Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

About Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tarbiat Modares University, specializes in the field of Materials Science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Hydrothermal synthesis of a novel self-assembled blade-shaped bismuth sulfide with morphological control via kinetics study for photocatalytic application

A novel process for extracting bismuth from high iron content copper smelting dust by magnetic separation and leaching process

Morphology Dependent Electrochemical Performance of Hydrothermally Synthesized Birnessite-Type Manganese Dioxide in Aqueous Aluminum Ion Batteries

Low mass loading of graphene quantum dots on titanium nitride nanotube arrays for boosting capacity and operating voltage of symmetric supercapacitor in an aqueous electrolyte

Porous NiMoO4-NrGO as a Battery-Like Electrode Material for Aqueous Hybrid Supercapacitors

A new strategy for the preparation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes/NiMoO4 nanostructures for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors

Structural, electronic, and electrochemical studies of WS2 phases using density functional theory and machine learning

Correction: Synthesis of manganese molybdate/MWCNT nanostructure composite with a simple approach for supercapacitor applications

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Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory Skills & Research Interests

Materials Science

Top articles of Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

Hydrothermal synthesis of a novel self-assembled blade-shaped bismuth sulfide with morphological control via kinetics study for photocatalytic application

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids


Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Amin Yourdkhani
Amin Yourdkhani

H-Index: 9

A novel process for extracting bismuth from high iron content copper smelting dust by magnetic separation and leaching process

Minerals Engineering


Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Amin Yourdkhani
Amin Yourdkhani

H-Index: 9

Morphology Dependent Electrochemical Performance of Hydrothermally Synthesized Birnessite-Type Manganese Dioxide in Aqueous Aluminum Ion Batteries

Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 244


Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Andreas Bund
Andreas Bund

H-Index: 29

Michael Stich
Michael Stich

H-Index: 7

Low mass loading of graphene quantum dots on titanium nitride nanotube arrays for boosting capacity and operating voltage of symmetric supercapacitor in an aqueous electrolyte

Journal of Energy Storage


Porous NiMoO4-NrGO as a Battery-Like Electrode Material for Aqueous Hybrid Supercapacitors

Journal of Composites Science


Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

A new strategy for the preparation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes/NiMoO4 nanostructures for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors

Journal of Energy Storage


Kian Yousefipour
Kian Yousefipour

H-Index: 2

Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Structural, electronic, and electrochemical studies of WS2 phases using density functional theory and machine learning

Physica B: Condensed Matter


Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Amin Yourdkhani
Amin Yourdkhani

H-Index: 9

Correction: Synthesis of manganese molybdate/MWCNT nanostructure composite with a simple approach for supercapacitor applications

RSC advances


Kian Yousefipour
Kian Yousefipour

H-Index: 2

Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Electrical and magnetic properties of Mg0. 85Co0. 15Fe2O4 ceramics with V2O5 additives

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics


Supercapacitive performance of Fe-doped nickel molybdate/rGO hybrids: The effect of rGO

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects


Solvothermal synthesis of W4S7F as a stable phase with metallic behaviour for energy storage

Journal of Power Sources


Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Amin Yourdkhani
Amin Yourdkhani

H-Index: 9

Preparation of titanium nitride/oxynitride nanotube array via ammonia-free PECVD method for enhancing supercapacitor performance

Journal of Alloys and Compounds


Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Hossein Aghajani
Hossein Aghajani

H-Index: 15

Supercapacitive properties of nickel molybdate/rGO hybrids prepared by the hydrothermal method

Surfaces and Interfaces


1T-WS2/Graphene on activated carbon cloth as a flexible electrode for wearable supercapacitors

Ceramics International


Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Amin Yourdkhani
Amin Yourdkhani

H-Index: 9

Improvements in the thermoelectric efficiency of SrTiO3 through donor doping

Ceramics International


Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

Amin Yourdkhani
Amin Yourdkhani

H-Index: 9

Magnetic and electrical properties of Mg1-xCoxFe2O4 (x= 0-0.15) ceramics prepared by the solid-state method

Journal of the European Ceramic Society


Influence of sol concentration on FTO nanopowders synthesized by co-precipitation method for solar cell applications


Synthesis of manganese molybdate/MWCNT nanostructure composite with a simple approach for supercapacitor applications

RSC advances


Kian Yousefipour
Kian Yousefipour

H-Index: 2

Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

How does water of crystallization influence the optical properties, band structure and photocatalytic activity of tungsten oxide?

Surfaces and Interfaces


Enhancing mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites by increasing the spark plasma sintering temperature

Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry


Hassan Nosrati
Hassan Nosrati

H-Index: 13

Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory
Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory

H-Index: 16

See List of Professors in Rasoul Sarraf-Mamoory University(Tarbiat Modares University)