Sevil Bilgin

About Sevil Bilgin

Sevil Bilgin, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hacettepe Üniversitesi, specializes in the field of Nörolojik Rehabilitasyon.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effect of craniocervical flexors endurance training on suprahyoid muscle activation in healthy adults: A randomised controlled trial.

Factors affecting the performance of the deep cervical flexors in young people using smartphones

Electromyography study of six parts of the latissimus dorsi during reaching tasks while seated: A comparison between healthy subjects and stroke patients

Effects of two exercise regimes on patients with Chiari malformation type 1: a randomized controlled trial

Cervical proprioception in Parkinson's disease and its correlation with manual dexterity function

Profit Bel Haritası Anketi Türkçe versiyonunun geçerlik güvenirlik ve kültürler arası uyarlaması.

Effectiveness of Early-stage Neurodevelopmental Treatment Following Brain Tumor Surgery

Effects of combined aerobic-strength training and yoga on quality of life and related parameters in women with pituitary adenoma after surgery: a randomized crossover study

Sevil Bilgin Information






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Sevil Bilgin Skills & Research Interests

Nörolojik Rehabilitasyon

Top articles of Sevil Bilgin

The effect of craniocervical flexors endurance training on suprahyoid muscle activation in healthy adults: A randomised controlled trial.

Journal of Oral Rehabilitation


Factors affecting the performance of the deep cervical flexors in young people using smartphones



Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Nezire Köse
Nezire Köse

H-Index: 6

Electromyography study of six parts of the latissimus dorsi during reaching tasks while seated: A comparison between healthy subjects and stroke patients

Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology


Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Effects of two exercise regimes on patients with Chiari malformation type 1: a randomized controlled trial

The Cerebellum


Cervical proprioception in Parkinson's disease and its correlation with manual dexterity function

Journal of Movement Disorders


Murat Gültekin
Murat Gültekin

H-Index: 8

Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Profit Bel Haritası Anketi Türkçe versiyonunun geçerlik güvenirlik ve kültürler arası uyarlaması.

Journal of Exercise Therapy & Rehabilitation


Effectiveness of Early-stage Neurodevelopmental Treatment Following Brain Tumor Surgery

Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal


Effects of combined aerobic-strength training and yoga on quality of life and related parameters in women with pituitary adenoma after surgery: a randomized crossover study

European Journal of Endocrinology


Esra Dülger
Esra Dülger

H-Index: 1

Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Comparison of two different feedback techniques for activating the transversus abdominis: An observational study

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation


Esra Dülger
Esra Dülger

H-Index: 1

Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Parkı̇nson Hastalığı Olan Bireyde Hareket Rı̇tmı̇nı̇n Kı̇şı̇sel Müzı̇k Tercı̇hı̇ İle Bı̇rleştı̇rı̇lmesı̇nı̇n Yürüyüş Parametrelerı̇ Üzerı̇ne Akut Etkı̇sı̇, Olgu Sunumu

Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal


Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Are Biomechanical Features of the Foot and Ankle Related to Lumbopelvic Motor Control?

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association


Caner Kararti
Caner Kararti

H-Index: 3

Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Nöroşirürjik Rehabilitasyonda Kanıta Dayalı Elektroterapi Uygulamaları


Results of special neck exercises in a patient with cerebellar ataxia and axial myoclonus due to adck3 mutation

Turkish Journal of Neurology


Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Murat Gültekin
Murat Gültekin

H-Index: 8

Serebellar Ataksi ve Aksiyal Miyoklonusu Olan ADCK3 Mutasyonlu Bir Olguda Özel Boyun Egzersizlerinin Sonuçları

Turk J Neurol


Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Murat Gültekin
Murat Gültekin

H-Index: 8

Kafa Travmaları

Turkiye Klinikleri Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation-Special Topics


Does plantar pressure distribution influence the lumbar multifidus muscle thickness in asymptomatic individuals? A preliminary study

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics


Caner Kararti
Caner Kararti

H-Index: 3

Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

Lumbal disk hernisinde egzersiz ve sağlıklı beslenme programının fiziksel ve fonksiyonel düzey üzerine etkisi: Vaka çalışması

Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal


Safe and effective use of arm cycle ergometry in critically ill patients

Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi


Effects of local vibration and cervical stabilization exercises on balance, joint position sense, and isometric muscle performance in young adults: A randomized controlled study

Isokinetics and Exercise Science


Sevil Bilgin
Sevil Bilgin

H-Index: 7

The ProFitMap-neck-a questionnaire for measuring symptoms and functional limitations in neck pain: reliability, validity and cross-cultural adaptation of the Turkish version

Turkish journal of medical sciences


See List of Professors in Sevil Bilgin University(Hacettepe Üniversitesi)