Rodrigo Scherer

Rodrigo Scherer

Universidade Vila Velha

H-index: 31

Latin America-Brazil

About Rodrigo Scherer

Rodrigo Scherer, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Vila Velha, specializes in the field of Food science, Natural products, Coffee science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Chemical and sensory profile of new genotypes of Brazilian Coffea canephora.

New thymol-derived triazole exhibits promising activity against Trichophyton rubrum

Polyphenols, antioxidants, and wound healing of Lecythis pisonis seed coats

Influence of Maternal Dietary Pattern on the Pro-Oxidant and Antioxidant Status of Mother’s Own Milk

Nutritional composition and antioxidant and cancer chemopreventive activities of fruits of Psidiummyrtoides (O. Berg)

Composição nutricional e atividades antioxidante e quimiopreventiva de câncer de frutos de Psidium myrtoides (O. Berg)

Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) beverage spontaneously fermented

Influence of maturation and roasting on the quality and chemical composition of new conilon coffee cultivar by chemometrics

Rodrigo Scherer Information



Full Professor



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Rodrigo Scherer Skills & Research Interests

Food science

Natural products

Coffee science

Top articles of Rodrigo Scherer

Chemical and sensory profile of new genotypes of Brazilian Coffea canephora.

Food chemistry


Paulo Roberto Filgueiras
Paulo Roberto Filgueiras

H-Index: 21

Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

New thymol-derived triazole exhibits promising activity against Trichophyton rubrum

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology


Marcio Fronza
Marcio Fronza

H-Index: 18

Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Polyphenols, antioxidants, and wound healing of Lecythis pisonis seed coats

Planta Medica


Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Influence of Maternal Dietary Pattern on the Pro-Oxidant and Antioxidant Status of Mother’s Own Milk

Journal of Human Lactation


Nutritional composition and antioxidant and cancer chemopreventive activities of fruits of Psidiummyrtoides (O. Berg)

Ciência Rural


Marcio Fronza
Marcio Fronza

H-Index: 18

Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Composição nutricional e atividades antioxidante e quimiopreventiva de câncer de frutos de Psidium myrtoides (O. Berg)

Ciência Rural


Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) beverage spontaneously fermented

Semina: Ciências Agrárias


Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Christiane Mileib Vasconcelos
Christiane Mileib Vasconcelos

H-Index: 7

Influence of maturation and roasting on the quality and chemical composition of new conilon coffee cultivar by chemometrics

Food Research International


Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Plant stem cell extract from Coffea canephora shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and skin regenerative properties mediated by suppression of nuclear factor-κB

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research


Synthesis of novel glycerol-fluorinated triazole derivatives and evaluation of their phytotoxic and cytogenotoxic activities

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências


Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

CGAs-Rich Conilon Coffee Consumption Improves Cognition and Reduces Oxidative Stress in Elderly with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Pilot Study

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease


Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Jejum intermitente associado ao café melhora o perfil lipídico e esteatose hepática em ratos wistar hiperlipidêmicos

Research, Society and Development


Marcio Fronza
Marcio Fronza

H-Index: 18

Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Chemical characterization and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential of fruits of Eugenia candolleana DC

Research, Society and Development


Synthesis of glycerol-fluorinated triazole derivatives and evaluation of their fungicidal activity

Química Nova


Vagner Tebaldi De Queiroz
Vagner Tebaldi De Queiroz

H-Index: 12

Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Efeitos do grau de maturação de grãos de Café Conilon sobre o perfil químico, sensorial e atividades antioxidante e antiflamatória.

Publicação em Anais de Congresso


Efeitos da maturação de café conilon sobre o perfil químico, sensorial, e atividades antioxidante e quimiopreventiva de câncer.

Publicação em Anais de Congresso


Chlorogenic acid and caffeine contents and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of green beans of conilon and arabica coffees harvested with different degrees of maturation

Journal of Saudi Chemical Society


Marcio Fronza
Marcio Fronza

H-Index: 18

Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Atividades quimiopreventiva de câncer e antioxidante de sementes, casca e polpa de uvas híbridas Maximo (IAC 138-22) em cinco diferentes estágios de maturação

Ciência Rural


Marcio Fronza
Marcio Fronza

H-Index: 18

Rodrigo Scherer
Rodrigo Scherer

H-Index: 20

Kefir improves blood parameters and reduces cardiovascular risks in patients with metabolic syndrome



In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory activity and chemical composition of Renealmia petasites Gagnep



See List of Professors in Rodrigo Scherer University(Universidade Vila Velha)