Josephine Y Chau

About Josephine Y Chau

Josephine Y Chau, With an exceptional h-index of 40 and a recent h-index of 35 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Macquarie University, specializes in the field of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, health promotion, workplaces, evaluation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Exploring Australian News Media Portrayals of Sustainable and Plant-Based Diets

Barriers and enablers of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) in physically inactive adults: a focus group study

Participation, barriers and enablers of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity in physically inactive adults

Navigating Neighbourhood Opposition and Climate Change: Feasibility and Acceptability of a Play Street Pilot in Sydney, Australia

Mature aged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults are using digital health technologies

Higher prevalence of food insecurity and psychological distress among international university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: An Australian perspective

Use of mobile apps in heart failure self-management: qualitative study exploring the patient and primary care clinician perspective

The use of mobile apps for heart failure self-management: systematic review of experimental and qualitative studies

Josephine Y Chau Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Josephine Y Chau Skills & Research Interests

physical activity

sedentary behaviour

health promotion



Top articles of Josephine Y Chau

Exploring Australian News Media Portrayals of Sustainable and Plant-Based Diets



Diana Bogueva
Diana Bogueva

H-Index: 6

Josephine Y Chau
Josephine Y Chau

H-Index: 32

Barriers and enablers of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) in physically inactive adults: a focus group study

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


Participation, barriers and enablers of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity in physically inactive adults

Annals of Behavioral Medicine


Navigating Neighbourhood Opposition and Climate Change: Feasibility and Acceptability of a Play Street Pilot in Sydney, Australia

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Josephine Y Chau
Josephine Y Chau

H-Index: 32

Helen Little
Helen Little

H-Index: 15

Mature aged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults are using digital health technologies

Digital Health


Higher prevalence of food insecurity and psychological distress among international university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: An Australian perspective

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Janaki Amin
Janaki Amin

H-Index: 36

Josephine Y Chau
Josephine Y Chau

H-Index: 32

Use of mobile apps in heart failure self-management: qualitative study exploring the patient and primary care clinician perspective

JMIR cardio


The use of mobile apps for heart failure self-management: systematic review of experimental and qualitative studies


Identifying effective interventions to promote consumption of protein-rich foods from lower ecological footprint sources: A systematic literature review


Acceptability and feasibility of an online physical activity program for women over 50: a pilot trial

Translational Behavioral Medicine


Josephine Y Chau
Josephine Y Chau

H-Index: 32

“If money was no object”: A qualitative study of South African university office workers’ perceptions of using height-adjustable sit-stand desks

South African Journal of Sports Medicine


Untapping the health enhancing potential of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA): rationale, scoping review, and a 4-pillar research framework


TV-viewing in Australian adults: Sedentary or active? Oral Presentation A10. 5

The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada


Impact and acceptance of a state‐wide policy to remove sugar‐sweetened beverages in hospitals in New South Wales, Australia

Health Promotion Journal of Australia


The use of Twitter as an interactive learning tool within a postgraduate public health course: A pilot study

Pedagogy in Health Promotion


Using stealth marketing techniques to increa se physica l activity and decrease seden tary time in the workpla ce: a feasibility study inv estigating the spill-ov ers of …

Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management


Mobile Applications for Heart Failure Self-management: A Systematic Review


Active Women over 50 online information and support to promote physical activity behaviour change: study protocol for a pilot trial

Pilot and Feasibility Studies


Josephine Y Chau
Josephine Y Chau

H-Index: 32

Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the simple physical activity questionnaire (SIMPAQ)

BMC psychiatry


The effectiveness of strategies to promote walking in people with musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review with meta-analysis


Josephine Y Chau
Josephine Y Chau

H-Index: 32

See List of Professors in Josephine Y Chau University(Macquarie University)