Sandy Schumann

Sandy Schumann

University College London

H-index: 12

Europe-United Kingdom

About Sandy Schumann

Sandy Schumann, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University College London,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Distinct patterns of incidental exposure to and active selection of radicalizing information indicate varying levels of support for violent extremism

Examining Bystanders’ Decisions to Not Intervene in Incidents of Hate Speech Online and Offline

Can We Compare Attitudes Towards Crime Around the World? Assessing Measurement Invariance of the Morally Debatable Behavior Scale Across 44 Countries

Crowdsourcing Samples for Research on Violent Extremism: A Research Note

Tackling the Prevalence and Spread of Hate Speech Online: The Effect of Counter-speech on Subsequent Bystander Reactions

The COVID-19 outbreak as a trigger event for sinophobic hate crimes in the United Kingdom

What can be achieved with online intergroup contact interventions? Assessing long‐term attitude, knowledge, and behaviour change

Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty

Sandy Schumann Information



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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Top articles of Sandy Schumann

Distinct patterns of incidental exposure to and active selection of radicalizing information indicate varying levels of support for violent extremism

PLoS one


Examining Bystanders’ Decisions to Not Intervene in Incidents of Hate Speech Online and Offline


Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Can We Compare Attitudes Towards Crime Around the World? Assessing Measurement Invariance of the Morally Debatable Behavior Scale Across 44 Countries

Journal of Quantitative Criminology


Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Crowdsourcing Samples for Research on Violent Extremism: A Research Note

Terrorism and political violence


Tackling the Prevalence and Spread of Hate Speech Online: The Effect of Counter-speech on Subsequent Bystander Reactions


Yue Jia
Yue Jia

H-Index: 37

Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

The COVID-19 outbreak as a trigger event for sinophobic hate crimes in the United Kingdom

The British Journal of Criminology


Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

What can be achieved with online intergroup contact interventions? Assessing long‐term attitude, knowledge, and behaviour change

Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy


Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Nate Breznau
Nate Breznau

H-Index: 9

Alexander Wuttke
Alexander Wuttke

H-Index: 7

Daniel Auer
Daniel Auer

H-Index: 7

Dave Balzer
Dave Balzer

H-Index: 1

Gerrit Bauer
Gerrit Bauer

H-Index: 10

Markus Baumann
Markus Baumann

H-Index: 9

Sharon Baute
Sharon Baute

H-Index: 7

Julian Bernauer
Julian Bernauer

H-Index: 13

Anna Berthold
Anna Berthold

H-Index: 0

Andrea Bohman
Andrea Bohman

H-Index: 8

Thijs Bol
Thijs Bol

H-Index: 16

Kaspar Burger
Kaspar Burger

H-Index: 10

Alejandro Ecker
Alejandro Ecker

H-Index: 7

Achim Edelmann
Achim Edelmann

H-Index: 7

Andrea Forster
Andrea Forster

H-Index: 3

Konstantin Gavras
Konstantin Gavras

H-Index: 4

Theresa Gessler
Theresa Gessler

H-Index: 4

Amélie Godefroidt
Amélie Godefroidt

H-Index: 5

Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Stefanie Heyne
Stefanie Heyne

H-Index: 7

Mikael Hjerm
Mikael Hjerm

H-Index: 23

Christian Hunkler
Christian Hunkler

H-Index: 12

Nora Huth
Nora Huth

H-Index: 0

Laura Jacobs
Laura Jacobs

H-Index: 10

Jannes Jacobsen
Jannes Jacobsen

H-Index: 6

Bastian Jaeger
Bastian Jaeger

H-Index: 9

Katharina Kunißen
Katharina Kunißen

H-Index: 2

Alexander Langenkamp
Alexander Langenkamp

H-Index: 1

Matthias Mader
Matthias Mader

H-Index: 11

Nicole Martin
Nicole Martin

H-Index: 25

Paul Martinez
Paul Martinez

H-Index: 2

Jochen Mayerl
Jochen Mayerl

H-Index: 14

Cecil Meeusen
Cecil Meeusen

H-Index: 15

Jonathan Mellon
Jonathan Mellon

H-Index: 19

Friedolin Merhout
Friedolin Merhout

H-Index: 4

Daniel Meyer
Daniel Meyer

H-Index: 15

Marcel Neunhoeffer
Marcel Neunhoeffer

H-Index: 4

Daniel Nüst
Daniel Nüst

H-Index: 8

Olav Nygård
Olav Nygård

H-Index: 1

Gunnar Otte
Gunnar Otte

H-Index: 12

Christopher Prosser
Christopher Prosser

H-Index: 15

Arne Roets
Arne Roets

H-Index: 30

Jonathan Rogers
Jonathan Rogers

H-Index: 4

Robin Samuel
Robin Samuel

H-Index: 12

Ariela Schachter
Ariela Schachter

H-Index: 7

Merlin Schaeffer
Merlin Schaeffer

H-Index: 15

Elmar Schlueter
Elmar Schlueter

H-Index: 15

Regine Schmidt
Regine Schmidt

H-Index: 1

Jürgen Schneider
Jürgen Schneider

H-Index: 9

Martijn Schoonvelde
Martijn Schoonvelde

H-Index: 9

Julia Schulte-Cloos
Julia Schulte-Cloos

H-Index: 4

Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Reinhard Schunck
Reinhard Schunck

H-Index: 15

Jürgen Schupp
Jürgen Schupp

H-Index: 39

Nico Sonntag
Nico Sonntag

H-Index: 1

Nadia Steiber
Nadia Steiber

H-Index: 17

Dieter Stiers
Dieter Stiers

H-Index: 7

Dragana Stojmenovska
Dragana Stojmenovska

H-Index: 2

Nora Storz
Nora Storz

H-Index: 1

Erich Striessnig
Erich Striessnig

H-Index: 12

Andrey Tibajev
Andrey Tibajev

H-Index: 3

Brian Tung
Brian Tung

H-Index: 7

Giacomo Vagni
Giacomo Vagni

H-Index: 2

Jasper Van Assche
Jasper Van Assche

H-Index: 12

Maintenance or change? Examining the reinforcing spiral between social media news use and populist attitudes

Information, Communication & Society


Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Fabian Thomas
Fabian Thomas

H-Index: 1

Does cognitive inflexibility predict violent extremist behaviour intentions? A registered direct replication report of Zmigrod et al., 2019

Legal and Criminological Psychology


The role of short-term and longer term immigration trends on voting for populist radical right parties in Europe

Social Psychological and Personality Science


Miguel R. Ramos
Miguel R. Ramos

H-Index: 11

Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Assessing the relationship between terrorist attacks against ingroup or outgroup members and public support for terrorism

Frontiers in Psychology


The Moderating Effects of “Dark” Personality Traits and Message Vividness on the Persuasiveness of Terrorist Narrative Propaganda

Frontiers in Psychology


Radical news? Immigrants’ television use, acculturation challenges, and support for terrorism

Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression


A typology of masspersonal information seeking repertoires (MISR): Global implications for political participation and subjective well-being

New Media & Society


Sexual and gender-based violence: to tweet or not to tweet?

Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace


Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Social media use and support for populist radical right parties: assessing exposure and selection effects in a two-wave panel study

Information, Communication & Society


Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Diana Boer
Diana Boer

H-Index: 24

Les réseaux sociaux peuvent-ils rendre le monde meilleur?: L'engagement civique et politique à l'ère digitale

Bruxelles Laïque Echos


The base rate study: developing base rates for risk factors and indicators for engagement in violent extremism

Journal of forensic sciences


See List of Professors in Sandy Schumann University(University College London)