Shawn Somerset

About Shawn Somerset

Shawn Somerset, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Canberra, specializes in the field of Nutrition and Public Health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Role of cholecystokinin in satiation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

It takes two to tango: a couples-based lifestyle approach to reducing multigenerational risk of metabolic syndrome

Evaluation of a virtual, simulated international public health peer-to-peer exchange learning experience

The Lipids and Volume in Satiation and Satiety (LIVES) Hypothesis: A Proposed Alternative Model for the Pathogenesis of Obesity

Prickly pear juice consumption after fat intake affects postprandial heart rate variability but not traditional risk factors of cardiovascular disease in healthy men

Saving lives: A systematic review on the efficacy of theory-informed suicide prevention programs

Identifying effective interventions to promote consumption of protein-rich foods from lower ecological footprint sources: A systematic literature review

Abstracts of the 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of Australia

Shawn Somerset Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Shawn Somerset Skills & Research Interests

Nutrition and Public Health

Top articles of Shawn Somerset

Role of cholecystokinin in satiation: a systematic review and meta-analysis


It takes two to tango: a couples-based lifestyle approach to reducing multigenerational risk of metabolic syndrome

Population Medicine


Ro Mcfarlane
Ro Mcfarlane

H-Index: 8

Shawn Somerset
Shawn Somerset

H-Index: 21

Evaluation of a virtual, simulated international public health peer-to-peer exchange learning experience

Frontiers in Public Health


The Lipids and Volume in Satiation and Satiety (LIVES) Hypothesis: A Proposed Alternative Model for the Pathogenesis of Obesity


Prickly pear juice consumption after fat intake affects postprandial heart rate variability but not traditional risk factors of cardiovascular disease in healthy men



Saving lives: A systematic review on the efficacy of theory-informed suicide prevention programs


Shawn Somerset
Shawn Somerset

H-Index: 21

Ralf Schwarzer
Ralf Schwarzer

H-Index: 76

Identifying effective interventions to promote consumption of protein-rich foods from lower ecological footprint sources: A systematic literature review


Abstracts of the 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of Australia


Enhancing community suicide risk assessment and protective intervention action plans through a bystander intervention model-informed video: A randomized controlled trial.

Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention


Ralf Schwarzer
Ralf Schwarzer

H-Index: 76

Shawn Somerset
Shawn Somerset

H-Index: 21

Couples-based behaviour change interventions to reduce metabolic syndrome risk. A systematic review


Shawn Somerset
Shawn Somerset

H-Index: 21

A year of hunger: how the Russia-Ukraine War is worsening climate-linked food shortages


Nenad Naumovski
Nenad Naumovski

H-Index: 21

Shawn Somerset
Shawn Somerset

H-Index: 21

Maternal body mass index and country of birth in relation to the adverse outcomes of large for gestational age and gestational diabetes mellitus in a retrospective cohort of …

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth


Depression mediates association between perceived ethnic discrimination and elevated blood glucose levels among Sub-Saharan African migrants in Australia

Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health


Maternal Body Mass Index and Ethnicity in Relation to The Adverse Outcomes of Large for Gestational Age and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in a Retrospective Cohort of …


Towards evidence-based policies to strengthen acute stroke care in low-middle-income countries


Ama De-Graft Aikins
Ama De-Graft Aikins

H-Index: 30

Shawn Somerset
Shawn Somerset

H-Index: 21

Metformin use in prediabetes: is earlier intervention better?

Acta Diabetologica


Promoting the community's ability to detect and respond to suicide risk through an online bystander intervention model-informed tool



Shawn Somerset
Shawn Somerset

H-Index: 21

Ralf Schwarzer
Ralf Schwarzer

H-Index: 76

Acculturation and perceived ethnic discrimination predict elevated blood glucose level in Sub-Saharan African immigrants in Australia

Journal of immigrant and minority health


Investigating barriers of university staff to embed Indigenous Australians' perspectives and pedagogies into university curricula.


Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson

H-Index: 1

Shawn Somerset
Shawn Somerset

H-Index: 21

Improving the quality of care for people who had a stroke in a low‐/middle‐income country: A qualitative analysis of health‐care professionals’ perspectives

Health Expectations


John K Ganle
John K Ganle

H-Index: 17

Shawn Somerset
Shawn Somerset

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Shawn Somerset University(University of Canberra)