Sebastian Hellmeier

About Sebastian Hellmeier

Sebastian Hellmeier, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Göteborgs universitet, specializes in the field of Comparative Politics, Authoritarianism, Protest, Quantitative Methods.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

State Concessions and Protest Mobilization in Authoritarian Regimes

Pathways to democracy after authoritarian breakdown: Comparative case selection and lessons from the past

Regime transformation from below: Mobilization for democracy and autocracy from 1900 to 2021

From masks to mismanagement: A global assessment of the rise and fall of pandemic-related protests

Dynamics and determinants of right-wing populist mobilisation in Germany

Oliver Schlenkrich. 2021. Origin and performance of democracy profiles

Pro-democracy movements in a comparative perspective

The Long Arm and the Iron Fist: Authoritarian Crackdowns and Transnational Repression

Sebastian Hellmeier Information



Postdoc V-Dem Institute



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Sebastian Hellmeier Skills & Research Interests

Comparative Politics



Quantitative Methods

Top articles of Sebastian Hellmeier

State Concessions and Protest Mobilization in Authoritarian Regimes

Comparative Political Studies


Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Pathways to democracy after authoritarian breakdown: Comparative case selection and lessons from the past

International Political Science Review


Jean Lachapelle
Jean Lachapelle

H-Index: 5

Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Regime transformation from below: Mobilization for democracy and autocracy from 1900 to 2021

Comparative Political Studies


Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Michael Bernhard
Michael Bernhard

H-Index: 21

From masks to mismanagement: A global assessment of the rise and fall of pandemic-related protests

Research & Politics


Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Dynamics and determinants of right-wing populist mobilisation in Germany

West European Politics


Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Johannes Vüllers
Johannes Vüllers

H-Index: 9

Oliver Schlenkrich. 2021. Origin and performance of democracy profiles


Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Pro-democracy movements in a comparative perspective

Frontiers in Political Science


The Long Arm and the Iron Fist: Authoritarian Crackdowns and Transnational Repression

Journal of Conflict Resolution


Alexander Dukalskis
Alexander Dukalskis

H-Index: 12

Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Episodes of regime transformation

Journal of Peace Research


Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Staffan I Lindberg
Staffan I Lindberg

H-Index: 37

Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Nate Breznau
Nate Breznau

H-Index: 9

Alexander Wuttke
Alexander Wuttke

H-Index: 7

Daniel Auer
Daniel Auer

H-Index: 7

Dave Balzer
Dave Balzer

H-Index: 1

Gerrit Bauer
Gerrit Bauer

H-Index: 10

Markus Baumann
Markus Baumann

H-Index: 9

Sharon Baute
Sharon Baute

H-Index: 7

Julian Bernauer
Julian Bernauer

H-Index: 13

Anna Berthold
Anna Berthold

H-Index: 0

Andrea Bohman
Andrea Bohman

H-Index: 8

Thijs Bol
Thijs Bol

H-Index: 16

Kaspar Burger
Kaspar Burger

H-Index: 10

Alejandro Ecker
Alejandro Ecker

H-Index: 7

Achim Edelmann
Achim Edelmann

H-Index: 7

Andrea Forster
Andrea Forster

H-Index: 3

Konstantin Gavras
Konstantin Gavras

H-Index: 4

Theresa Gessler
Theresa Gessler

H-Index: 4

Amélie Godefroidt
Amélie Godefroidt

H-Index: 5

Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Stefanie Heyne
Stefanie Heyne

H-Index: 7

Mikael Hjerm
Mikael Hjerm

H-Index: 23

Christian Hunkler
Christian Hunkler

H-Index: 12

Nora Huth
Nora Huth

H-Index: 0

Laura Jacobs
Laura Jacobs

H-Index: 10

Jannes Jacobsen
Jannes Jacobsen

H-Index: 6

Bastian Jaeger
Bastian Jaeger

H-Index: 9

Katharina Kunißen
Katharina Kunißen

H-Index: 2

Alexander Langenkamp
Alexander Langenkamp

H-Index: 1

Matthias Mader
Matthias Mader

H-Index: 11

Nicole Martin
Nicole Martin

H-Index: 25

Paul Martinez
Paul Martinez

H-Index: 2

Jochen Mayerl
Jochen Mayerl

H-Index: 14

Cecil Meeusen
Cecil Meeusen

H-Index: 15

Jonathan Mellon
Jonathan Mellon

H-Index: 19

Friedolin Merhout
Friedolin Merhout

H-Index: 4

Daniel Meyer
Daniel Meyer

H-Index: 15

Marcel Neunhoeffer
Marcel Neunhoeffer

H-Index: 4

Daniel Nüst
Daniel Nüst

H-Index: 8

Olav Nygård
Olav Nygård

H-Index: 1

Gunnar Otte
Gunnar Otte

H-Index: 12

Christopher Prosser
Christopher Prosser

H-Index: 15

Arne Roets
Arne Roets

H-Index: 30

Jonathan Rogers
Jonathan Rogers

H-Index: 4

Robin Samuel
Robin Samuel

H-Index: 12

Ariela Schachter
Ariela Schachter

H-Index: 7

Merlin Schaeffer
Merlin Schaeffer

H-Index: 15

Elmar Schlueter
Elmar Schlueter

H-Index: 15

Regine Schmidt
Regine Schmidt

H-Index: 1

Jürgen Schneider
Jürgen Schneider

H-Index: 9

Martijn Schoonvelde
Martijn Schoonvelde

H-Index: 9

Julia Schulte-Cloos
Julia Schulte-Cloos

H-Index: 4

Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Reinhard Schunck
Reinhard Schunck

H-Index: 15

Jürgen Schupp
Jürgen Schupp

H-Index: 39

Nico Sonntag
Nico Sonntag

H-Index: 1

Nadia Steiber
Nadia Steiber

H-Index: 17

Dieter Stiers
Dieter Stiers

H-Index: 7

Dragana Stojmenovska
Dragana Stojmenovska

H-Index: 2

Nora Storz
Nora Storz

H-Index: 1

Erich Striessnig
Erich Striessnig

H-Index: 12

Andrey Tibajev
Andrey Tibajev

H-Index: 3

Brian Tung
Brian Tung

H-Index: 7

Giacomo Vagni
Giacomo Vagni

H-Index: 2

Jasper Van Assche
Jasper Van Assche

H-Index: 12

Scoping the Institute for Research on the Information Environment


Zachary Steinert-Threlkeld
Zachary Steinert-Threlkeld

H-Index: 9

Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Polarisierung auf der Straße–Die politischen Folgen der Dynamiken von Protest und Gegenprotest

Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen


Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Does counter‐mobilization contain right‐wing populist movements? Evidence from Germany

European Journal of Political Research


Johannes Vüllers
Johannes Vüllers

H-Index: 9

Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Thin-skinned leaders: regime legitimation, protest issues, and repression in autocracies

Political Science Research and Methods


Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

State of the world 2020: autocratization turns viral



How democracies prevail: democratic resilience as a two-stage process



Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Staffan I Lindberg
Staffan I Lindberg

H-Index: 37

How foreign pressure affects mass mobilization in favor of authoritarian regimes

European Journal of International Relations


Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

How to Build Democracy after Authoritarian Breakdown: Insights from a Mixed Methods Approach

V-Dem Working Paper


Jean Lachapelle
Jean Lachapelle

H-Index: 5

Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

How many replicators does it take to achieve reliability? Investigating researcher variability in a crowdsourced replication


Nate Breznau
Nate Breznau

H-Index: 9

Alexander Wuttke
Alexander Wuttke

H-Index: 7

Henrik Kenneth Andersen
Henrik Kenneth Andersen

H-Index: 3

Daniel Auer
Daniel Auer

H-Index: 7

Ling Bai
Ling Bai

H-Index: 8

Dave Balzer
Dave Balzer

H-Index: 1

Gerrit Bauer
Gerrit Bauer

H-Index: 10

Markus Baumann
Markus Baumann

H-Index: 9

Sharon Baute
Sharon Baute

H-Index: 7

Julian Bernauer
Julian Bernauer

H-Index: 13

Anna Berthold
Anna Berthold

H-Index: 0

Andrea Bohman
Andrea Bohman

H-Index: 8

Thijs Bol
Thijs Bol

H-Index: 16

Kaspar Burger
Kaspar Burger

H-Index: 10

Juan Carlos Castillo
Juan Carlos Castillo

H-Index: 18

Alejandro Ecker
Alejandro Ecker

H-Index: 7

Achim Edelmann
Achim Edelmann

H-Index: 7

Andrea Forster
Andrea Forster

H-Index: 3

Danilo Freire
Danilo Freire

H-Index: 4

Konstantin Gavras
Konstantin Gavras

H-Index: 4

Theresa Gessler
Theresa Gessler

H-Index: 4

Amélie Godefroidt
Amélie Godefroidt

H-Index: 5

Sebastian Hellmeier
Sebastian Hellmeier

H-Index: 6

Stefanie Heyne
Stefanie Heyne

H-Index: 7

Mikael Hjerm
Mikael Hjerm

H-Index: 23

Christian Hunkler
Christian Hunkler

H-Index: 12

Nora Huth
Nora Huth

H-Index: 0

Laura Jacobs
Laura Jacobs

H-Index: 10

Jannes Jacobsen
Jannes Jacobsen

H-Index: 6

Bastian Jaeger
Bastian Jaeger

H-Index: 9

Salman Khan
Salman Khan

H-Index: 8

Katharina Kunißen
Katharina Kunißen

H-Index: 2

David Liu
David Liu

H-Index: 22

Matthias Mader
Matthias Mader

H-Index: 11

Nicole Martin
Nicole Martin

H-Index: 25

Paul Martinez
Paul Martinez

H-Index: 2

Jochen Mayerl
Jochen Mayerl

H-Index: 14

Robert Myles Mcdonnell
Robert Myles Mcdonnell

H-Index: 1

Cecil Meeusen
Cecil Meeusen

H-Index: 15

Jonathan Mellon
Jonathan Mellon

H-Index: 19

Friedolin Merhout
Friedolin Merhout

H-Index: 4

Daniel Meyer
Daniel Meyer

H-Index: 15

Marcel Neunhoeffer
Marcel Neunhoeffer

H-Index: 4

Daniel Nüst
Daniel Nüst

H-Index: 8

Olav Nygård
Olav Nygård

H-Index: 1

Gunnar Otte
Gunnar Otte

H-Index: 12

Mark Pickup
Mark Pickup

H-Index: 15

Christopher Prosser
Christopher Prosser

H-Index: 15

Miguel Ramos
Miguel Ramos

H-Index: 4

Frank Reichert
Frank Reichert

H-Index: 10

Arne Roets
Arne Roets

H-Index: 30

Jonathan Rogers
Jonathan Rogers

H-Index: 4

Robin Samuel
Robin Samuel

H-Index: 12

Ariela Schachter
Ariela Schachter

H-Index: 7

Merlin Schaeffer
Merlin Schaeffer

H-Index: 15

Elmar Schlueter
Elmar Schlueter

H-Index: 15

Regine Schmidt
Regine Schmidt

H-Index: 1

Jürgen Schneider
Jürgen Schneider

H-Index: 9

Martijn Schoonvelde
Martijn Schoonvelde

H-Index: 9

Julia Schulte-Cloos
Julia Schulte-Cloos

H-Index: 4

Sandy Schumann
Sandy Schumann

H-Index: 7

Reinhard Schunck
Reinhard Schunck

H-Index: 15

Jürgen Schupp
Jürgen Schupp

H-Index: 39

V-Dem is a unique approach to measuring democracy–historical, multidimensional, nuanced, and disaggregated–employing state-of-the-art methodology.


See List of Professors in Sebastian Hellmeier University(Göteborgs universitet)

