Philip N Smith

Philip N Smith

Texas Tech University

H-index: 27

North America-United States

About Philip N Smith

Philip N Smith, With an exceptional h-index of 27 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Texas Tech University, specializes in the field of ecotoxicology, risk assessment, wildlife toxicology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

USEPA CALPUFF validation and dispersion modeling of beef cattle feedlot PM10 and PM2. 5 emissions factors

Laboratory Determination of Particulate‐Matter–Bound Agrochemical Toxicity among Honeybees, Mason Bees, and Painted Lady Butterflies

Atmospheric transport of particulate matter and particulate-bound agrochemicals from beef cattle feedlots: human health implications for downwind agricultural communities

Bee Pollinator Mortality Due to Pesticide-Laden Particulate Matter from Beef Cattle Feedyards

A novel laboratory method for simulating pollinator exposure to agrochemical-laden particulate matter

Atmospheric deposition of particulate matter from beef cattle feedlots is a likely contributor of pyrethroid occurrence in isolated wetland sediment: Source apportionment and …

Agrochemical occurrence on colocated wildflowers and wild bees collected near beef cattle feed yards and row crops

Use of nest bundles to monitor agrochemical exposure and effects among cavity nesting pollinators

Philip N Smith Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Philip N Smith Skills & Research Interests


risk assessment

wildlife toxicology

Top articles of Philip N Smith

USEPA CALPUFF validation and dispersion modeling of beef cattle feedlot PM10 and PM2. 5 emissions factors

Atmospheric Environment


Laboratory Determination of Particulate‐Matter–Bound Agrochemical Toxicity among Honeybees, Mason Bees, and Painted Lady Butterflies

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


Frank B Green
Frank B Green

H-Index: 2

Philip N Smith
Philip N Smith

H-Index: 17

Atmospheric transport of particulate matter and particulate-bound agrochemicals from beef cattle feedlots: human health implications for downwind agricultural communities

Science of the Total Environment


Bee Pollinator Mortality Due to Pesticide-Laden Particulate Matter from Beef Cattle Feedyards

Environmental Science & Technology


A novel laboratory method for simulating pollinator exposure to agrochemical-laden particulate matter



Frank B Green
Frank B Green

H-Index: 2

Philip N Smith
Philip N Smith

H-Index: 17

Atmospheric deposition of particulate matter from beef cattle feedlots is a likely contributor of pyrethroid occurrence in isolated wetland sediment: Source apportionment and …

Environmental Pollution


Agrochemical occurrence on colocated wildflowers and wild bees collected near beef cattle feed yards and row crops

Integrated environmental assessment and management


Use of nest bundles to monitor agrochemical exposure and effects among cavity nesting pollinators

Environmental Pollution


Philip N Smith
Philip N Smith

H-Index: 17

Assessment of risks to listed species from the use of atrazine in the USA: A perspective.


The Meat of the Matter: Environmental Dissemination of Beef Cattle Agrochemicals.

Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry


Philip N Smith
Philip N Smith

H-Index: 17

Toxic responses of blue orchard mason bees (Osmia lignaria) following contact exposure to neonicotinoids, macrocyclic lactones, and pyrethroids

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety


Frank B Green
Frank B Green

H-Index: 2

Philip N Smith
Philip N Smith

H-Index: 17

Pesticides used on beef cattle feed yards are aerially transported into the environment via particulate matter

Environmental Science & Technology


Frank B Green
Frank B Green

H-Index: 2

Philip N Smith
Philip N Smith

H-Index: 17

Aqueous ractopamine exposure below 0.22 mg/L has no effect on mortality, malformation, or growth of developing Xenopus laevis tadpoles

Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry


Philip N Smith
Philip N Smith

H-Index: 17

Exposure of foraging bees (Hymenoptera) to neonicotinoids in the US southern high plains

Environmental Entomology


Seenivasan Subbiah
Seenivasan Subbiah

H-Index: 13

Philip N Smith
Philip N Smith

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Philip N Smith University(Texas Tech University)

