Rohit Ramachandran

About Rohit Ramachandran

Rohit Ramachandran, With an exceptional h-index of 44 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, specializes in the field of Process systems engineering, particle technology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Numerical modeling of fill-level and residence time in starve-fed single-screw extrusion: a dimensionality reduction study from a 3D CFD model to a 2D convection-diffusion model

Semi-Mechanistic Prediction and Optimization of Residence Time Metrics of a Starve-Fed Extruder via a Hybrid Machine-Learning Convection–Diffusion Model

Investigating the Effects of Mixing Dynamics on Twin-Screw Granule Quality Attributes via the Development of a Physics-Based Process Map

Quantitative analysis of the effects of multi-component formulation parameters on granule and tablet properties via a combined population balance and statistical predictive model

Optimizing Energy Efficiency of a Twin-Screw Granulation Process in Real-Time Using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network

End-point determination of heterogeneous formulations using inline torque measurements for a high-shear wet granulation process

Energy efficient smart manufacturing of pharmaceutical solid oral dosage forms

Twin-screw granulation: Mechanistic understanding of the effect of material properties on key granule quality attributes through the analysis of mixing dynamics and granulation …

Rohit Ramachandran Information



Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Rohit Ramachandran Skills & Research Interests

Process systems engineering

particle technology

Top articles of Rohit Ramachandran

Numerical modeling of fill-level and residence time in starve-fed single-screw extrusion: a dimensionality reduction study from a 3D CFD model to a 2D convection-diffusion model

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology


Michael Roland
Michael Roland

H-Index: 7

Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Semi-Mechanistic Prediction and Optimization of Residence Time Metrics of a Starve-Fed Extruder via a Hybrid Machine-Learning Convection–Diffusion Model

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Investigating the Effects of Mixing Dynamics on Twin-Screw Granule Quality Attributes via the Development of a Physics-Based Process Map



Lalith Kotamarthy
Lalith Kotamarthy

H-Index: 1

Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Quantitative analysis of the effects of multi-component formulation parameters on granule and tablet properties via a combined population balance and statistical predictive model

Powder Technology


Jingzhe Li
Jingzhe Li

H-Index: 3

Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Optimizing Energy Efficiency of a Twin-Screw Granulation Process in Real-Time Using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network

ACS Engineering Au


Chaitanya Sampat
Chaitanya Sampat

H-Index: 1

Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

End-point determination of heterogeneous formulations using inline torque measurements for a high-shear wet granulation process

International Journal of Pharmaceutics: X


Jingzhe Li
Jingzhe Li

H-Index: 3

Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Energy efficient smart manufacturing of pharmaceutical solid oral dosage forms

Journal of Medical Science


Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Twin-screw granulation: Mechanistic understanding of the effect of material properties on key granule quality attributes through the analysis of mixing dynamics and granulation …

Advanced Powder Technology


Lalith Kotamarthy
Lalith Kotamarthy

H-Index: 1

Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Multi-dimensional population balance model development using a breakage mode probability kernel for prediction of multiple granule attributes

Pharmaceutical Development and Technology


Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

An integrated data management and informatics framework for continuous drug product manufacturing processes: A case study on two pilot plants

International Journal of Pharmaceutics


Designing a novel continuous manufacturing plant with superior monitoring and control

European Pharmaceutical Review


Inhibiting PAC1 receptor internalization and endosomal ERK pathway activation may ameliorate hyperalgesia in a chronic migraine rat model



Optimization of key energy and performance metrics for drug product manufacturing

International Journal of Pharmaceutics


Understanding the effects of process parameters and material properties on the breakage mechanisms and regimes of a milling process

Chemical Engineering Research and Design


Lalith Kotamarthy
Lalith Kotamarthy

H-Index: 1

Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Development of a granule growth regime map for twin screw wet granulation process via data imputation techniques



Enabling energy‐efficient manufacturing of pharmaceutical solid oral dosage forms via integrated techno‐economic analysis and advanced process modeling

Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing


Risk assessment for a twin-screw granulation process using a supervised physics-constrained auto-encoder and support vector machine framework

Pharmaceutical research


Chaitanya Sampat
Chaitanya Sampat

H-Index: 1

Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Investigating the effects of material properties on the mixing dynamics of cohesive particles in a twin screw mixer using a discrete element method approach

Powder Technology


Rohit Ramachandran
Rohit Ramachandran

H-Index: 29

Recent advances in integrated process analytical techniques, modeling, and control strategies to enable continuous biomanufacturing of monoclonal antibodies


Optimization of screw design for continuous wet granulation: A Case Study of metoprolol succinate ER tablets

International Journal of Pharmaceutics


See List of Professors in Rohit Ramachandran University(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)