Piero Calosi

About Piero Calosi

Piero Calosi, With an exceptional h-index of 45 and a recent h-index of 36 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université du Québec à Rimouski, specializes in the field of Evolutionary Marine Physiology, Global Change Biology, Macrophysiology, Transgenerational Plasticity, Rarity.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

MetaR, a global database on metabolic rates of ectotherms

Using a metabolomics approach to investigate the sensitivity of a potential Arctic-invader and its Arctic sister-species to marine heatwaves and traditional harvesting disturbances

Short-term exposure to high pCO2 leads to decreased branchial cytochrome C oxidase activity in the presence of octopamine in a decapod

Ocean deoxygenation caused non‐linear responses in the structure and functioning of benthic ecosystems

Temperate species underfill their tropical thermal potentials on land

The role of octopamine and crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) in branchial acid–base regulation in the European green crab, Carcinus maenas

Northern shrimp from multiple origins show similar sensitivity to global change drivers, but different cellular energetic capacity

Present and future impacts of ocean acidification on the American lobster in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

Piero Calosi Information



Professor of Marine Evolutionary Physiology @



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Piero Calosi Skills & Research Interests

Evolutionary Marine Physiology

Global Change Biology


Transgenerational Plasticity


Top articles of Piero Calosi

MetaR, a global database on metabolic rates of ectotherms


Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Using a metabolomics approach to investigate the sensitivity of a potential Arctic-invader and its Arctic sister-species to marine heatwaves and traditional harvesting disturbances

Science of the Total Environment


Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Short-term exposure to high pCO2 leads to decreased branchial cytochrome C oxidase activity in the presence of octopamine in a decapod

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology


Ocean deoxygenation caused non‐linear responses in the structure and functioning of benthic ecosystems

Global Change Biology


Temperate species underfill their tropical thermal potentials on land

Nature Ecology & Evolution


The role of octopamine and crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) in branchial acid–base regulation in the European green crab, Carcinus maenas

Journal of Comparative Physiology B


Northern shrimp from multiple origins show similar sensitivity to global change drivers, but different cellular energetic capacity

Journal of Experimental Biology


Fanny Noisette
Fanny Noisette

H-Index: 12

Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Present and future impacts of ocean acidification on the American lobster in the Gulf of St. Lawrence


Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Zhi-Ping Mei
Zhi-Ping Mei

H-Index: 10

All roads lead to Rome: inter-origin variation in metabolomics reprogramming of the northern shrimp exposed to global changes leads to a comparable physiological status

Frontiers in Marine Science


Global patterns of thermal niche filling in ectotherms


The lack of genetic variation underlying thermal transcriptomic plasticity suggests limited adaptability of the Northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution


Audrey Bourret
Audrey Bourret

H-Index: 8

Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Climate warming erodes tropical reef habitat through frequency and intensity of episodic hypoxia

PLOS Climate


Fanny Vermandele
Fanny Vermandele

H-Index: 4

Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Ocean acidification causes fundamental changes in the cellular metabolism of the Arctic copepod Calanus glacialis as detected by metabolomic analysis

Scientific Reports


Limited behavioural effects of ocean acidification on a Mediterranean anemone goby (Gobius incognitus) chronically exposed to elevated CO2 levels

Marine Environmental Research


Elevated temperature and carbon dioxide levels alter growth rates and shell composition in the fluted giant clam, Tridacna squamosa

Scientific Reports


Sue-Ann Watson
Sue-Ann Watson

H-Index: 28

Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Integrating laboratory experiments and biogeographic modelling approaches to understand sensitivity to ocean warming in rare and common marine annelids



Roberto Simonini
Roberto Simonini

H-Index: 12

Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Metabolic rate thermal plasticity in the marine annelid Ophryotrocha labronica across two successive generations

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom


Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Fanny Noisette
Fanny Noisette

H-Index: 12

Vulnérabilité des populations de crevette nordique (Pandalus boréalis) aux changements climatiques et globaux le long de la cote Est du Canada: de la ressources naturelle aux …


Fanny Noisette
Fanny Noisette

H-Index: 12

Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Modelling ocean acidification effects with life stage-specific responses alters spatiotemporal patterns of catch and revenues of American lobster, Homarus americanus

Scientific Reports


Piero Calosi
Piero Calosi

H-Index: 33

Tolerant larvae and sensitive juveniles: Integrating metabolomics and whole-organism responses to define life-stage specific sensitivity to ocean acidification in the American …



See List of Professors in Piero Calosi University(Université du Québec à Rimouski)

