Patrick Gervais

About Patrick Gervais

Patrick Gervais, With an exceptional h-index of 52 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Bourgogne, specializes in the field of Food processing Biotechnology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Study and optimization of formulation parameters during freeze–drying cycles of model probiotic: Morphology characterization of lyophilisates by scanning electron microscopy

Study and optimization of freeze-drying cycles of model probiotic: Morphology characterization of Lyophilisates by SEM

Uloga fluidnosti membrane u povećanju stope preživljavanja sojeva bakterije Lactococcus lactis tijekom sušenja zamrzavanjem nakon uzgoja u kiselom mediju

Increased Survival of Lactococcus lactis Strains Subjected to Freeze-Drying after Cultivation in an Acid Medium: Involvement of Membrane Fluidity Cultivation in Acid Medium to …

Design of a new lyoprotectant increasing freeze-dried Lactobacillus strain survival to long-term storage

Increased xerotolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during an osmotic pressure ramp over several generations

Antioxidant properties of ergosterol and its role in yeast resistance to oxidation

Optimisation de la production de bactéries probiotiques déshydratées

Patrick Gervais Information



Professeur AgroSup Dijon /



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Patrick Gervais Skills & Research Interests

Food processing Biotechnology

Top articles of Patrick Gervais

Study and optimization of formulation parameters during freeze–drying cycles of model probiotic: Morphology characterization of lyophilisates by scanning electron microscopy

Drying Technology


Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

Study and optimization of freeze-drying cycles of model probiotic: Morphology characterization of Lyophilisates by SEM


Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

Uloga fluidnosti membrane u povećanju stope preživljavanja sojeva bakterije Lactococcus lactis tijekom sušenja zamrzavanjem nakon uzgoja u kiselom mediju

Food Technology and Biotechnology


Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

Increased Survival of Lactococcus lactis Strains Subjected to Freeze-Drying after Cultivation in an Acid Medium: Involvement of Membrane Fluidity Cultivation in Acid Medium to …

Food Technology and Biotechnology


Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

Design of a new lyoprotectant increasing freeze-dried Lactobacillus strain survival to long-term storage

BMC biotechnology


Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

Increased xerotolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during an osmotic pressure ramp over several generations

Microbial Biotechnology


Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

Antioxidant properties of ergosterol and its role in yeast resistance to oxidation



Optimisation de la production de bactéries probiotiques déshydratées


The molecular dynamics of bacterial spore and the role of calcium dipicolinate in core properties at the sub-nanosecond time-scale

Scientific Reports


Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

Methods for freeze-drying and rehydrating biologics


Comparison of two encapsulation processes to protect the commensal gut probiotic bacterium Faecalibacterium prausnitzii from the digestive tract

Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology


Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

Odile Chambin
Odile Chambin

H-Index: 23

Specific gaseous conditions significantly improve Lactobacillus casei and Escherichia coli survival to freeze drying and rehydration

Applied Food Biotechnology


Sebastien Dupont
Sebastien Dupont

H-Index: 13

Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

Experimental study and optimization of freeze-drying cycles of a model Casei type probiotic bacteria

Drying technology


Patrick Gervais
Patrick Gervais

H-Index: 26

See List of Professors in Patrick Gervais University(Université de Bourgogne)