite and vanadium oxide recovery through pyro-hydrometallurgical processes: Technical and environmental assessment

Journal of Environmental Management


Microwave irradiation for the recovery enhancement of fly ash components: Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects

Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification


Sina Shakibania
Sina Shakibania

H-Index: 2

Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

A New Approach to Nickel Recycling from Zinc Plant Residue: A Morphological and Crystallographic Study on the Effects of Zinc Impurity on the Electrowinning of Nickel



Enhancing photodecomposition of cationic organic dyes of rhodamine and methylene blue employing the Ta2O5–CdS composite driven by visible light irradiation

Materials Chemistry and Physics


Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

Assessing the environmental footprints of the manganese recovery process from low-grade ore to synthesize manganese ferrite

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy


Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

Ehsan Vahidi
Ehsan Vahidi

H-Index: 14

An investigation of bioleaching and valorization of hazardous zinc plant purification residue using Aspergillus niger

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Enhancing decomposition of rhodamine (RhB) and methylene blue (MB) using CdS decorated with Ag or Ru driven by visible radiation

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

Enhanced photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanotubes decorated with Ag nanoparticles by simultaneous electrochemical deposition and reduction processes

Applied Surface Science


Recovery of lithium and cobalt from spent Li-ion batteries using organic acids as leaching agents


Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured Ag-and In-doped vanadium pentoxide for ethanol-sensing application

International Journal of Materials Research


Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

Photocatalytic activity and pH-induced morphological changes of ZnO/CuO nanocomposites prepared by chemical bath precipitation

Energy Advances


A comparative study on the photocatalytic activity and formation mechanism of nanostructured Cu2ZnSnS4 prepared by thermal and mechano-thermal methods

Materials Chemistry and Physics


Synthesis of CdS–SnS photocatalyst by chemical co-precipitation for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and rhodamine B under irradiation by visible light

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids


Fereshteh Rashchi
Fereshteh Rashchi

H-Index: 27

See List of Professors in Fereshteh Rashchi University(University of Tehran)