Philip Bubeck

About Philip Bubeck

Philip Bubeck, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 31 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Potsdam,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Disaster risk reduction on stage: An empirical evaluation of community-based theatre as risk communication tool for coastal risk mitigation and ecosystem-based adaptation

Always on My Mind: Indications of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Those Affected by the 2021 Flood Event in the Ahr Valley, Germany

Community-based early warning systems in a changing climate: an empirical evaluation from coastal central Vietnam

Fatal incidents during the flood of July 2021 in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany: what can be learnt for future flood risk management?

A place‐based risk appraisal model for exploring residents’ attitudes toward nature‐based solutions to flood risks

Role of tourism on disaster recovery: A case study of Uttarakhand, India

Identifying and characterising individual flood precautionary behaviour dynamics from panel data

Explaining Changes in Threat Appraisal, Coping Appraisal, and Flood Risk-Reducing Behavior Using Panel Data From a Nation-Wide Survey in Germany

Philip Bubeck Information






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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Philip Bubeck

Disaster risk reduction on stage: An empirical evaluation of community-based theatre as risk communication tool for coastal risk mitigation and ecosystem-based adaptation

Progress in Disaster Science


Always on My Mind: Indications of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Those Affected by the 2021 Flood Event in the Ahr Valley, Germany



Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Community-based early warning systems in a changing climate: an empirical evaluation from coastal central Vietnam

Climate and Development


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Fatal incidents during the flood of July 2021 in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany: what can be learnt for future flood risk management?

Journal of Coastal and Riverine Flood Risk


Annegret Thieken
Annegret Thieken

H-Index: 40

Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

A place‐based risk appraisal model for exploring residents’ attitudes toward nature‐based solutions to flood risks

Risk analysis


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Annegret Thieken
Annegret Thieken

H-Index: 40

Role of tourism on disaster recovery: A case study of Uttarakhand, India

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Identifying and characterising individual flood precautionary behaviour dynamics from panel data

International journal of disaster risk reduction


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Paul Hudson
Paul Hudson

H-Index: 12

Explaining Changes in Threat Appraisal, Coping Appraisal, and Flood Risk-Reducing Behavior Using Panel Data From a Nation-Wide Survey in Germany

Environment and Behavior


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Analysing Emergency Response with an Online Survey of Local Residents following the July 2021 Flood Event in Western Germany

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Performance of the flood warning system in Germany in July 2021–insights from affected residents

Natural hazards and earth system sciences


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Drivers of migration intentions in coastal Vietnam under increased flood risk from sea level rise

Climatic Change


A comparison of flood-protective decision-making between German households and businesses

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change


Paul Hudson
Paul Hudson

H-Index: 12

Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Preferences of vulnerable social groups for ecosystem-based adaptation to flood risk in Central Vietnam

World Development


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22



Identifying different types of individual flood precautionary behaviour from panel data

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Paul Hudson
Paul Hudson

H-Index: 12

The vulnerability sourcebook and climate impact chains–a standardised framework for a climate vulnerability and risk assessment

International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Self‐stated recovery from flooding: Empirical results from a survey in Central Vietnam

Journal of Flood Risk Management


Understanding the implementation gap: policy-makers’ perceptions of ecosystem-based adaptation in Central Vietnam

Climate and Development


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Using panel data to understand the dynamics of human behavior in response to flooding

Risk Analysis


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Paul Hudson
Paul Hudson

H-Index: 12

Klimawandel in Deutschland: Risikowahrnehmung und Anpassung in privaten haushalten 2020

Climate Change in Germany: Risk Perception and Adaptation in Private Households


Philip Bubeck
Philip Bubeck

H-Index: 22

Annegret Thieken
Annegret Thieken

H-Index: 40

See List of Professors in Philip Bubeck University(Universität Potsdam)