Rajiv N. Rimal

Rajiv N. Rimal

Johns Hopkins University

H-index: 50

North America-United States

About Rajiv N. Rimal

Rajiv N. Rimal, With an exceptional h-index of 50 and a recent h-index of 37 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Johns Hopkins University, specializes in the field of public health, social and behavior change, social norms, risk communication, strategic communication.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Knowledge, attitudes, and intentions regarding COVID-19 vaccination in the general population and the effect of different framing messages for a brief video on intentions to …

How Social Norms Can Diffuse through Social Networks: A Study of Childhood Vaccination Attitudes and Norms in Varanasi, India

COVID-19 vaccination among different types of US Healthcare Personnel

Social network analysis of COVID-19 vaccine YouTube videos in Odisha, India: mapping the channel network and analyzing comment sentiment

The role of social norms on adolescent family planning in rural Kilifi county, Kenya

Production of vaccination videos in India: learnings from a science-art partnership

Improving bystander self-efficacy to prevent violence against women through interpersonal communication using mobile phone entertainment education: Randomized controlled trial

COVID-19 vaccination attitudes, values, intentions: US parents for their children, September 2021

Rajiv N. Rimal Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Rajiv N. Rimal Skills & Research Interests

public health

social and behavior change

social norms

risk communication

strategic communication

Top articles of Rajiv N. Rimal




Publication Date

Knowledge, attitudes, and intentions regarding COVID-19 vaccination in the general population and the effect of different framing messages for a brief video on intentions to …

Patient Education and Counseling

Alexander J Zapf

Holly B Schuh

Matthew Z Dudley

Rajiv N Rimal

Steven A Harvey



How Social Norms Can Diffuse through Social Networks: A Study of Childhood Vaccination Attitudes and Norms in Varanasi, India

Neil Alperstein

Rajiv Rimal

Amelia Jamison

Rohini Ganjoo

Paola Pascual-Ferra



COVID-19 vaccination among different types of US Healthcare Personnel


Matthew Z Dudley

Holly B Schuh

Jana Shaw

Rajiv N Rimal

Steven A Harvey



Social network analysis of COVID-19 vaccine YouTube videos in Odisha, India: mapping the channel network and analyzing comment sentiment

BMC proceedings

Neil Alperstein

Paola Pascual-Ferrá

Rohini Ganjoo

Ananya Bhaktaram

Julia Burleson



The role of social norms on adolescent family planning in rural Kilifi county, Kenya

PloS one

Shaon Lahiri

Jeffrey Bingenheimer

Erica Sedlander

Wolfgang Munar

Rajiv Rimal


Production of vaccination videos in India: learnings from a science-art partnership

BMC public health

Julia Burleson

Rohini Ganjoo

Sidharth Rath

Nilambar Rath

Ananya Bhaktaram



Improving bystander self-efficacy to prevent violence against women through interpersonal communication using mobile phone entertainment education: Randomized controlled trial

JMIR formative research

Ichhya Pant

Bee-Ah Kang

Rajiv Rimal


COVID-19 vaccination attitudes, values, intentions: US parents for their children, September 2021


Matthew Z Dudley

Benjamin Schwartz

Janesse Brewer

Lilly Kan

Roger Bernier



Rumour spread and control during the West African Ebola epidemic in Liberia


Monique Mitchell Turner

Skylar Lisse

Rajiv Rimal

Tamah Kamlem

Hina Shaikh



Evaluation of online videos to engage viewers and support decision-making for COVID-19 vaccination: how narratives and race/ethnicity enhance viewer experiences

Frontiers in Public Health

Holly B Schuh

Rajiv N Rimal

Robert F Breiman

Peter Z Orton

Matthew Z Dudley



Adapting and Validating the G‐NORM (Gender Norms Scale) in Nepal: An Examination of How Gender Norms Are Associated with Agency and Reproductive Health Outcomes

Studies in family planning

Erica Sedlander

Minakshi Dahal

Jeffrey Bart Bingenheimer

Mahesh C Puri

Rajiv N Rimal



Correction: Social network analysis of COVID-19 vaccine YouTube videos in Odisha, India: mapping the channel network and analyzing comment sentiment

BMC proceedings

Neil Alperstein

Paola Pascual-Ferrá

Rohini Ganjoo

Ananya Bhaktaram

Julia Burleson



peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations

Ichhya Pant

Lipika Patro

Erica Sedlander

Shikha Chandrana

Rajiv Rimal


If fear of infertility restricts contraception use, what do we know about this fear? An examination in rural Ethiopia

Reproductive health

Erica Sedlander

Hagere Yilma

Dessalew Emaway

Rajiv N Rimal


Is the Risk Perception Attitude Framework Associated with the Accuracy of Self-Reported vs Actual Cardiometabolic Risk and Physical Activity in Young Adults with Overweight …

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

Loretta DiPietro

Rajiv Rimal

Ashley H Tjaden

Caitlin P Bailey

Melissa A Napolitano


The g-NORM scale: Development and validation of a theory-based gender norms scale

Sex roles

Erica Sedlander

Jeffrey B Bingenheimer

Michael W Long

Minati Swain

Rajiv N Rimal


Creation, dissemination, and evaluation of videos to promote COVID-19 vaccination in India: A research protocol

Rohini Ganjoo

Ananya Bhaktaram

Amelia Jamison


What moves young people? Applying the risk perception attitude framework to physical activity behavior and cardiometabolic risk

Translational behavioral medicine

Melissa A Napolitano

Ashley Hogan Tjaden

Caitlin P Bailey

Loretta DiPietro

Rajiv Rimal


Multilevel theorizing in health communication: Integrating the Risk Perception Attitude (RPA) framework and the Theory of Normative Social Behavior (TNSB)

PloS one

Hagere Yilma

Rajiv N Rimal

Manoj Parida


Descriptive, injunctive, and collective norms: An expansion of the theory of normative social behavior (TNSB)

Health communication

Rajiv N Rimal

Hagere Yilma


See List of Professors in Rajiv N. Rimal University(Johns Hopkins University)