Sibin Wu

Sibin Wu

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

H-index: 18

North America-United States

About Sibin Wu

Sibin Wu, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Balancing between dynamics and stability for innovation alliance synergy based on evolutionary game model

Impact of organizational citizenship behavior on corporate sustainability through the mediation of TQM: focus on the textile industry in Bangladesh

The effect of syntax simplicity on crowdfunding performance

Threshold effects of financial development on foreign listing: the roles of venture capital in developed and emerging countries

Does internationalisation give firms a second life? Evidence from turnaround attempts of declining firms during performance decline

The effect of gender fit on crowdfunding success

A Reexamination of Antecedents of Entrepreneur Performance During Covid-19 Pandemic

The devil is in the details: The effect of nonverbal cues on crowdfunding success

Sibin Wu Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Top articles of Sibin Wu

Balancing between dynamics and stability for innovation alliance synergy based on evolutionary game model

Journal of Modelling in Management


Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

Impact of organizational citizenship behavior on corporate sustainability through the mediation of TQM: focus on the textile industry in Bangladesh

The TQM Journal


Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

Carlos Baldo
Carlos Baldo

H-Index: 2

The effect of syntax simplicity on crowdfunding performance

Venture Capital


Threshold effects of financial development on foreign listing: the roles of venture capital in developed and emerging countries

Applied Economics


Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

Does internationalisation give firms a second life? Evidence from turnaround attempts of declining firms during performance decline

European Journal of International Management


Xin Liang
Xin Liang

H-Index: 1

Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

The effect of gender fit on crowdfunding success

Journal of Business Venturing Insights


Yuanqing Li
Yuanqing Li

H-Index: 4

Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

A Reexamination of Antecedents of Entrepreneur Performance During Covid-19 Pandemic

Academy of Management Proceedings


Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

The devil is in the details: The effect of nonverbal cues on crowdfunding success

Information & Management


Yuanqing Li
Yuanqing Li

H-Index: 4

Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

Opportunity finding by nascent entrepreneurs: accidental or purposeful?

Frontiers in Psychology


Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

The power of words in crowdfunding


Yuanqing Li
Yuanqing Li

H-Index: 4

Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

Product complexity and strategic alliance on drug approval

American Business Review


How did a local guerrilla turn into a global gorilla? Learning how transformational change happened under dynamic capabilities from the rise of Huawei

Journal of Organizational Change Management


Gender Differences in Acquiring Business Support from Online Social Networks

Journal of women's entrepreneurship and education


Sibin Wu
Sibin Wu

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Sibin Wu University(University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)