Pushpa Choudhary

About Pushpa Choudhary

Pushpa Choudhary, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, specializes in the field of Road Safety, Intelligent Transportation System, Road user behaviour, Human factors in Transportation, Accident analysis.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Examining Risky Driving Behaviours: A Comparative Analysis of SUVs and Other Car Types

Traffic noise modelling at intersections in mid-sized cities: an artificial neural network approach

Investigating important and necessary conditions to analyse traffic noise levels at intersections in mid-sized cities

Temporal and spatial compliance behaviour of pedestrians under the influence of time pressure at signalized intersections: A pedestrian simulator study

Understanding distracted pedestrians’ risky behaviour: The role of walking and visual characteristics through a field study

Safety science special issue “safety in low-and middle-income countries”

Is there a relationship between time pressure and pedestrian non-compliance? A systematic review

Perceived risk vs actual driving performance during distracted driving: A comparative analysis of phone use and other secondary distractions

Pushpa Choudhary Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Pushpa Choudhary Skills & Research Interests

Road Safety

Intelligent Transportation System

Road user behaviour

Human factors in Transportation

Accident analysis

Top articles of Pushpa Choudhary

Examining Risky Driving Behaviours: A Comparative Analysis of SUVs and Other Car Types

Transport Policy


Traffic noise modelling at intersections in mid-sized cities: an artificial neural network approach

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment


Investigating important and necessary conditions to analyse traffic noise levels at intersections in mid-sized cities

Journal of Environmental Management


Manoranjan Parida
Manoranjan Parida

H-Index: 15

Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Temporal and spatial compliance behaviour of pedestrians under the influence of time pressure at signalized intersections: A pedestrian simulator study

Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)


Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Understanding distracted pedestrians’ risky behaviour: The role of walking and visual characteristics through a field study

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour


Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Safety science special issue “safety in low-and middle-income countries”


Is there a relationship between time pressure and pedestrian non-compliance? A systematic review


Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Perceived risk vs actual driving performance during distracted driving: A comparative analysis of phone use and other secondary distractions

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour


Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Akshay Gupta
Akshay Gupta

H-Index: 3

Modeling phone use prevalence and risk assessment among long-haul truck drivers in India

IATSS research


Modelling work-and non-work-based trip patterns during transition to lockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic in India

Travel Behaviour and Society


Overall performance impairment and crash risk due to distracted driving: A comprehensive analysis using structural equation modelling

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour


Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Nagendra R Velaga
Nagendra R Velaga

H-Index: 21

Impact of distraction on decision making at the onset of yellow signal

Transportation research part C: emerging technologies


Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Nagendra R Velaga
Nagendra R Velaga

H-Index: 21

Bus arrival time prediction and measure of uncertainties using survival models

IET Intelligent Transport Systems


Nagendra R Velaga
Nagendra R Velaga

H-Index: 21

Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Modelling braking behaviour and accident probability of drivers under increasing time pressure conditions

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Nagendra R Velaga
Nagendra R Velaga

H-Index: 21

Assessing and Modelling Perceived Safety and Comfort of Women during Ridesharing

Transportation Research Procedia


Pushpa Choudhary
Pushpa Choudhary

H-Index: 10

Nagendra R Velaga
Nagendra R Velaga

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Pushpa Choudhary University(Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)

