Perran Boran

About Perran Boran

Perran Boran, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Marmara Üniversitesi, specializes in the field of Erken çocukluk dönemi uyku sorunları.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Turkish adaptation of the maternal cognition about infant sleep questionnaire

Effect of Oral Health Motivational Interviewing on Prevention of Early Childhood Caries: a Randomized Controlled Study

The differences in perinatal outcomes between refugee and resident mother–infant dyads: A retrospective study in Turkey between 2013 and 2018

Corrigendum to" Associations between sleep characteristics and glycemic variability in youth with type 1 diabetes"[Sleep Med. 109 (2023) 132-142]

The role of social support on the relationships between internet use and sleep problems in adolescents during COVID‐19 pandemic: a multicentre study

Delivering the Thinking Healthy Programme as a universal group intervention integrated into routine antenatal care: a randomized-controlled pilot study

The Notch1/CD22 signaling axis disrupts Treg function in SARS-CoV-2–associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children

Genel Pediatri Servisinde Kullanılan Pediatrik Dozaj Formu Olmayan İlaçların İncelenmesi: Tanımlayıcı Bir Çalışma.

Perran Boran Information



Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Profesörü



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Perran Boran Skills & Research Interests

Erken çocukluk dönemi uyku sorunları

Top articles of Perran Boran

Turkish adaptation of the maternal cognition about infant sleep questionnaire

Sleep Medicine: X


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Effect of Oral Health Motivational Interviewing on Prevention of Early Childhood Caries: a Randomized Controlled Study


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

The differences in perinatal outcomes between refugee and resident mother–infant dyads: A retrospective study in Turkey between 2013 and 2018

Health Care for Women International


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Corrigendum to" Associations between sleep characteristics and glycemic variability in youth with type 1 diabetes"[Sleep Med. 109 (2023) 132-142]

Sleep medicine


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

The role of social support on the relationships between internet use and sleep problems in adolescents during COVID‐19 pandemic: a multicentre study

Child and Adolescent Mental Health


Ahmet Ergin
Ahmet Ergin

H-Index: 18

Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Delivering the Thinking Healthy Programme as a universal group intervention integrated into routine antenatal care: a randomized-controlled pilot study

BMC psychiatry


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Atif Rahman
Atif Rahman

H-Index: 6

The Notch1/CD22 signaling axis disrupts Treg function in SARS-CoV-2–associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children

The Journal of Clinical Investigation


Genel Pediatri Servisinde Kullanılan Pediatrik Dozaj Formu Olmayan İlaçların İncelenmesi: Tanımlayıcı Bir Çalışma.

Türkiye Klinikleri Pediatri Dergisi


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Mesut Sancar
Mesut Sancar

H-Index: 15

Sleep assessment in preterm infants: Use of actigraphy and aEEG

Sleep Medicine


Eren Özek
Eren Özek

H-Index: 2

Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Effects of caffeine therapy for apnea of prematurity on sleep and neurodevelopment of preterm infants at 6 months of corrected age


Eren Özek
Eren Özek

H-Index: 2

Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Emzirme ve relaktasyon polikliniği başvurularını etkileyen faktörler: Maternal depresyon ve anksiyetenin rolü


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Anne sütünün nadir renkleri: Rusty pipe sendromu


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Single-Center Experience in Vaccination of Children in Special Risk Groups: A Multidisciplinary Institutional Consensus Protocol

Turkish Archives of Pediatrics


Associations between sleep characteristics and glycemic variability in youth with type 1 diabetes

Sleep Medicine


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Seeing the pandemic through children's eyes: Exploring Turkish children's views on COVID‐19 pandemic by focus‐group discussions

Child: Care, Health and Development


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Adaptation and integration of the thinking healthy programme into pregnancy schools in Istanbul, Turkey

BMC pregnancy and childbirth


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Atif Rahman
Atif Rahman

H-Index: 6

Young children's sleep patterns and problems in paediatric primary healthcare settings: a multicentre cross‐sectional study from a nationally representative sample

Journal of sleep research


Rates of emergency room visits and hospitalizations among refugee and resident children in a tertiary hospital in Turkey

European Journal of Pediatrics


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

Adrenal steroids reference ranges in infancy determined by LC-MS/MS

Pediatric Research


Çocuk Sağlığı İzlem Polikliniklerine Başvuran 6-36 ay arası çocukların uyku düzenleri ve uyku sorunları: çok merkezli kesitsel çalışma


Perran Boran
Perran Boran

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in Perran Boran University(Marmara Üniversitesi)